The Regent's Maid. (A 2 sided story Part 4 )

in #fiction7 years ago

Part 3

Scottish01 side

hnmarshall side

This is a continuation of the story with an added twist thanks to @scottish01 and @hndmarshall

If you would like to join in the '2 sided story' check the comment below for details. 

“It’s not fair my Regent, I fear you have an advantage over me this night... wait I mean this day." The Regent smiled triumphantly to her companion and replied "Don’t be such a bore, of course I have an advantage; you should be content just to be keeping up with my horse.” 

Rose was insulted at first and then saw her mistress was just teasing and so decided to respond with a simple sticking out of the tongue.  

The Regent suddenly pulled her horse left across a stream leaving Rose a little bit stunned. Rose didn’t know the land as well as her Regent but soon caught up with her mistress and noticed the mood had now changed from a game to something more serious.

Picture source.  

“Is everything OK my Regent?” The Regent tried to dismiss the concern with a nod of the head, but Rose knew that expression and knew she was there to assist and take orders once more. Back in the castle the Regent had felt the boys disquiet, felt his hatred for her and her family. Now her concern was, maybe these enemies at her door were actually results of this growing hatred upon her land.

It had always been a concern revealing herself to the human upon her land. As for centuries she had lived in secret within her castle, just a whisper of folklore, but the world was changing. Her children had told her to embrace the new world, come out from the shadows. 

But now her fear had been justified. As she rode closer, she was convinced her next target was human and one of her own resident. The closer she rode the more it screamed of a coup. Her enemy was not the slayers; they were just the weapon who had been called into assist. It was becoming clearer now. The Scottish villagers were rising up and she was beast they hunted.

A mile later as they came into a clearing the regent slide from her saddle mid gallop and tackled a young man to the ground. “Do not struggle or I will separate your head from your shoulders.” The lad didn’t take the warning and began to struggle. “Adam, I tell you again if you wish to live and see your mam again you will stop from wriggling.” The Regent pressed a blade to his throat. “I don’t wish to harm you, just want to talk a little.”

“I have nothing to say to you, spawn of…” the Regent pressed her blade against his larynx.

“I can grant your wish with a flick of my blade my child, but I would much prefer to keep them intact.” She ran her blade down his neck, her eyes continued down the rest of his body. “Such potential I sense in this little one Rose.” The Regent leant in and whispered in his ear. “Sleep.” And he became limp in her arms.

The Regent laid his body across her horses withes and climbed back in the saddle.

“Potential” Rose quizzed “Do you mean to turn him.”

The Regent laughed. “Hell no, Rose, mealy his blood is too exquisite to spill, I plan to enjoy this rare boy later at our feast.” Rose followed her mistress and did not press the subject any further, although she knew there must be another reason her Regent had saved the boy. 


Just for fun.

This is an invitation to other writers to join in. A story is always better if you get the other side of it.
So maybe you are you a member of The Regent's annoying vampire clan. Why have you brought this trouble to your Queen's door?
Or are you one of the slayers who have broken the pact and now crossed over into forbidden land. Who within the Regent's walls has wronged you, that you would risk death to hunt down?
Or are you just someone else...

If you would like to join in, here is how it works.

Write your side of the story on your own blog, include the link to my stories and leave the link to yours in the comments below.
Include 'A 2 sided story' in your title and use the tag 'a-2sidedstory'. That way all the stories will be kept together.
If you like someone else's addition continue on from theirs. ( add their link to your story and leave the link to your in their comments)
My hope the story will grow like a tree. It may end up going in many different directions and we might end up writing parallel stories. That is actually interesting and exciting. (Sliding Doors).
Anyway have fun and look forward to reading your 'side' of the story.

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