Is one ever too old to love?

in #humour6 years ago

Margaret sighed inwardly as her son begged her once more to reconsider, “please mom do yourself a favour…. and us, Frances and me.”

“Just explain it all to me just once more dear, because I’m not, as you young ones say, on the same page.
You’re asking me to give up my comfortable small cottage in the village of ‘retirees’ and move into a single room attached to the frail care centre where I will be molly coddled and treated like a half wit so that you two feel free to travel the world on your yacht and basically not worry about me.”

“Absolutely NOT mother dear. We want you to be happy and looked after. I suppose,” he added a little sheepishly, “ we would feel ,” he hesitated searching for the right word,

“ What you mean is that I’ll be off your consciences and out of your hair!
But what about me?” she demanded crisply. “I’m not ready to lose my independence and your suggestion that I stop driving my car, I’m only 89 dear Tom and perfectly capable.”

Tom recognised a stalemate when He saw one and looked at his watch and stood up to go. “I’m meeting Frances in 10 minutes. Goodbye mom, look after yourself. Please try to be more reasonable when we next come to see you.”

As fate would have it Margaret or Maggie as the other ‘oldies’ at the village called her, happened to trip over the hosepipe in her small colourful garden and sprained her ankle rather seriously.
The matron encouraged her to take advantage of the care facility in the attractive room set aside for short term patients. “Then you can rest completely and get better in two weeks, AND you can cheer us all up in the rather depressing frail care centre.” And so it was decided.

Tom and Frances were delighted to hear how easily she had transferred to the frail care centre. They were off on their yacht to Honolulu the following week and visited her at once.

“See mother, it’s really quite nice in here,” gushed Frances obviously relieved to have her mother in law’s fate settled.
“Now this is what we like to see,” said Tom in support.

Maggie buttoned her lip and simply smiled.
She knew that in a few days they would be gone and she would as matron had promised her, be back in her cosy beautiful home, quite independent once more.

3 weeks passed and Margaret received a long distance call from a tiny port in a far flung part of the world.

“What is this we hear Mother? Why aren’t you being looked after by all those lovely carers any more? Frances and I are really quite annoyed that you have gone deliberately against our wishes,” he stopped suddenly as a loud knocking came down the line as clear as though it were in the same room, “what’s that Mom? Who’s there?”

“Oh forgive me dear Tom but you’ve caught me at a bad time, sorry I must go,” and with a hiss and a loud click she was gone. Tom and Frances looked at each other in frustration. “Just when we had her pinned down,” their expressions said.

Meanwhile Maggie was primping her hair and checked that her lipstick was fresh, “just coming,” she chirruped, “the kettle is on for our regular cuppa." She opened the door “ how lovely to see you Alfred. Please do come inside, the scones will be out of the oven in 3 minutes,” she said with a radiant smile making her glow with happiness.


Copyright justjoy - all rights reserved.


I just love your story, @justjoy! Like I have said before, you are such a good writer :)

My grandfather lives by the rule "I am never too old". I admire him for that. I hope I will have his spirits when I am in my 80s :)

It's all in the mind actually.........that energy is obvious whatever the age and so attractive.
Thank you for your lovely comment. I do appreciate it.

Congratulations on your minnow status.
I wonder if you would be prepared to help me?I have very little idea about the hierarchy of steemit bloggers. I know that one works one's way up from minnow to whale! I have no idea how this happens and I am hoping you will be prepared to advise me.
I have been a blogger since October and am pleased to have 58 points but have no clue how to manage my wallet either.
I look forward to hearing from you.
I enjoyed your tribute to all those who helped you get to minnow status.

@insight-out and @justjoy I'll chime in here. Always feel free to ask me questions.

When you start off you are a plankton and stay that until you have 500 Steem Power (SP). You will then be considered a Minnow.

From there you stay a minnow from 500 up to 5,000 SP. This is why you become a Dolphin.

A fun way to keep track of all of this is the Redfish Power Up League. It costs nothing to join and your progress is tracked and you can see each week how you stack up against some people. It's also a great way to meet some new people.

Once you reach Minnow Status you can then join the Minnow Power Up League.

Both leagues are run by @paulag and the @steemcommunity Witness Group (including @abh12345). Speaking of @abh12345 you should take a look at his Curation and Engagement League and follow him for access to some great stats. He offers to pull different data from the blockchain from you on a pretty regular basis.

Couldn't have put it better myself, I'll have to send you something :)

Congratulations! You have just earned some ENGAGE Tokens.  Find them at

Looks like you linked to my League anniversary post, @thedarkhorse, so thank you very much for that. Great all around answer to @justjoy, too. :)

Funny how sometimes you make good mistakes. Didn't mean to link to your post, but it's a good one to visit. Just looked closer at

In case anyone wants to get direct to the Curation League here is the link:

I'll take the link, good mistake or on purpose. :) And for my part, thanks again for mentioning the engagement league.

Good to hear from you again. I have searched for that advice you gave me ages ago(I just was incapable of trying to follow it at the time) How would I go about finding that text? surely must be stored somewhere!
Thank you for not washing your hands completely!

Please read the reply below glenalbrethsen.
Thank you for the interest shown in me.

Oh, I am the worst person to explain all this. I am extremely slow in understanding Steemit. Actually, I saw a comment written to you in @pifc a few months ago and learned from it how to power up my SBD. Lol

Anyway, basically, you need to reach 500 SP to become a minnow and 10 000 SP (I think) to become a dolphin :) This will make your vote more powerful and you will be able to earn more from curation. The more you power up your Steem and SBD, the faster you will get there.

You earn Steem by others voting on your posts. So you need people to read and vote your posts. The best way to get more people following you is to engage more in different communities. And of course, to read and comment other's posts.

You can also take part in different initiatives which aim to help people become minnows. Personally, I was part of the @minnowbuilder and @tenkminnow programmes. You can always write to them, they are extremely accessible!

@roleerob has some great posts for Steembeginners. You can check this one and this one.

Do you know how to Power up your Steem and SBD?

I hope this was helpful!

Very helpful and such a lovely friendly tone. Much appreciated. I have a lot of homework to do.

Darkhorse advised me quite a few months ago andI have 'lost' his advice. I was so new at the time and was overwhelmed by the action required of me, so sadly I did nothing.
If you can explain it to me in simple terms I would be happy to take that route now.
Is it possible to find his advice from a few months ago?
Thanks for offering to help.

Well, I can't remember on what post he left his advice. Basically, you can trade your Steem and Steem Dollars for actual dollars or other cryptocurrencies and earn some money with your blog. However, the Steem price is low and you won't actually make much money :P

You can also try to "grow" and have more influence on Steemit. The more Steem Power you have, the more influence you get. To do that you should Power Up your Steem and SBD or in other words - turn it into Steem Power.

Go to your Wallet and click on the amount of your Steem. A drop-down menu comes out. When you choose "Power Up" a window comes out where you can write the amount of Steem you want to Power Up (turn it into Steem Power).

If you would like to Power Up your Steem Dollars, you must click again on the amount of Steem Dollars and sellect "Market" from the drop-down menu. It will lead you to a Market page where you can buy Steem with your Steem Dollars. Then you will have to repeat the "Power Up" steps to turn your newly bought Steem into Steem Power.

That's how you grow and become a Minnow, a Dolphin, or a Whale one day. Of course, you can do it more quickly if you just buy Steem (or invest in Steem) with some other Crypto Currency. You can do that using the green button on the upper right side of your Wallet Page.

I hope this is helpful! :)

Absolutely! I will follow these clear instructions - thank you for taking the time and considerable trouble to explain it so well. You sound like a teacher.
Have you invested in buying Steem? What is your opinion?

You sound like a teacher.

Haha :D I was kind of a teacher for two years :D

I haven't invested in buying Steem and I am not well informed about the crypto market. I joined Steemit for fun and in an attempt to protect my brain from getting rusty while I am on maternity leave :D

Thank you @insight-out, for providing links to @justjoy for my posts to answer a lot of questions we all have starting out on the Steem blockchain. A subtitle to both of them could be "getting off to a flying start" ...

If you choose to follow those links, I will be happy to answer any follow-up questions you may have.

P.S. Congratulations on the Curie award. A rightfully coveted award on our Steem blockchain, a tribute to the quality of what you are writing!! 👍

Thank you. I must admit that my mind is boggled but I am grateful for the interest shown by all of you. I certainly will do some homework. Thank you for offering to answer my questions.
I am on a touring holiday at the moment for another month, and wifi is not always available. I'm seeing this 'homework' as a long term project.

Certainly @justjoy. Happy to help. I and pretty much everyone else "in here" know what it is like to get started.

We want you ultimately to be happy with the decision you have made to "jump in" to the Steem blockchain. If you are, we all benefit!

Until we "meet" again, all the best to you for an even better tomorrow! 👍

P.S. Timing absolutely no problem. Just whatever works best for you.

Posted using Partiko Android

Thanks for the encouragement

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