First Year Anniversary With The Curation And Engagement Leagues

in #community6 years ago


Last year this week was the first time I placed on @abh12345's Engagement League list. If you look down a ways, you can see me debuting at No. 26.

You can also see my numbers:


That week, I had ten posts, 63 comments, 27 of those comments on other people's blogs, amassing 30,685 total characters (or 487 characters per comment). The rest of the categories have to do with witness votes, total upvotes, upvote spread, and self-voting.

The Engagement league had been recommended to me by @themanwithnoname, who you can see finished in the green. We'd connected some weeks prior, and while I'm not remembering the exact conversation (he might), it undoubtedly had something to do with how I was feeling about my short journey on STEEM to that point.

Less than three full months in, you see, I was ready to quit. I probably would have held out for a while longer (I'm stubborn that way), but I didn't feel like I was getting any traction, and dang it, I should be! I was posting, I was commenting and curating, and I was working over 12 hours a day. And I was tired of it. Tired of putting in the time and getting very little out of it.

When No Name mentioned the League, I thought to myself something along the lines of, Great. Something else to try that probably will go nowhere. I didn't tell him that, but it still took me a week or so to sign up for the League. I think I finally did because I went to the latest post then and saw all these numbers, and they instantly made me curious what mine were, and how I might rank among the top engagers.

Nothing like competition to get me involved and motivated.

Now, after all the self-pity I was feeling, imagine my surprise when I realized that what I was doing wasn't as awesome as I thought it was. I'd worked quite hard that week, too, from what I remember, and felt like I couldn't do much more. When I saw the results above, I realized what I thought was my best was not good enough. Not if I wanted to finish in the money (the green).

I guess I could have given up then, decided, Forget this. There's no way, and just disappeared like hundreds of thousands of others have done. Instead, with metrics to work with, I decided to redouble my efforts. That stubborn streak I mentioned earlier.

The next week looked like this:


Somehow, though I thought I was doing my absolute best, I managed to nearly triple my total comments, quadruple the characters, and move up the ladder 23 spots to No. 3. Even so, it still wasn't good enough for first place, as I was well over 12,000 points behind No. 1, @lynncoyle1.

Again, I guess I could have quit thinking this was way too hard. How much more could I really do in a week? But my competitive juices were kicking in, and I figured if I could triple output in one week, maybe I could do even more.


Well, I did. By the end of the following week, I added another 117 comments for a total of 301, over half of those on other blogs, and wrote over 190,000 characters. As a result, I wound up in first place.

Three weeks before this, I was on the verge of giving up. Throw in the towel. Maybe even burn bridges on my way out. Do you think I was ready to quit STEEM after I reached No. 1 on the Engagement League list? Not on your life. I had a newfound sense of purpose. And funny enough, it wasn't about winning the Engagement League (yes, it was the incentive). It was the fact that I could do so much more than I thought I could, that I was a part of something greater than self, something that would actually help the STEEM platform in so many ways, and that I needed to do more if I wanted to get anywhere on STEEM.

You see, it was a few weeks after that the amounts on my posts started to rise quite a bit. People were starting to get a sense of who I was, and they were taking time to look at my posts, and then deciding to upvote them. In the meantime, I was doing the same thing with them and quite a few others. No, I didn't upvote everything from everyone, and nor did they mine. The point is, I was being 'seen' for the first time, and it was because I had finally found out what the formula for STEEM success was, and I was finally getting to the minimum level for it.

Fast forward to this past week.


I'm still here, on STEEM and competing in the Engagement League, though well out of the top at No. 19. You can see there's more metrics, and yes, more colors. The scoring has changed (however they're computed, the scores come out much lower now), but you can see the numbers among the winners are still high. In some instances, very high.

I can't say it's been all a bed of roses in the intervening time. It hasn't. There's something about this place that repulses you as hard as it draws you in. That constant battering takes its toll. And yet, though I've fallen down the list, and occasionally fallen off, I've checked every week to see where I'm at, who won, and by how much.

More than anything else, this Engagement League has kept me on STEEM. Yes, there are people and nice-sized upvotes in that mix, but the League has been it, week after week after week. I suppose not everyone who has tried it will see it the way I do, just as I know many do. We're the ones still here, still plugging along, incrementally growing our stake.

Oh. Regarding that—a side note: By the end of March last year I had a fraction over 181.5 earned SP. As I wrote about it here I hope to have surpassed the 2,000 earned SP amount by the end of this month. No, that's not a whole lot, compared to what others do here, but that's okay. I know I've been doing it the slow and hard way.

And, when you have 181.5 SP, 2,000 looks like a lot.


If you need something to motivate you, if you're feeling like you're getting lost in a sea of posts and comments, if you feel like you can't do more, or you're ready to quit, I would urge you to join the Curation and Engagement Leagues. Even if it's just to see how much you're doing compared to others, or because you're looking for something more to be a part of, join the leagues. I can't guarantee anything—it will depend on you and what everyone else is doing as to how much success you have with the leagues, and outside of it with your own posts. In other words, results do vary.

I do, however, guarantee you an opportunity. An opportunity for purpose, and a renewed sense of community. While I can't speak for any of them, I believe those who continue to participate in the leagues feel purpose and a sense of community. I do, and if you'd like those things, or more of those things, I encourage and highly recommend you join the leagues.

All you have to do is go to @abh12345 blog, find his last leagues post, and make a comment that you would like to join the leagues. That's it. Asher will add you. If he doesn't right away, bug him until he does. Just be polite, please.

All images are from various Curation and Engagement Leagues posts by @abh12345.


Ah the good old days when I was still in the top 10 motivated and still cared about Steem, engagement and reading posts.

I had fallen off the Steem planet and sometimes visit from time to time but it's good to see you still here Glenn.

Hey! Look who it is!

It's really good to hear from you, @maverickinvictus.

re: good old days

It's weird, since it's only been a year, and because I wasn't really all that happy with what I was doing or what was happening on STEEM, but I miss those days, too. I really enjoyed the conversations I could have with all of you who were in the Top 10-20.

At the same time, it's not like STEEM is the end all of everything. There definitely should be and is more to life, so falling off isn't that big of a deal. I just marvel that I'm the one that's around. :) I'm not the likely candidate for this.

I hope things are good/better/getting better (whatever the proper status is) with you and I'm really glad you checked in. :)

Me too Glen I hope that I could muster enough energy to get back up again and be my old self

The raise of @glenalbrethsen. :)
When I got to the league you were established in the #1 spot.

Do enjoy the leagues. They are a good way to meet great people.

Thanks for the word "established" @wolfhart, but relatively speaking my time at the top was pretty small. :)

I think of all of the initiatives and all the help and all the different things people are trying to get involved with, and while they all have some good, and no doubt there are folks who are grateful for them, I can't help but think that the Leagues are the best. They incentivize you to do what you should be doing to be successful and happy here. What a concept! Simple and profound, all at the same time. :)

Simple and profound, all at the same time. :)

That is true right there. Sometimes it is the simple things that make the biggest difference.


Smiling throughout the reading of this post!

More than anything else, this Engagement League has kept me on STEEM.

Well that's fired me up for another year or so, and I hope to see you knocking around the EL then also.

Thank you Glen!

Well, I'm glad to put the smile on your face and fire you up for another year (or so), but I am kind of hoping that my very limited reach will actually do something for League membership. We need to keep more people active and involved on STEEM, and I believe that this League is one of the best ways (for me it is the best) to do that. So, the more the merrier. :)

It's a very positive thing for Steem, to have this league, and see the active Steemians each week :D You've been doing great! You're a master at writing longer comments...

Hey, @soyrosa.

I think so, too. Very much so. For individuals like me, to the platform as a whole.

re: doing great

Well, I've managed to stay in the Top 100 most of the time, but I've not been up in the Top 10 consistently for some time. New blood, more competition. :)

I believe those who continue to participate in the leagues feel purpose and a sense of community.

I think that says it perfectly @glenalbrethsen! And it speaks very loudly to the effectiveness of "gamification" as a retention tool in social media.

In time, you check back with the same "basepoint" as a group of people, and you get to know them. Which also means you build a community, around a common purpose... in this case, interaction.


Hey, @curatorcat.

I'm glad I got it right. :)

Gamification at its best. A simple competition. We decide how much we can do with the time we have available and we see how that fares against everyone else. A few rules to protect us humans/cats (as opposed to bots), and away we go. :)

Wow, you really went for it when you got started with the league. And it seems that many on the list are still here - maybe not as active - but still here. And that is a good thing... I think LOL

Oh, I'd say it's mostly a good thing, @mariannewest. :) Some folks you wonder why they hang around (since it seems like they're only here to antagonize the rest of us), but by and large, there are good people here, and they're trying to do something for themselves, the future and for others.

The League has a pretty good track record as far as retention is concerned, and many of those who are not as active in the league are either off with STEEM Monsters or some other activity, or are having to deal with life/family related things. So, I think that's pretty good, really. :)

re: went for it

Well, I had something to prove to myself. Need to keep doing it, too. :)

sounds good. That is a great motivator - needing to prove to yourself that it can be done. 😄

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Wauw what a journey @glenalbrethsen !
I just started with the league on position 62 in my first week. Let’s see how this develops. Hopefuly I can look back to this after a year just like you did. Wish me luck :)

Posted using Partiko iOS

Hey, @lion200.

In quite a few ways, the engagement league is tougher than it was when I started a year ago, but with effort, I think anything is possible.

I'm glad you've decided to join in the fun, and I do wish you all the best. I hope it proves to be of great worth to you, and that it guides you to success and satisfaction on STEEM. :)

Thanks for your kind words @glenalbrethsen!

Posted using Partiko iOS

Those were some impressive numbers! I also discovered the League last year and I now closely follow my results to monitor my progress and keep myself accountable for my engagement. I think it has helped me remain motivated over time given my competitive spirit and has led to a correlation in increases followers and rewards so while I cannot point out a single metric that has gotten me here; I think the League has a lot to do with it!

Posted using Partiko iOS

Hey, @newageinv.

I'm happy to hear that you've had a pretty similar experience to mine with the league. In my case, I don't factor in followers so much (but then quality of follower is an ongoing issue with me), but an increase of awareness and thus rewards most definitely.

re: league involvement

I think it's just useful to see what you're doing and what others are doing and how it's all affecting our progress. We're bound to have different results and experiences and contacts, simply because of who we are, what we post, and what we read.

Howdy sir Glen! that's a great way to stay motivated and plugging away to grow your account, probably the best way forward on Steemit, well said sir!

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