A Conversation with Your Limitless Self

in #inspiration7 years ago (edited)

What if the dream world is so limitless that we can't even translate it in our waking state? And the only things we retain from our dreams are correlaries to what we already know? How would we ever unlock our true potential if we're constantly filtering it through our limited potential?

Don't you deserve to know who you'd be if you had no limits? If everything that was holding you back simply melted away?

This conversation aims to circumvent those limiting filters, and shine a light on what lies beneath.


Limitless self, how can I live my life like you do?

It starts with the concept of "my life." When you think of your life, your concept of what that can be is already limited. You need to deconstruct those limits, or find a way to see past them, in order to reach your limitless potential.

How do I know when I'm reaching that potential?

Your limitless self will feel more like an experience than a thought, because you simply do not have the vocabularly to to translate your true potential into something you can grasp. It's like awakening from a dream and trying to put it into worlds. Your dream state is limitless, but the things you retain when recalling that dream are limited to the corralaries that exist in the real world. The true limitlessness you posess remains left behind.

How can I reliably create those limitless experiences?

First you have to melt away or suspend your world view. Why do you want to have the experience in the first place? If it's to accomplish some other objective, then you're intentions behind that objective will actively limit you to thinking within a space where those objectives are important.

So what's important to me differs from what's important to my limitless self?

What you think about the world differs from what your limitless self knows abou the world. Imagine being afraid to send an email because you didn't know how to buy digital stamps. There's no such thing as digital stamps! Relics from outdated concepts cause you to worry about things you don't even need. And you can't move forward if you're using the problems of the past to invent problems of the future.

But the problems of the present are real because I'm not yet living the solutions of the future.

You're arguing for your limitations. Have you ever tried doing something only to look back and realize you were doing it the hard way? Every one of your problems that feels hard or unpleasant is because you're doing it the hard way. I cannot show you an easier way until you recognize that hard is a choice to limit your true potential, not a condition you encounter.

So if hard is a choice, how can I chose to see easy?

Say to yourself, "If it's harder than I want it to be, then I'm wrong." It's that simple.

A stone in the shape of an egg will not yield you an omellete no matter how hard you crack it. But most of life is not so obvious. When you're dealing with your inner dialogue, you're creating the world that you're working in. So you have no way of testing if waht you're thinking is an absolute truth or a conditional truth.

Unless you soften your assumptions you will always be limited by them. Embrace being wrong. It means you can have it both ways. The way that you thought was true, and the limitless possibilities that lie beyond that supposed truth.

Truth is a choice. A baby who hasn't made any choices can be anything. But until you make a choice you are none of those things yet. You need choice to become. So choose a new truth and see what comes of it.

This post inspired a series!

Becoming Your Limitless Self Series

  1. A Conversation with Your Limitless Self
  2. How to Let Go of What's Holding You Back
  3. Writing and How to Get Out of Your Own Way

If there's any other topics you'd like me to cover, feel free to suggest them! I really want to turn this series into a vehicle that helps all of us expand into more on all the topics that are important to us.


Lol! There may be a deeper meaning to that video than meets the eye!

I was in the mood I wasn't rolling you I swear XD I had to listen after reading your post!

At first I immediately closed YouTube after I noticed the song. But then I thought twice about it and made my comment after thing about the actual meaning of the song and not just it's Rick roll infamy. Then after your response I decided to watch the video and it felt like my limitless was singing to me! Thanks for never giving me up, limitless self!

haha awesome! glad you could relate : )

lol "Choose life, choose a job, choose a career, choose a fucking big television..." ?

But aside from quoting Trainspotting, I think it's that people don't realise they have choice. If you don't know the choice exists, it's as though it doesn't exist. And so you get caught in a perpetual loop of suffering.

I used not realise the choices before me and it only reinforced the abuse that had been done to me, until I realised I had the choice to choose so many things in my life. I could choose to respect my body. And so I respected my body.

Through finding these wonderful choices, I found happiness. To rewrite the Sith code lol:

Control is a lie, there is only choice,
Through choice I find truth,
Through truth, I find understanding,
This understanding leads to awakening,
My awakening liberates me,
My chains are broken,
Happiness shall free me.

Beautifully said!!! I want to add to your comment but it feels like you already said it all.

On a lighter note, "perpetual loop of suffering" sounds like a dungeon in one of those new Bud Light commercials.

Dilley dilley! :p

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Such awareness of limitless being is a central tenet of nondual spirituality, particularly in the Advaita tradition of India.

Of course, since it expresses such basic existential truths, there have been many "western" gurus / guides who have expressed similar concepts. Basically, they say that at the level of body and mind, there is clear separation and definite limits.

However, once one becomes able to transcend identity with body and mind, and instead identifies with heart, soul, or spirit, the limits disappear, and the separation between people / entities are seen to be only a illusion, a dream of sorts, or maybe even a mass hallucination.

And then it is seen that we are all one. We are all limitless divine beings, and there is truly nothing that separates us from each other or from the universe.

That felt really good read! Like you were speaking my language! It feels good to put an idea out there and learn so much from what others have to add.

And by others I mean other aspect of the collective we!

Lol, melting into oneness as I drift off to bed!

Rest well, in your natural state.

The mystics say that during deep sleep, we become our true selves. Limitless beings, beyond identity with either the body or the mind, and aware of only that reality that is beyond all phenomena.


What a fantastic piece of writing offering wisdom and the possibility for meaningful introspection. There is much out of sync with my life/there is much in sync in my life - and my choices have led me to this place. I now try to consciously choose to align with my higher self and purpose and observe my life improving exponentially. To choose is in itself a choice and each of us owes ourselves to make our choices from a place of truth and integrity to self. We are each unique spirit in physical form and are not here to be enslaved. With love xox

Well said! Love the energy I felt when reading your comment! It feels like a rocket shooting off into space! Woohoo!!

You know it's interesting because when I think of my limitless self, I often do so in reference to what I think I'm capable of experiencing here on Earth. I don't often seek to experience something so "unearthly" that it would only apply to my experience (as opposed to my physical body). I know there's a part of my that accepts that this experience I'm having is one I'm choosing to have and thus I want to experience all that I can in this format. However, I think it could be useful to dwell beyond it, even just for fun, to see (or remember) what an out-of-worldly experience is like.

Thanks for this. Makes me contemplate the possibilities that I wasn't considering!

Also, the "truth is a choice" paragraph at the end made me think of one of the first scenes in "Mr. Nobody":

Lol, love the clip at the end! Haven't seen Mr Nobody in years.

After reading your comment, I'm very curious to understand more. There's this one sentence that is totally befuddling me. It's like your mind went somewhere other than my mind and I can't yet connect the dots. Here's the sentence I can't bridge yet.

I don't often seek to experience something so "unearthly" that it would only apply to my experience (as opposed to my physical body).

Can you elaborate what you meant by this? I totally resonate with everything else you said, but I can't seem to understand this.

I might be wrong here Josh but I believe this means connecting with the spiritual realm which has little to do with the physical and more to do with an eternal experience/knowledge/learning... It will be interesting to see what the fella says ;) xox

Oh, that makes sense! I think I was reading it too literally. And when I read it too literally I see it saying "spiritual is unearthly and spiritual experiences don't apply to my physical body." And my original (literal) translation doesn't fit the rest of what was said, so it didn't make sense to me.

Okay so I wrote, then rewrote answer here lol...

So what I was saying here is that I am on Earth to experience Earth. My spiritual experiences typically involve my relationship to my body and what I can do here on Earth with my body. Even in some of my most involved spiritual journeys (ayahuasca ceremonies, etc) I was still aware of how the spiritual realms were impacting me in relationship to my experience here on Earth.

In my experience with you, Josh, I feel that you are more involved in the spirit realm and your body (in my perspective) seems to be less relevant. Whether this is true or not, I do feel an energy from you that is lighter from my own. I think this is also why we operate in different ways and why we are great collaborators :)

@joshbillings thank you for asking for clarification there. I appreciate you!

Great clarity! You're totally right about my body being less relevant to me. It's kind of a second class citizen around here, lol.

I'd never heard of ayahuasca ceremonies, but I lit up upon reading them! We'll have to talk about those sometime in the future.

I guess my perspective on why I am here is that I'm here to launch desires. Earth is just the setting. It has a base vibration that offers a jumping off point. If I'm inspired to focus more earthly, I do. But desires themselves are vibrational based, and fresh vibration is non-physical.

I could probably use some better blending between physical and non-physical. But the way I look at things is always, "once I breakthrough non-physically, I'll have a huge edge in the physical." So I don't even bother with a lot of physical things because they would seem too hard right now relative to the amount of effort I want to put forth.

I will say that my viewpoints on all of this are still a little off. I love my body, and I love being on Earth, and I wouldn't want to be anywhere else. I think I just get excited by ideas sometimes, and those ideas are so powerful that nothing else seems to matter. I'm sure we'll both keep evolving as we go along, though!

So I've always been inspired by numerology. Not sure why but there's something about numbers that help me to define and make sense of the immaterial, unseen, and abstract.

You are a "9" in terms of numerology and I am a "1".

9 stands for wisdom. It has experienced all the numbers that have come before it so it KNOWS its options already (reminds me of your chat with dashta about choices). It knows it can be anything and it knows that not being anything is just as great!

1 stands for identity. It seeks to know itself. It's seeking to be able to define itself in relationship to where it exists. It desires identity because it comes from a place of non-identity.

Whether or not that concept resonates or not, it's interesting to me! I always enjoy the perspective you bring because it helps me tremendously! ;-)

I've low-key gotten into numerology as well. The other day my reddit karma was 111|8880 and I took a picture of it and sent it to susanne (we always send each other triplicate numbers). Then that night I saw 11:11, and the next morning I saw 8:08 when my battery was at 88%. In my understanding, 1s stand for new beginnings and 8s stand for abundance. And it was a pretty clear signal that I was in the beginning stages of a great wave of abundance!

I really appreciate the perspective you bring too!

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Libby McGugan
Scottish physician, violinst, philopher, novelist
"The Eidolon" (Book One of a trilogy) explores many of the same issues you do here. "Choose a new truth" -simple words, but profound.

That is cool! Thanks for the recommendation! Libby sounds like a super inspiring person. I am not sure where I'm going to find the time to read an entire sci-fi novel, but maybe I will use this chance encounter as an opportunity to choose a new truth around how much time I have! Limitation is always a choice! Thanks for reminding me of that!

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