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RE: A Conversation with Your Limitless Self

in #inspiration7 years ago

lol "Choose life, choose a job, choose a career, choose a fucking big television..." ?

But aside from quoting Trainspotting, I think it's that people don't realise they have choice. If you don't know the choice exists, it's as though it doesn't exist. And so you get caught in a perpetual loop of suffering.

I used not realise the choices before me and it only reinforced the abuse that had been done to me, until I realised I had the choice to choose so many things in my life. I could choose to respect my body. And so I respected my body.

Through finding these wonderful choices, I found happiness. To rewrite the Sith code lol:

Control is a lie, there is only choice,
Through choice I find truth,
Through truth, I find understanding,
This understanding leads to awakening,
My awakening liberates me,
My chains are broken,
Happiness shall free me.


Beautifully said!!! I want to add to your comment but it feels like you already said it all.

On a lighter note, "perpetual loop of suffering" sounds like a dungeon in one of those new Bud Light commercials.

Dilley dilley! :p

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