Writing and How to Get Out of Your Own Way — A Message from Your Limitless Self

in #inspiration7 years ago (edited)

This is the third post in a series on Becoming Your Limitless Self. Full series linked below.


Limitless Self, why do I find it so hard to write when I try to achieve grand ambitions with my writing?

When you look at the more that your grand ambitions try to achieve, you see your writing as less in comparison.

You’re not focused on where you already are and what you can easily achieve from here. You're trying to make a quantum leap. You're silently saying that here is not enough.

Well, newsflash, here is where you'll always be. You'll always be in some place that makes now look less than an idealized future that you could compare it to. So be less ambitious with your future goals and more ambitious with your appreciation of where you already are.

I’m not telling you to play small. I’m telling you to own the bigness of where you already are!

You have to grow where you are to get where you want to be. It's just like money. When it appreciates it becomes more. When it's neglected, it's literally as useless as a bag full of money you buried someplace you can't remember. Don't neglect the now. Don't take where you are for granted. Love where you are now. Romanticize it.

When cast in the right light, where you are now is a beautifully, sexy place, that others would love to be in. Who wouldn't want to be in the shoes of greatness just before they make that magical leap? If you were looking back on a historical figure you'd see the doubt that filled their mind prior to reaching the heights they were destined for, but you would know with 100% certainty who they are and where they're headed.

Take the time to get to know yourself with that same confidence. You are a sure bet. Because desire is the most powerful force in the universe, and you've already got desire in spades. Now it's just a matter of getting out of your own way.


How can I get out of my own way?

By noticing when you're in your own way and stopping.

You frequently make false assumptions about what's important and then expect yourself to complete some needless prerequisite before you'll believe you're going where you want to go. When in truth, the only way you'll delay getting there is by endlessly sending yourself off on side quests instead of walking your path.

And you’ll know when you're walking your path, because it's exciting and uplifting. You'll be as eager to take on the obstacles of your day as you'd be to dive into foreplay with the love of your life.

These obstacles are the twists and turns that help you learn who you are and why you're here. Bless them! Bless yourself every time you get in your own way! Because every time that happens it's like a reminder to check in, remember who you are are, and decide who you want to be moving forward.

When you get in your own way it's like placing something you want to take with you tomorrow in front of the door tonight. You know you'll notice it, and you know it'll cue you to remember.

So ask yourself. Why would I get in my own way? What is the more that I'm wanting to see before I move forward?

Find that more and you'll not only get out of your own way, you'll become the way. You'll become the person who jettisons you to where you want to be, and you'll love every step along the way.

Thanks for reading!

I want to give a big shoutout to everyone who's interacted with me in the comments of these posts and added their own ideas and resources that help us dive deeper and shed even more of our limitations along the way. It really helps!

Special thanks to @MinnowSupport and @ocd for helping bring these posts to light and allow someone who's so new to steemit reach an audience. It feels absolutely wonderful to be so welcomed and already feel like I already belong in this amazing community you've all helped build Steemit into!

And to @starwatcher for leaving this quick comment that helped me shelve my writer's block and write this piece.

Becoming Your Limitless Self Series

  1. A Conversation with Your Limitless Self
  2. How to Let Go of What's Holding You Back
  3. Writing and How to Get Out of Your Own Way

If there's any other topics you'd like me to cover, feel free to suggest them! I really want to turn this series into a vehicle that helps all of us expand into more on all the topics that are important to us.


I absolutely love your writing. This was such a good reminder for me.

Thanks Tiffany! So glad you're on Steemit now!

Great post! I like the idea of "becoming the way"...

Find that more and you'll not only get out of your own way, you'll become the way.

There are a wealth of possibilities right now to interact with. Often it requires me to stop thinking, start doing, and then to tune into what inspires me along the way. I notice that when I try to think my way there, it's not always as effective as just beginning to move, then finding where I need to go while I'm moving. That may be because I'm more kinesthetically oriented, but it definitely works!

Interesting! Your comment makes me think that maybe I'm thinking my way out of things. What sort of mindset do you go in with when you decide to just move on something? I find I sit down to start writing sometimes but then I think myself into a standstill. And then even when I don't do that I often write some stuff but then do nothing with it because it's not "usable" yet (i.e. too far from being a finished product). I think I could learn a lot from your style of doing things since it seems to be way more prolific than my current style, lol.

So if I have a desire such as writing, usually the intention is to start a conversation. So I'll start having a conversation with myself! This literally looks like me turning on the webcam and talking. I'll start chatting with myself about the idea or just talking about how I feel or what is inspiring me at the moment. This dialogue typically leads to a spark of thought which I then focus in on and use as my energy to write. Since I'm already talking, I'll use the voice-to-text function on google docs and begin talk-writing my article!

Hope that helps :)

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You are absolutely on point acceptance and confidence combined with our own self build desire for more is the recepie of success in every endeavour!!

Mmhmm! Here's to continued confidence and success for both of us!

Cheers to that!! Keep in touch!

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