I’m not complaining - Actifit: August 25 2019

in #actifit5 years ago (edited)

They say life is what happens while you are making other plans. I suppose that feels more true some days than others!

I am not complaining, because I know that as challenged as I feel right now at this point in my life, many people have it worse, every single day of their lives -- whether from poverty, war, famine, living with an abuser, what have you. I have nothing so terrible going on. But wow sometimes the poop just hits the fan, you know?


My day went like this. I had the whole day ahead of me. A virtual blank slate. I had collected some items for my child who just left for college, and thought perhaps I would drive to the campus in the evening, after doing the one thing I really needed to do today, which was to finish a short story that is way overdue to my #steemfiction team.

I sat down to work on my writing, but first I actually had to get one work thing done. Every weekend, I type up a summary of what is happening with all the plates I have spinning at work, so my boss knows what’s what. There’s so much going on at work that this little task took me over an hour.

Finally I started working on the fiction piece. I mean I literally had my hands poised over the keyboard when my adult daughter who is living at home right now popped in from the garage and wanted help with a project. I made sure I did not let out an audible sigh. After all, she just wanted me to help her get started. She was launching into her first DIY project, which involved spreading a stain-stripping chemical over all the surfaces of three pieces of furniture -- two of which have a total of 9 drawers between them. It was a lot. She wanted to make sure she was doing it right.

So I helped her with that and gently eased away. You know how it is when people take on projects that are perhaps a teensy bit more complicated or overwhelming than they imagined, and then you can so easily get sucked in and suddenly you’re actually doing the project? I walked back in the house, grabbed a second cup of coffee (because there is nothing better than sitting down to write with a cup of coffee in hand), and opened up the laptop.

Ring. Ring.

It was my daughter at college. She wanted me to drive to the campus right now. No other time would do. She had plans later in the day. There was no point in arguing. I had planned to go at some point later on anyway. So my new plan is that I would flip-flop the schedule and do the errand to the campus now and the writing later.

The drive to the campus is about an hour on a good day. This was not a good day. In Minnesota, we like to say that we have two seasons: winter and road construction. It took over an hour and a half to get there, partly because Google maps told me to take an exit right after I passed it, so I had to go another four miles past the campus and loop back. But it was good to see my daughter. She is settling in nicely and having a great time in her first few days of college!

I delivered her supplies, visited for a bit and started back. That was when I realized that I needed to get gas and I was hungry and had missed lunch. So I stopped at a gas station, filled up, got a beverage and something to eat and headed back through “construction season” traffic. It took another hour and a half to get home. All told, my little errand -- including the visit, the side errand for gas and food, and the traffic delays — took me about four and a half hours.

When I arrived home, I found that the DIY project was not going well. The first part was mostly done, which meant my daughter had spread the solvent and scraped it off of all of the furniture surfaces. But there was detritus everywhere — tools and mucked up rubber gloves and cloths — and there was still another step to do. The next step involved using another chemical, called a “wash” to clean off the remaining globs of stain as well as the residue of the first chemical.

She was done. She had had it. Even with the chemicals, the stain had not come off in a satisfactory way that would allow her to use the new stain color she wanted to get a new result. Also, she wasn’t feeling well, and wondered if the chemicals were causing her to fall ill. So, I did what any demented yet loving mother would do, which was to take on the project. I used the chemical wash to clean off the furniture and cleaned up the whole work site.

It took hours. By the time I finished with all that it was nearly 10 pm. I had no creative juice left in me. All I wanted to do was sit down with a glass of wine and write my evening post.

This is my life right now. There is too much to do. People need things from me. Work stress is out of control, and every night I’ve got to walk or work out to manage that, and by the time I am actually fit for doing anything creative or productive the day is done. I literally fall asleep trying to catch up on Discord, write my daily blog post, and do some curation.

Lately I’ve had this feeling like I am meant to learn some lesson. But I’m not sure what it is. Do less? I don’t know what to give up. My family is everything. And the kids are all growing up and moving on. If they need me, I’m there. Work is hard but I love it and I get shit done. It’s very gratifying. Plus it pays the bills. Giving up exercise is just not an option. It is the thing that keeps my nutty life from completely taking me down. Perhaps the lesson is simply that there just is no way to do it all and that I’ve got to find a way to be centered and whole in spite of the bumps in the road and the diversions that keep me from making headway on my own goals.

So… I’m not complaining. I have a job. I am so thankful for that, and I love it. I have a loving husband and great kids. How awesome is that? I have trails to walk on and a dog who loves to romp through the prairie and chase sticks. It’s wonderful.

I just need to somehow find a way to get it all down to a dull roar and get creativity back in my life.

Thanks for reading!

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House Chores


Can you believe that I simply stepped aside my friend. Aside from myself that is.
After two burnouts the last one very bad and 18 years of sacrifices, long hours, demands and needs of the poor that we work with, endless arguments with lazy people, relationship counselling, thankless efforts to improve poor peoples lives, sleeping 4 to 5 hour nights and the gradual increase in ill health, I decided to step aside.
Not to give up however, but rather to a take a first year long sabbatical after a major operation and to reassess the situation.
We simply run ourselves into the ground trying to be everything that people needs and never taking time out for the self.
My new way is to delegate responsibilities and no longer trying to do everything by myself.
Life is to be lived and we certainly owe it to ourselves have some free time!

These are such wise words, @papilloncharity! I think we all hit points in our lives when we have to re-center. We have to look at our motivations, what fuels us, what we are made of, and what we are meant to do. I relate to what you've said so much. While I don't regret one minute with family, I do find myself evaluating my work ethic. We just have this one life and if we pour it all into work, we have nothing left. I wish you all the best, my friend. Take care of yourself and heal. Delegating is powerful. I hope it means you can get more done while sacrificing less of yourself.

Thank you for the kind words my friend and I think we all struggle with the same issues. The paramount thing is to try our very best to escape the clutches of life's perceived busyness, as it's a sure way to distract us from our inner peace.
I sincerely hope that you can find a way to restore your own desires and to have some free time for yourself.

Oh boy @jayna, you are not alone. You just described my and my wife's weekend. Especially as school ramps up to start, both high school and university. We actually have to have a weekly meeting to figure out car schedules and how to get everyone to each of their respective locations, on time and with minimal back tracking. That portion of project management that I use at work is being used at home - charts, spreadsheets and schedules :-) Glad to hear the we are not the only household like that. Keep up the activity - you're crushing it!

Oh, we are definitely not alone, @jasonbu! This is why there are mom bloggers. They write about the craziness of family life because it is alternately beyond belief and so funny that you could fall down laughing. Running a household is not for the weak! Every single day you have to find that middle ground between compassion for these messy creatures we call our children and laying down the law so we have something left over for handling the rest of our life responsibilities.

I think the thing that has caught me off guard is that I thought we were past that. But all three of my kids are in life transitions right now, and they need care and attention and feeding and guidance. It’s fine, on the one hand. I wouldn’t trade this for anything. They still need us, and that’s great. But I need to set my expectations for what I can do in my own time appropriately until we are through this phase!

Good luck with your spreadsheets and life management. I remember those days! What you have going on is much harder!

Posted using Partiko iOS

Oh my goodness, reading your post today threw me back to those crazy times...wow I had forgotten how it felt to be pulled in 8 different directions all at once. I have two daughters as well and I remember those times I dropped everything to be there for them. You really lose your sense of self don't you? You're right, do not give up exercise!!!!! You truly need that @jayna :) It does help keep you centered and "sane" during those crazy moments. You're such a wonderful mom, your daughters are lucky to have you and I'm sure they tell you. But now as they're grown and married and away and I'm not busy with work... I do miss those times. (just for a moment, lol) I wonder how I did it all, but you do! Time flies! Cheers to an easier day today! :)

Thank you, @birdsinparadise! I really appreciate the supportive message! In some ways I think this may be the last hurrah of their childhood and by golly they are going out with a bang. Ha ha! I know I will miss it. A little. I must say, I am looking forward to one day being a grandma so I can have time with little ones again, but send them back home to their parents at the end of the day. 😁

Posted using Partiko iOS

I found that if I tell my family, I need to do something ahead of time and it is important to me, they honor the request. My son, always responds I was going to ask to do me a favor and take some time for yourself, but since I'm not allowed to ask, I guess you can't have time for you!

I think one of the biggest challenges in a family is the conflict of needs. It’s normal. And I think we typically just have to navigate that. I’m not sure why sometimes it gets to the point of not being manageable, but for me this is one of those times! 😆

I hope in the future you can take a deep breath and remember it is only temporary, this to shall pass. On the bright side, the fact that your children know they can turn to you for help speaks volumes about the loving mother you are.

Nothing will change if you jump as soon as people ask you to... No matter family, work, if you love them, like it you can say no or not now/today. If you do so it does not mean you do not love them.

Your daughter is already at college has plans. Great. She can wait.
The other one did not finish the project so it was not urgent either.

And for your work.. Can't this be done at work or after you did what you needed to do, write to stay creative?

I hope you make time to be creative again. Do as kids do. Make plans, do it, say "not now" (no arguing) and let someone else clean up for you. 💕

Good advice! Sometimes that is possible and I can set good boundaries. Yesterday, it was more crisis-like for my daughter doing the project. She needed rescuing. It was as simple as that, this time around.

I have these days too, at times you are just pulled into it. So weird the day starts easy plenty of time and suddenly... 😖

Posted using Partiko Android

Yes, exactly. You think: here’s how I want my day to go. And then it just doesn’t! All the variables of life and the needs and priorities of others come crashing in, and at the end of the day, you go: Ohhhhkayyyy... that was not how it was supposed to go at all!

Posted using Partiko iOS

Ha...that's everyone's day! I always hope that I can have 96-hour days so that I can finally push many of my plans some progress instead having them stuck at 1 or 5%, but that's not gonna happen so maybe I'll have to use some black magic for this purpose...preparing the materials for the spell, first, I need the sun and the moon...

For me I'll take a break when I can't take it anymore, go do some crazy stuff, get that adrenaline back and continue with work :P But there are also times in which you don't have the chance to take breaks...reee...

Yes. It’s that feeling that you’re not in the driver’s seat of your own life, sometimes!

For years now I've felt I need 48-hours-long days. Just to get some of the stuff going.

Nothing left to do but continue pushing and waiting for that stuff to gain some momentum.

And also enjoy life along the way! 😁

Posted using Partiko iOS

Well, that's the main job.

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