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RE: I’m not complaining - Actifit: August 25 2019

in #actifit5 years ago

Can you believe that I simply stepped aside my friend. Aside from myself that is.
After two burnouts the last one very bad and 18 years of sacrifices, long hours, demands and needs of the poor that we work with, endless arguments with lazy people, relationship counselling, thankless efforts to improve poor peoples lives, sleeping 4 to 5 hour nights and the gradual increase in ill health, I decided to step aside.
Not to give up however, but rather to a take a first year long sabbatical after a major operation and to reassess the situation.
We simply run ourselves into the ground trying to be everything that people needs and never taking time out for the self.
My new way is to delegate responsibilities and no longer trying to do everything by myself.
Life is to be lived and we certainly owe it to ourselves have some free time!


These are such wise words, @papilloncharity! I think we all hit points in our lives when we have to re-center. We have to look at our motivations, what fuels us, what we are made of, and what we are meant to do. I relate to what you've said so much. While I don't regret one minute with family, I do find myself evaluating my work ethic. We just have this one life and if we pour it all into work, we have nothing left. I wish you all the best, my friend. Take care of yourself and heal. Delegating is powerful. I hope it means you can get more done while sacrificing less of yourself.

Thank you for the kind words my friend and I think we all struggle with the same issues. The paramount thing is to try our very best to escape the clutches of life's perceived busyness, as it's a sure way to distract us from our inner peace.
I sincerely hope that you can find a way to restore your own desires and to have some free time for yourself.

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