Rants of a Healthoholic


Hello everyone! My name is Basia, and I'm a ... I'm a ... I'm a healthoholic.

There, I said it. :)

It is a kind of addiction. I admit. I cannot help but research and test out new health info.

I plan to use this platform to share all the absolutely awesome health information I consistently tend to find. You see, the problem is that after I find it, it stays inside of me, gnawing at me. I feel that it could do so much out there in the world. This is stuff people need to know about!

And so, my hope is that Steemit will help liberate me from the gnawing. Less gnawing, more sharing!

Hmmm, I wonder how many out there are using Steemit as a form of therapy.... Anyway, I also really liked the idea of Steemit because I have a growing passion for the types of technology that cryptocurrencies bring. More freedom, the way I see it.

My health experiments

So, what types of health experiments am I into?

All sorts. One that I found truly astounding is intermittent fasting. Some time ago I researched it. For the detail oriented, here is just a little of what I found (yes, I made the picture myself):


And one of the interesting things I found is that due to the hormonal changes, and in particular the increase in growth hormone, one will have a tendency to burn fat and grow muscle.

I just had to test it!

So, I started my experiment with 16 hour long fasts each day. And, I stopped exercising! Yes, you read it right.
I figured that if I would gain muscle mass, while reducing my exercise, I would truly be able to attribute it to my fasting.

Luckily I was able to weigh myself daily, and check both my fat and muscle content each day.

The result, you ask? After three months I had lost 3.7 kg of fat and gained 1.2 kg of muscle!
It was awesome! And a bit surreal. How can I gain muscle while stopping exercise? There was a bunch of other benefits. If any of you are interested I could write about all of this at some point.

What is to come?


Lately a couple of friends of mine are going vegan, and they keep asking me about all sorts of nutrients and how you can get them on a vegan diet. Since, they ask, I think that I will start with a short series on vegan nutrition. I will write about protein, calcium, B12, K2, and if there is interest also about iron, sulfur, iodine, omega 3, B2, etc...

If you guys have any suggestions, any particular health interests, let me know, and given my addiction, I will probably have something to say about it.


Welcome @healthtrack to Steemit. I hope you enjoy your time here, its a great community :) Nice post, i will follow your account, please follow me at @khunfarang

Hi there! I am glad you enjoy my post. Thank you. I am very new here. But I was not able to find your blog, it looks empty. But I look forward to reading your posts.

Hi, i'm new here. You can check my posts about food, travel and random stuff. Follow me and i'll follow you back, enjoy!! :)

Ohayou! I see you are visiting Japan. One day I will get there too. I am trying to learn a few words in Japanese.

Konnichiwa :)) why not.. you'll have so much fun!

Plenty of subjects to be covered :)
How to combine protein sources to get complete proteins & amino-acids , B12 supplementation , How to shop healthy on a budget, meat replacement foods, how to decrease water retention with potassium.

You deserve an upvote and follow !


Awesome!! Thanks for all the suggestions. I am inspired to write about them. :)

Nice to meet you. Those are awesome results and I am positive that there are benefits to fasting. My grandmother was one of the most amazing people I have ever met. She didn't intentionally fast, but she never spent money on herself and gave to everyone she met. She was also a very busy women and she would go hours without eating. She lived to be 102 and it was a fall that caused her health to decline.

Right now I've been overeating. I am ready to begin my journey back into healthy living . I followed you and look forward to your future health posts!

Hi there! Really interesting to hear about your grandmother! After having read about fasting and tried it I am convinced that her unintentional fasting must have contributed a great deal to her health and long life.

Intermittent fasting is easier than longer fasts. And, you can still eat a lot during the hours you eat, so you do not feel deprived. There is a study on mice that shows that the group that was eating unhealthy and calorie rich foods but was only allowed access to them during 8 hours, was protected from a bunch of diseases. This, while another group ate exactly the same amount of the same food, but was nibbling throughout the day and night got fat and started having all sorts of health problems.

So, I think that one slightly simpler way of becoming healthier is to limit the hours that you eat and fast the other hours. Anyways, that has been my experience. I don't know if it might help.


I guess I'll start by not nibbling all hours of the day. That might be a bit easier than fasting right from the get go!

Welcome to family :) Follow me back and I will surprise you on August 1 ;)

Thanks Tadas. I look forward to reading your blog posts.

Cool post! :D Looking forward to see more of you.

Hi Jess! Thanks. Glad you liked it.
I enjoyed your posts as well. You have some beautiful pictures!

Welcome. I am kind of a health nut myself and looking forward to your future post.

Thanks! I liked reading about you. I too have a dog and live in a warm country now (Brazil). :)

I hope you like steem, lets be friends, a big steemit family! :)

Thank you kindly.

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