Zombie Adventure - Game 40 - Day 7 (Aug. 14, 2019)

in #gaming5 years ago

A small team of adventurers (@improv, @aussieninja, @justatouchfey, @bashadow, @erikaflynn, @pbock, @secret-art, @mannaman, @stever82 and @enjoycompany) take turns being Skyler and record their part of the story about what happened that fateful Halloween night.

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Create a story about our main character, Skyler, by playing out his actions. You can write as much or as little as you prefer to embellish his story and perhaps define what has happened to him after being bitten by the spider and drinking something from his parent's medicine cabinet.

The story thus far:

It started out much the same as any other Halloween Night. The children were excited about getting dressed up and going door to door to collect treats.

Twelve-year-old Skyler was going to be a clown this year. He went all out and bought himself a wig and some clown clothing as well as a face-painting kit. His sister did an awesome job of painting his face and Skyler was very proud to go out as a clown. Skyler was expecting to collect a lot of treats this year, so he went into the garage to find himself a large potato sack for holding all his goodies. As Skyler dug around in the garage for the potato sack, a spider bit his middle finger and it began to swell up.

Skyler wasn't about to let a swollen middle finger stop him from collecting his loot, so he wrapped a bandage around his finger and drank something from his parent's medicine cabinet that he thought was pain killer. Skyler began to feel kind of strange, but his finger hurt less, so he was content and carried on with his plans for the evening.

Skyler's first stop for the night would be his best friend, Billy's house. He excidedly rushed over and pounded on the door, yelling, "Billy! Billy! Are you ready?"

Billy opened the door, noticing the bandaged finger, but had to comment on the awesome outfit: "Skyler, is that you? You look awsome as a creepy clown! What's with the finger? Do you plan to give everyone 'the finger' while trick-or-treating?"

Skyler just smiled, exposing his shark-like teeth.

Skyler looks down at his upright middle finger with the bandage on it and holds it out to Billy and asks, "You mean, like, give them all 'the finger'? Yea. I think that's a good idea. For some strange reason, I seem to want to hate living things and crave blood."

Billy laughs nervously and asks if Skyler is just kidding and playing the part, but in the next instant he finds Skyler attacking him!

Skyler tore at Billy's neck with his shark-like teeth and blood began spurting out of the hole that remained where flesh once was. Billy screams and then slumps to the floor, his body twitching while blood continues to spurt out with each pump of his heart. Skyler has just murdered his best friend! What a way to start a Halloween night!

Skyler looks around and sees both of Billy's parents looking on in disbelief. They are standing in separate doorways, frozen by what they just witnessed. Skyler seems possessed and without hesitation, moves to where the father is standing and proceeds to attack Billy's father.

While Skyler loved billy he didn't seem to feel upset as he walked over his fading body. Skyler was just angry that billy's dad made him do it. Skyler wasn't going to let him get away with it, but Billy's dad parrys Skyler away and in his rage swings at him and Skyler is knocked to the floor. Suddenly, the magnitude of his actions have come over him. He looks at the door and thinks about running away and crying. Skyler rolls over onto his hands and knees, looking at Billies dad with blood tinged eyes, a low growl could be heard coming from deep within Skyler; a feral growl of a caged trapped animal. Billy's dad takes a half step back on seeing the red of Skylers eyes and hearing the low rumbling growl that sent shivers down his spine.

Shaking off the pain of being knocked back by Billy's dad, like a wet mongrel, Skyler hunches back and launches at Billy's dad. Going for the deep throbbing pulse in his neck. Skyler uses his arms to hang off the man's body the way a baby monkey hangs off its mother, while simultaneously ripping out both sides of the man's neck using his shark-like teeth.

When Billy's dad succumbs to his injuries and falls to the floor, Skyler lets go of the man and sits back on his haunches, licking his lips and savoring the taste of the revenge he took on Billy's dad. Skyler was no longer going to be pushed and shoved around by any Adults any more.

"More," Skyler moaned, licking his lips, not noticing the slight pain as his sharpened teeth flaked and became like small, knife-like blades...

All he knew was that he was hungry... and he could hear a delicious, delicious heartbeat nearby!

Skyler moved back into the hallway, stopping to rip off an ear from Billy's corpse, which stared back blankly, as if still shocked at his sudden demise. Humming to himself, Skyler moves closer to the door to the master bedroom where Billy's mother is... he can hear ragged breaths from inside!

Skyler claws delicately at the door, opening it on squeaking hinges... the breaths grow faster...

He hears a strange noise. beep ... beep

Billy's mom is trying to call for help using the phone, a voice whispers in Skyler's ear... a voice that grows smaller and smaller as his desire to feast, to tear and rip and maim and KILL grows stronger and stronger...

Skyler suddenly becomes aware of the space around him. He sees the furious fearsome bloody face of a clown in the mirror at the doorway. He smashes the mirror, bloodies his hand, and runs from the house back to his own where he finds himself drawn to his own mother.

Skyler runs into his house and looks around. He sees his Mum near the window that looks onto Billy's house. She's on the phone and seems panicked. He can see his Dad who looks confused and his little sister who is just playing...

Skyler feels the love and emotion from years of a happy childhood... for a second... until the rage and the hurt comes over him. He's still injured from fighting Billy's dad and is sure that if he drains his sister he'll be better again. He lunges at her throat but Skyler's Dad scoops up his sister before Skyler can get to her and kicks Skyler away with his foot.

"Son, son! What's wrong with you, son?" His Dad screams... Skyler screams back in response, "BLLLLLOOOOOOOOOODDDDDDDDDDDDD!"

Skyler looks at his dad, then at his sister. His mind is no longer his to control and all he can think about is killing for blood. His dad was the one who protected his sister, so it should be him who is the greatest threat. Having made that deduction, Skyler lunges at his father's throat with his mouth wide open, ready to chomp down on some fresh blood.

Skyler's dad was ready for the attack and managed to jump back quickly enough for Skyler to miss him entirely, but Skyler had just one goal in mind and quickly lunged again.

Annoyed at his son's persistence, Skyler's dad punches at Skyler's chest in an attempt to knock the wind out of him and at the same time preventing Skyler from reaching him. The father, who's adrenaline is now high, punches Skyler harder than he had expected and hears a slight cracking noise as 2 of Skyler's ribs crack.

Skyler's eyes abruptly clear. "Daddy, you hurt me," his voice trembling, he looks up at his dad. As dad approaches warily his son, Skyler feels a tear seep out of his eye. But dad stops and stares. Skyler wipes away the tear and sees that his hand comes away black. His tears are a thick, oozing ichor. Nonetheless, the love his father has for him overcomes his good sense, and dad bends to hold his son hugging him with the arm that isn't holding Skyler's sister.

Skyler sees only a tasty treat pressed against his tasty treat hole and begins to eat his sister. Yum that feels like power in Skyler's belly. His sister's intestines he slurps like spaghetti. Skyler was about to turn on dad, whose beer gut looks like pork belly, but when dad felt the warmth of the blood from his daughter dripping over his arm, he dropped Skyler to check on his now lifeless daughter.

As skyler fails to bite his dad again he grows annoyed, with each kill his mind grows more clear, still feral but able to think ahead and plan more. He smiles at his dad and leaves looking at him, walking backwards slowly out the door. 'Cya later dad, don't worry, I won't stay out late'.

Skyler had one thing on his mind now, kill his dad. He walked up the road calmly, blending in with other children out trick or treating, he wanted to taste them as well, but you can't have desert before the main. He stopped at the house north of billy's. If he could find a weapon there, that would stop his dad pushing him back; that will teach him. He knocks at the door. A mother alone with her two babies answers the door. It is his mother's friend and she recognises him, although after a brief startle. "Hi Skyler, excellent costume! You gave me a real fright! I thought you were trick-or-treating with billy..."

Clear-headed, Skyler politely explains... "I just saw Billy before. He's not feeling the best so he said I should start without him and he'll catch up."

"Well, let me start you off." She says as she looks around for her bowl of candies.

"Trick or treat ma'am?" Skyler asks.

"Treat, Skyler." She announces as she turns to pick up the bowl from behind the door, but doesn't even reach it before Skyler pounces, lunging towards that tasty spinal fluid...

She falls down before Skyler can bite her.... howling, tearing, ripping, screaming he lunges for her throat this time as she cries for help and her babies start bawling... Skyler rips in, instantly getting stronger... as her cries turn to gurgles...

Skyler's self-preservation awareness is now very acute. He assesses the situation and realizes that killing people helps to recover his injuries. Killing babies is like taking candy from a baby, only better! He will leave these here in case he needs them later. Because it's Halloween, he can fit right in and get people to open their doors simply by knocking or ringing the bell. That way he can case their homes ahead of time. He decides to move across the street to check out the next house.

Skyler knocks on the door of the house and yells out, "Trick-or-treat!" He waits for a while, but nobody answers. Maybe he'll come back later and try again.

Skyler decides to go back to known territory. He climbs over the fence separating the house north of Billy's, into Billy's backyard. He looks through the slider door and see's Billy's mom still crying like a tortured baby. This gets Skyler's blood-lust up, thinking of the babies left behind. He silently slides the door open and creeps up on the loudly wailing woman. He wraps his arms around her neck leaving room to go for the juggler. A soft kittenish meow escapes his breath into Billy's mom's ear.

The taste of her sweetened adrenaline-loaded blood from fear works into Skyler's blood stream, his lust growing with every struggle from Billy's mom. Skyler keeps his hold on her as she slumps to her knees. Skyler's voice whispers in her ear, "soon, you can join Billy", as he sinks his teeth into the other side of her neck. Skyler then sits back, licking his lips as the adrenaline-filled blood fills his body. He feels good; he has delivered Billy's mother to Billy. The House feels empty now.

Skyler leaves Billy's house and walks up the road. He feels calm and his thoughts becoming clear but he will occasionally regress and think of nothing but killing. He is sure if he feeds more he will recover completely, or at the very least it will give a calm head for a short period.

He arrives at the second house down on the right and manages to even put on a smile while knocking at the door. "AHHH," he yells as no one answers. Already he is craving a new feed; not for pleasure but because of need.

Skyler can't handle it.... it's been minutes since his last feed... the frustration of no-one answering the door is driving him insane. He needs sweet, sweet blood and he needs it now.

As he leaves this house, some other trick-or-treaters walk up the path... there are 3 boys and an older girl... he passes them quietly as they excitedly head towards the door and then he pounces on them as their backs are turned.

He screams and lunges at the older girl first... He knocks them all over but doesn't manage to bite anyone. The girl is angry but the boys think it's hilarious and jump back on Skyler, pinning him down on the ground.... Skyler tries to bite one of the boys but someone's knee ended up on Skyler's chest and he couldn't bite anyone... the boys laugh as one of them pulls out some wrestling moves and jumps back on... someone lands on Skyler's stomach, knocking the wind out of him. The children leave Skyler laying on the concrete path and resume their trick-or-treating.

Skyler has a rage building inside him, he is angry with himself for letting himself be humiliated. He needs strength, he needs to feed. He goes to the babies he left alone, he steps over their mother and stands over the babies, staring at them. He knows he shouldn't but it doesn't take long after staring at them before its too late, it was almost a reflex. Billy tasted sweet, so did his sister, but babies, they taste divine, sending him into a brief state of euphoria like an addict who has just shot up.

Looking for more, Skyler decides to go back to the house he just previously visited where nobody answered the door and then he got beat up by the group of children. Skyler knocks at the door, hoping someone answers this time.

A young lady opens the door and Skyler blurts out, "trick or treat, mam!"

As the lady bends over to put treats into Skyler's potato sack that he held out in front of him, he lets go of the sack and lunges at her smooth neck.

Seeing the sack fall to the floor, the young lady bends over even more to pick up the sack and her head crashes into Skyler's head. They both fall back and hold their heads in their hands. Skyler looks upon this as a new opportunity. While she's distracted with her sore head, he tries to attack again. He lunges again for her lovely neck and this time he is satisfied with the sweet young blood that spurts from the gash in her throat.

After enjoying the fruits of his exploits, Skyler moves around the house to scout out where the strange smell is coming from. In one of the rooms he finds a marijuana grow operation. Ah! So this must be the house the neighbours were talking about. It was rumored that there was a grow house in the area. But that mattered little to Skyler; he was more interested in BLOOD.

Mmmm. Skyler felt drawn to new experiences. Blood might be what gives this demon strength, but there was a curiosity to this demon too, perhaps that's why it had chosen Skyler, a child, to inhabit.

He follows his nose to the demon weed, finds a lighter and lights things on fire, inhaling the smoke each time. He gleefully notices that the house has caught on fire too.

The smoke from the weed has given Skyler the munchies. He desperately looks for something to eat... anything... he goes through the cupboards and finds some chips... and devours them... it's not enough... he continues searching the house and finds a baseball bat. This might come in handy, he thinks, and places the bat into his potato sack.

Skyler continues to search the house as the fire grows larger. He finds a sack of flour, another baseball bat, a cross-bow, some bottled water and an axe. Oh yeah, we have water, Skyler was sure getting thirsty for something other than blood after all the smoke and munchies, he really needed to wet his whistle. Skyler picks up the axe and lovingly caresses it thinking of (and wondering) what kind of sound it will make going into a head. Will it make a watermelon style split of the head, or more of a coconut shattering of the skull. Skyler thought to himself, this is going to be a great Halloween, as these and other thoughts raced through his head. He can't fit everything into his sack, so leaves the flour behind.

He walks across the road to another house and knocks on the door screaming, "TRICK OR TREAT!" A Man opens the door and Skyler can see 3 woman in the back of the room and one is holding a baby.

At the sight of so much flesh he grows eager to eat more. As the man reaches for the candy bowl Skyler grabs the axe from his bag and jumps at the man.

The man sees the boy jump at him with an axe and is able to move out of the way while swinging a back-hand at the boy. Skyler moves out of the the way of the back-hand and notices the woman have not seen the fight yet, so he swings the axe again at the man. This time the axe cuts the man's throat and Skyler enjoys the taste of his blood.

The feel of the axe in Skylers's hand is wonderful to him; he is well pleased with the sound of the air escaping from the open wind pipe as the man died. Still, Skyler did not know what sound the ax made smashing through skull bone. The women seem to be out of it; they had not yet noticed the carnage at the door.

Skyler sneaks further into the house and hides behind a Lazy boy chair close to the door. With ax in hand he is able to nudge the door hard enough for it to slam closed. Quickly pulling his hand and ax back behind the chair with him he waits on the reaction of the women.

"Damnit Jerkwad, we are trying to chat here, did you need to slam the door that loud"? Becky called out. Skyler chuckled to himself, they did not even budge. He needed them to separate a little bit. He learned his lesson with the kids on the street.

The baby, thought Skyler; maybe only one of them would come to check on the baby, so he sneaked past the oblivious women to hide close to the baby. Success! He made it with out being detected. Skyler raised his bloody hand then slapped the baby so it would scream out in pain.

The baby did as Skyler hoped and screamed out in pain. "Damn that man, the baby was sleeping fine till he slammed the door. I'll just go check on the baby, you two just relax". Becky said as she got up to check on the baby. She just noticed that Darrell, or Dah Rail, as he liked it pronounced was not in his chair at the door any more. 'lazy good for nothing lay-about she thought, he must have left'.

Skyler could see the woman now coming in to check on the baby. Yes she sees the blood on his face and is picking him up. Now! Skyler thought. He creeps out from his hiding place, standing behind the woman and swings his axe down on her head.

The woman is frozen with fear and disbelieve as she turns around to find a horrible mutated bloody child swinging at her. With a not so clean hit skyler slices through Becky and the baby in her hands together. He felt good. He didn't stop to feed but instead ripped both their heads from their bodies and started laughing, he walks to the main room and throws Becky's head at the 2 women there and waits for a scream and as they look at him while he drinks from the babies head. He was cocky and he wanted the prey to fear him, he wanted them to run.

Skyler felt more the monster with every feeding. He began to feel that he alone could never slake his own thirst. He had a plan, but first he wanted these women to run, terrified from the house to spread fear.

"Booga booga," he hollered, and threw the baby's head at them.

Instead of running in terror, the women chased him out the door!

When Skyler reaches the street he looks back to see that the 2 women are no longer chasing him and slows down to a walk. He thinks to himself: Hey! Wait a minute! Why am I running from 2 old ladies? I'm the one with all the weapons!

Skyler stops walking and puts the axe into his sack and pulls out the cross bow. This should do the trick, he thinks to himself. Then he heads confidently back to the house where the 2 women chased him out of just moments before. He tries the door and what do you know; the women didn't even lock the door! He swings the door open and raises the cross bow. Skyler pulls the trigger and a shaft strikes one of the women and buries itself in her chest. She grabs hold of the shaft as if to pull it out and then falls to the floor. The other woman looks on in horror.

Players can see a spreadsheet with Skyler's inventory and health here (below the list of player names):

ctrl + L-click OR R-click and choose to open in a new tab (these are the ONLY solutions I found for opening a new tab/window).

The Rules of this game can be found here:



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To help the players keep track of the order of action, please start by posting who writes 1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc. before narrating your part of the developing story-line. Also, please announce when your turn is over so that those who may be waiting for their turn know that you are not going to be writing more.


Simplified Delegations to @happyme

Get votes roughly 10 times the value of your delegation. (I can vote twice if you exceed my VP.) Those who play the zombie adventure game and delegate have been getting just over 20X their delegation value beyond what the other players get! I try to give as much as I possibly can, but as more people delegate, I'll need to cut back the VP to accommodate the extra daily votes.
50 SP | 100 SP | 150 SP | 200 SP | 500 SP | 1000 SP

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Skyler looks around for his mother and realises his biggest mistake... she's been on the phone with the police this whole time...

His brain is clear again now that he feasted on his father... and he remembers watching movies about bank robbers going up against the police and losing.

He starts to panic. He hasn't felt like this for a long time.
He doesn't know what to do, he doesn't know where to go.

"Please hurry, oh my god, he just killed my husband" he hears his mother say.

Skyler doesn't know what to do, so he sits down to think it out...

... as his dear old Mom attacks him with the fire poker @rollthedice

Shake shake shake, you roll the 6-sided die.

You rolled a 1.

In her fear she completely missed, and absolutely shocked, Skyler turns around... the panic in his brain increases as she winds up for a 2nd strike @rollthedice

Shake shake shake, you roll the 6-sided die.

You rolled a 4.


Skyler starts to feed on the old women but spits out their bitter blood, he was spoilt by the taste of the youth.

He rests his crossbow across his shoulder as he walks out to the street, he looks around carelessly and thinks its time to end his dad once and for all. He walks back to his house kicks open the half open door and shoots straight for his dad, who is holding his sisters dead body @rollthedice

#battle #steemace

End Turn

Shake shake shake, you roll the 6-sided die.

You rolled a 1.

The arrow hits his dead sister and her blood splatters across his fathers face, rage grew in his fathers eyes.

#battle #steemace


Skyler shoots 2 more arrows at the only other person left standing in this house.

@rollthedice for action 1.

Shake shake shake, you roll the 6-sided die.

You rolled a 3.

He misses on the first shot. @rollthedice for action 2.

Shake shake shake, you roll the 6-sided die.

You rolled a 5.

The second arrow hits its target and the old lady cries out as she falls to the floor.

"hey! This thing is pretty cool!" Skyler says out loud to himself. He feels good about himself and his marksmanship.

end of my turn.


The rage in his fathers eyes does not faze Skyler one bit. He raise the cross bow again. His fathers rage grows seeing the cross bow raised at him once me. He puts down the child and stares back at Skyler, rage coloring his eyes still. He see's a smile smile cross Skyler's lips as his finger tightens on the bolt release mechanism, @rollthedice

Shake shake shake, you roll the 6-sided die.

You rolled a 4.

The rage in Skylers fathers eyes turns to pain, Skyler can see this, as his father clutches at the crossbow bolt in his chest, Skyler calmly loads a second bolt in the crossbow, "I do love you father, and I am sorry" Skyler barely whispers as he once again squeezes the release mechanism of the crossbow.@rollthedice

Shake shake shake, you roll the 6-sided die.

You rolled a 6.

The Die Has Been Cast. How Long Will Mother Last.

End of Turn

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