My Top Three Favorite Movies

Uphill, Both Ways, Through The Snow

It used to be that if you wanted to watch a movie more than once, you had to go to the theater to do it. It was sometime during my adolescence that someone came up with the smart idea of putting movies on VHS tape, so they could be watched at home. Then, you could watch and rewatch your favorites until the tape wore out.

A lot has changed since then. Now, not only can you watch a movie from the comfort of your own home, you can do it on a big screen, with surround sound, and see it in 1080P, 4K or even 3D if you like. Best thing about that is, the money you can save on movie tickets, popcorn, sodas and candy, will probably pay for your home theater set up over the life of the equipment. And this way you don't have to worry about the talkers, the hackers or the fatheads who invariably sit around you (unless your family and friends are full of those—then I don't know what to tell you, other than I'm sorry).

Image Source—Pexels

I Guess I'm A Movie Fan

All I know is, I've watched a lot of movies over the years. And I've had plenty of favorites. Then, one would come along and it would replace another. That's hard to do, really, because I tend to watch movies for their spectacle, rather than for their tight plots, or their superb acting, or their messages about society and mankind. I like battles. I like car chases. I like action.

Then, when I began to write this post, I realized that, aside from there being a lot of movies to choose from, the movies that were coming to mind, the ones that I would consider favorites, weren't necessarily action packed. Not all of the Top 3, anyway. Or rather, the action, if any, was supplementary to the story. So, while I prefer to watch the blockbuster, they're not going to end up in my Top 3.

So, That's Not Confusing

I know. Surprised Me. Or rather, I hadn't really thought about it. Maybe it would be easier to just go through some movies that I really like, so you can see what I generally watch, then show you the ones I'm considering the Top 3.

The Competition

I've liked all the Star Wars movies—the latest two, the prequel sequels and, still most of all, the original trilogy. The Empire Strikes Back will forever be ingrained in my mind as the plot twist to end all plot twists.

I've watched all of the James Bond movies, many more than once. The latest ones with Daniel Craig, though, have been the best, with Skyfall and Casino Royale heads and shoulders above the rest.

The Indiana Jones movies—including the last one—are another series of movies I've enjoyed. As you've probably guessed by now, I don't have a hard time suspending reality for a couple of hours.

Musicals—The Sound of Music, The Music Man, Fiddler On The Roof, Singing In The Rain, even this latest The Greatest Showman and Hail, Caesar!, while not strictly a musical, all movies I've really enjoyed.

Every Marvel Studios movie—Of course, I have my favorites among those, the Top 3 being (in no particular order) the first Iron Man, first The Avengers and Captain America: Civil War.

The Apes Trilogy—I haven't seen the originals, and the earlier one with Mark Wahlberg was okay, but I mean the last three, with Caesar, the virus that virtually wipes out mankind, and the war and the personal struggles that break out among man and beast and beast and beast. It's pretty amazing when you actually start rooting for the apes. The last movie, War for the Planet of the Apes is especially good.

Practically anything Pixar has put out—I'm a fan of animation. Old school, CGI, new school. Animation can do a lot of things live action can't, and Pixar does it consistently better, with adults in mind, than everyone else.

In fact, for a taste of what's in my Top 3, one Pixar movie actually makes it in. But before I divulge them, here are four I really liked a lot, but which failed to go the distance.

The Runners-Up

The Sixth Sense

This was M. Night Shyamalan's first major movie, and arguably the best. I'm not normally a fan of scary movies, but this one wasn't a typical horror flick. There's so much more going on, more than you know, and it's got to have one of the best twist endings of a movie I've ever seen.

The Sting

This was the modern con caper back in the early 70s, but it was the camera direction and the plot twists that got me. The scene from the hotel room window looking down on the corner drugstore as a call comes in is one of the best set ups of cinematography I've ever seen.

O Brother, Where Art Thou?

Hilarious, sentimental, great acting, with great music. A lot of great lines. My favorite: "Ain't this place a geographical oddity. Two weeks from everywhere."

It's A Wonderful Life

Went way back on this one, but while it's considered a holiday classic, it's more about the struggle of a man trying to become more than he is, and in the process of doing the exact opposite of his natural instincts—staying in the small town he grew up in and helping people instead of traveling the world and making his mark—he becomes more than he ever could be otherwise. Surprisingly edgy. Maybe it's the black and white film.

My Top Three Favorite Movies Of All Time

And now, without further ado (how much more ado could there really be?) here are my Top 3 favorite movies of all time. In ascending order:

3. The Incredibles

What can I say? I love superhero movies. This is Pixar, though, so it's not just about the fight scenes. At least not the ones against the villain or his creations. This is a story about a family, struggling to fit into a world that no longer wants them (as superheroes), but one that will end up desperately needing them. The music is awesome, the voice acting superb and the reality of life imposed upon them (lawsuits, insurance claims, the awkwardness of teenage life, people not happy you exist) can't contain them in the end. The biggest thing is, though, I identify with Mr. Incredible when he says, "I'm not strong enough."

2. Field Of Dreams

It's quirky, it's kind of lame at times, you never really know who or where the voice comes from, but in the end, it doesn't matter. Instead of doing the sensible, expected thing, Ray mows down the corn and builds a baseball field right in the middle of Iowa.

This one is a tough one to tell you why I like it so much. The easiest part to describe is that I readily identify with characters who are misunderstood, who want to do things that don't make sense to anyone else but themselves, people who listen to an inner voice.

I also identify with characters who always seem to have something keeping them from achieving their greatest potential. This movie has that, too.

Ironically, I'm not that big a fan of baseball, and I consider my relationship with my father to be pretty good. I think at the time of my life when this movie came out I wished I could be closer to him, though I'm not sure how. I was also becoming a new father, which probably played into it. At any rate, I believe my Dad and I are good, (as well as me and my oldest son) but I still love this movie.

Forrest Gump

This is one of two movies I've watched by myself in a movie theater (I can't remember the other one), and the only movie I've seen twice (in theaters).

Again, this is a movie where the character is misunderstood, chastised, derided, ridiculed, but despite all of his so called mental deficiencies, he ends up being the smartest and greatest of all. Why? His innate simplicity, the way he is, turns out to be the way we all should be—caring for others more than ourselves, and doing the right thing.

This movie also has some of the best seamless integration of CGI I've ever seen. It augments the movie, rather than overpowers it.

There you have it

Those are my Top 3 favorite movies of all time. As you can see, they've stayed in my Top 3 for quite a while. Funny thing is, if they were new now, I might not consider them as my Top 3. Each one has a special place because of where I was in my life when they came out.

This post was inspired by @dragosroua's Day 19 prompt from his ongoing May 30 Days Writing Challenge.


Forrest Gump is one of those movies that just stays with you for years after watching it. Same thing with Saving Private Ryan.

But for me, it doesn't get any better than 2001: A Space Odyssey. I don't believe Kubrik's masterpiece will ever by surpassed, even by directors like Spielberg and Ridley Scott.

I'm not sure I've seen all of 2001: A Space Odyssey. I know I've seen parts of it, but only when seeing it at different times on TBS or some station like that. I'll need to do that sometime. Since I'm likely to be the only one who will watch it in my family, that shouldn't be too hard. :)

I haven't seen Saving Private Ryan, either. I hear it's intense, though. I might not be able to handle intense now. Getting too old. :)

Saving Private Ryan is a very heavy film. Grab a beer or a whisky before watching it - you'll need it. ;-)

Good choices. The Natural nearly made my list -- great movie. Forrest Gump is far better than any of the movies on my list (just rewatched a couple of months ago), but it can be difficult to watch, so I couldn't put it in my favorites. It is still enjoyable and powerful, plus I love all of the tie-ins to actual events. Another move that does that well is "Dick."

That's just it. I haven't tried to watch either Forrest Gump or Field of Dreams for years, because I know what's going to happen when I do. That's why something where i don't have to feel much is better for me. :) I think I may have watched The Natural, but it's been such a long time it would be like watching it over again, and I think I've heard of the movie Dick, but didn't really know what it was about (just looked it up).

So many movies, so little time. :)

The Incredibles and Forrest Gump. Love them. I haven't seen Field of Dreams yet.

As I said, I'm not sure if it's up to everyone's taste. Interestingly enough, I don't think it's Kevin Costner's best role, even though he'll be remembered for it. I think his acting has improved significantly with age. :)

It's just the whole concept of doing something that goes against the status quo, or what people would expect you to do. Even if it impacts you financially. Once the dead baseball players start showing up and Costner's character goes on a roadtrip looking for other people, it picks up considerably.

Have not seen Field of dreams, but the Incredibles and Forest Gump are some great moives!

I don't think Field of Dreams is going to be on a lot of people's lists. As I mentioned, I haven't seen it in such a long time, I might not have the same reaction to it as I did then, and even more so if it came out now. Still, if you like baseball at all and know any history of it, you'll like it. If you have a relationship that you wish were better, you'll like it. And if you've ever wished you just went and did something that everyone else thought was foolish, but that you found worthwhile and fun, this is the movie. It doesn't have to make sense to everyone else. It just has to make sense to you. :)

I would be hard pressed to narrow it down to just 3, although Instinct with Anthony Hopkins would be one of them. Most would probably be older movies, but definitely A Wonderful Life is one of the all time greats.

Not sure if you will have the time, but hoping so. I nominated you for the 7 day positivity challenge.

I'd never heard of the Instinct movie with Anthony Hopkins. Looks like a similar role to the one he played in Silence of the Lambs, though, another movie I haven't seen, at least not in its entirety. I've seen some piece on TNT or TBS, but like a lot of other movies put on TV, I either got distracted with something else or someone came in wanting to change the channel.

The seven day positivity challenge? Hmmmm. I can take a look at it, I guess. :)

Looks like a similar role to the one he played in Silence of the Lambs,

No, it is very different. It is one of those movies that questions the dark side of humanity. He studies apes in the jungle and slowly as the weeks go by they begin accepting him as one of them as he sheds his human belongings. Hunters come through killing them and outraged he kills one of the hunters. The movie is then him being analyzed in a mental facility over time, showing how they abuse mentally ill people in these places. I won't say anymore as you could gather that much probably from the plug, but it goes so much deeper. I enjoy many of his movies, but that one is the one that grabbed me.

The seven day positivity challenge? Hmmmm. I can take a look at it, I guess. :)

Awesome. I know you are a perfect fit for this.

Okay, interesting. The trailer I watched showed mostly him attacking people, but didn't really delve into these other ideas you mention. Which isn't very good for a trailer if that's what the movie is mainly about.

I'm not sure if I am perfect for this, but I will see what I can do. I'm already in the middle of one challenge, which won't end until May 30. :)

Interesting post and choices @glenalbrethsen. It's really late and I've had a long day so apologies for not commenting more.

You've made me want to watch sixth sense again because I know I really enjoyed it but don't remember it at all! 😊

It's been a long time since I saw The Sixth Sense too. I'm pretty sure I've only watched it once, and that was when it went to DVD, so 18 years ago or so. Man, it doesn't seem like it was that long ago but it must have been. :)

I've heard of Snatch and Life of Brian, but have not seen them. I do like Monty Python and the Holy Grail and I've watched plenty episodes from the television show.

In China They Eat Dogs I've never heard of, but there's a lot of movies not made by Hollywood that I don't know about, so no surprise there. I've never heard of plenty of them inside the U.S. as I'm finding out, too, so there's that.

It sounds like you're into comedies, but some fairly hard and maybe even violent ones from the ratings and the descriptions? Is there some message or something else other than the comedy that you like about each one?

Oh man, you have to watch Snatch if for nothing else to hear Brad talking


As for leitmotif, all three movies are kindof the comedy of absurd - making fun of the stupid stereotypes and believes that underline the modern society.
And yes, they are violent but the violence is not the purpose yet the means to convey the message that people are cruel and will exercise the right they believe they have to stomp on others in order to get what they want or think is right.

As for non-Holliwood movies, yes there are a lot of great movies out there that just didn’t get the chance to become blockbuster just because they weren’t made in Lala Land.

Anywho, if you get the chance, be sure to give them a chance – I do believe you won’t regret it.

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good movie choices. I liked all of those as well.
Since you like challenges, I nominated you for one lol

Now, I wouldn't go so far as to say I like challenges. I have done most of them because I was asked to, not because I was naturally inclined or liked them. There have been a couple of exceptions to that, and the May 30 Days Writing Challenge is one of them.

And as it would turn out, @practicalthought has also nominated me for this positivity challenge, and I've already committed to do it. I'm just not sure if I'll start it today or tomorrow. Monday are usually a busy day since I take Sundays off, so I'm in catch up mode most of the day. We'll see how it goes, but if I don't happen to get it started today, I will try for tomorrow. :)

Any day is a good day to start 👍

Great post! I like it so much! Good day to you. :-)

Well, thank you, but what did you like about it? I thought it got a little long with everything I was trying to cram into it. :)

Based on his commenting history, I am going to go out on a limb here and say his favorite part was when you hit that upvote button on his comment that is almost identical to all of the comments he leaves on others posts.

Sadly, I imagine so. I almost didn't do it, and I probably should have gone to look (I have a few times). I actually run into more of these kinds of comments on other people's posts than I do mine.

In this case, I felt I'd give the benefit of the doubt and at least provide an opportunity to do something more than just spam and scam. Some people genuinely don't know any better, and when English may very well be their second language, it's hard to tell the difference sometimes. :)

I appreciate the heads up, though, even if I probably won't see them anywhere again.

I have a little response made up with explaining that their comments look like spam and what happens to spammers and it has 3 links to posts which explain how to be successful on this platform. this kind of comment - unless it is from a friend - is usually spam :(

I like that approach, especially if it's under the radar of the spam police. There's some people here who have a hard time differentiating between what is spam, and an autoresponse, or a canned message meant to be used more than once.

An automatic downvote for me, at least the first time out, seems like a waste of voting power, just like an upvote in this case was. Still, by virtue of the fact that I did reply (even though they apparently won't be), I got more engagement off of one comment than I got most of all of last week. Maybe I should do it more. :)

hahaha - true :) When I see a comment that looks like spam - I look at their profile and see what they are doing. A lot of newcomers just don't know and then, I can help them. And the others don't care.
I don't downvote people, I use all the voting power I have to reward people who do well in my eyes - and I never have enough.
But if it looks like they are trying to get people to click on links which could harm them, I report them to steemcleaners.

Here is the response I give - you are welcome to use it

Your comment looks a lot like spam and people on this platform do not like this. Actually, some of the bigger accounts might downvote you to a point where you are not visible anymore. Here are three good articles which will help you to be successful on this platform.

See, personally, I think that's the best approach, especially for those of us who have the lower SP. Some accounts it might not matter on, but you never know when you're going to run into someone who has friends and decides to attack back.

I know there are people who feel like flagging is a duty, but I'm not sure if I can buy into that, certainly not in all cases, and maybe even in none. Flagging only affects the account being flagged. It doesn't affect the accounts that gave out the rewards, though I guess there could be an indirect effect through a loss of curation. Even so, I see it abused way more than I've seen it used correctly, and there's way too much negativity associated with it.

My own $0.02, for what it's worth. I'm in agreement with you that I my vote is much more valuable going to people who I feel have earned it as opposed to knocking off whatever cents I might do and then losing that voting power in the process.

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