I Kneel To Thee @fulltimegeek, Pledging My Services to The #stewardsofgondor


Who Am I? Why Do I think I Am Worthy?

I combated with myself to even write this, as I have no doubt that #stewardsofgondor, especially @fulltimegeek are buried in messages and requests everyday when it comes to bringing new members on-board, but I thought if I could get the attention of @stephenkendal, @anarcotech and @starkerz by being brought on-board with #promo-steem, I may just have a shot!

You can seem my #promo-steem application here

My name is Jacob Anthony Billett, I have a Master's in Business Administration and Human Resource Management, I'm 32 years old and the CEO of Billett Enterprises Inc., which specializes in investments, venture capital and start-ups. I retired when I was 30 and now I have the joys of working for myself helping others in achieving their dreams of personal and financial independence. I began my company by providing financial education, then proceeded to refinance predatory loans with peer-lending leveraging my personal assets (i.e. my home), and it eventually lead into a multi-faceted operation with the sole purpose of helping people. There have been several times we paid off outstanding loans to people with terminal illnesses or severe hardship. It was a great feeling to know that we could help others in an area in which many will not.

I have since ceased lending practices (California law did not look too kindly on what we did), and moved into real estate. Being a non-liquid investment, most of our capital has been tied up and I recently got involved (and fell in love with) crypto. I started mining both locally and on the cloud and seen a bit of success, then I found Steemit.

To get a more in-depth background on me, here is my Steemit introduction

Steemit is the Rennasance of our time, rewarding something that hasen't been rewarded in a very long time...quality. See, truth, quality, workmanship, communication, wisdom, dedication..these aren't rewarded anymore, and quite frankly not even sought after anymore.

A woman who can "twerk" on camera will be rewarded more financially, have more exposure, gain more influence and "inspire" more people than a 18-year-old Nobel Peace Prize Winner. Or a 16 year old Olympian. Or the scientist that makes a ground-breaking discovery.

I feel that I'm worthy because I share the same vision of many of us here on the platform, trying to protect it, nurture it and grow it to be something extraordinary. A place where quality content is awarded, where people have an incentive to learn and grow and contribute for the betterment of us as a people and the world.

Steemit brings back hope that we will once again achieve our potential as the intelligent beings we are, to put us back in balance and headed again in the right direct. To take power back from an over-centralized body that does not act in the best interest of us because we have gotten too complacent and too distracted.

What I Have Been Able To Accomplish So Far On Steemit?

As an investor, I look at many things to know that my investment is a positive one and not abused. I look at my Return-On-Investment (not just in a financial sense), if the investment fit my vision and ethics, past performance and intention.

That being said, here is my data and examples of what I have done since joining this platform December 29th, 2017.


  • Steem-Power: 456.68
  • Posts: 1,604
  • Followers: 893
  • Reputation: 58.116
  • Rewards (Curation) 0.66 Steem-Power
  • Rewards (Author) 152.55 Steem-Power / 680.13 Steem-Dollars

Required Daily Operations on Steemit (actions I perform everyday)

  • 2 quality posts
  • 25 welcomes to new users
  • 2 photo posts
  • 5 photo post comments
  • 20 votes within 24 hours
  • 25-50 total comments a day
  • Follow 15 people through @steemengine
  • Vote on a minimum of 5 posts through @steemfollower

Februrary Benchmarks (this was announced to my followers the beginning of February here

  • To obtain 2,000 SP by any means (Organic, Investment, Delegation) - Currently 456.68
  • To reach 1,500 Followers by continuing to use the amazing @steemengine and @steemfollower - Currently 893
  • Obtain a @qurator Tier-5 status - Currently Tier-2
  • Donate 50 Steem-Dollars to charitable causes - Currently 36 Steem-Dollars
  • Launch @promo-steem campaign and begin branding
  • Begin posting 3 @dtube videos a week
  • Begin fitness series (The Road to Redemption)
  • Continue contributing 15 quality posts per week
  • Continue dedicating 50% of posts to causes and supporting new users.
  • Continue respond rate of over 90%
  • Begin delegating SP to groups that provide support to new users - Currently 300 Steem-Power
  • Continue to post contests in which engage and inspire people to become more involved in the block-chain and become more familiar with it.

Current Accomplishments

  • Three top five posts on steemit block-chain over 24-hour period.
  • The recruitment of 60 users to @steemfollower
  • The recruitment of 45 users to @steemengine
  • The writing of several guides in how to use applications to assist growth within the Steemit community by use of block-chain programs. These guides also include printable checklists and walk-throughs.
  • Became an official author for #familyprotection, contributing, promoting, and exposing government corruption and the manipulation of children within the foster care system. Routinely interacting with the head-members @canadian-coconut and @markwhittam
  • The designing, creation and launching of merchandise awareness campaign for @familyprotection, which which all proceeds (26 Steem-Dollars) were donated to support the project and to bring on/reward new contributors.
  • The acceptance and promotion to Qurator Tier Level 2 (Tier 5 pending).
  • The delegation of 300 Steem-Power to @qurator to help sustain growth and reward pool (this delegation was 65% of my Steem-Power).
  • Reaching out to @scrooger, leader of @qurator, and granted permission to design and launch @qurator merchandise campaign to further support the group. I elected to use all proceeds as delegation to the group and/or to @qustodian.
  • Connecting with #Zappl Founder and CEO, pending official appointment as #zappl-entrepreneur influencer.
  • The registration and active participation in @utopian.io platform to contribute to projects that increase the effectiveness, reliability and sustainability of the Steemit platform.
  • The enrollment into @qurator, @utopian-1up and @cryptoctopus curation trail to maximize the curation of quality content on the block-chain using my limited Steem-Power.
  • Establishing a connection and partnership with @bbrewer on the promotion, support and contribution of #myhuntingfishing, new Steemit tag representing a previously under-represented and under-valued demographic on the block-chain.
  • The enrollment and completion of training academy within @earthnation, with the purpose of networking and supporting decentralized trade and communities.
  • The construction of recording studio for video production (both recording and live-streaming).
  • The designing and implementation of a crypto investment portfolio in which I bring in Ethereum, Bitcoin, Monero, Litecoin, as well as fiat currency (USD),into the block-chain (trade), helping the stability of the block-chain by diversifying principle investments.
  • Multiple successful contests in which contestants engaged and contributed to new concepts, creating a beneficial "teaching moment" that may result in successful interactions with the block-chain.

Events Planned (so far)

  • Investigation and video interview with CPS officals in central Nebraska - February 2018.
  • Video interview with family attorney in central Nebraska - February 2018
  • Steemit Creators Conference in Las Vegas as guest speaker and lead investment counsel - April 2018

Near-Term Goals

  • The launching of a health and fitness series on Steemit.
  • The creation of curation trail guide and establishing a respectable curation trail for trailers to earn curation rewards and contributors can be rewarded for quality content that may have gone unrecognized.
  • The creation of a one-stop resource for new members that breaks down all aspects of Steem-it, and how to maximize their time and rewards when interacting with the block-chain.
  • The creation and employment of an actually profitable manual upvote system, in which proceeds can go to benefit other development projects to enhance the steemit platform.
  • The cloning and release of my retail network that can take STEEM or Steem-Dollar payments to fulfill the need of those wanting to get away from the centralized system.
  • To be a part of the #stewardsofgondor project.

Long-Term Goals

  • The success benchmarks and legal paperwork completed for my revolutionary project in 2020 (details to be released later).
  • The possibility of launching a Smart Media Token based on the Steemit block-chain technology.
  • To become a leading influencer and venture investor on the Steemit platform. I want to be an inspiration to those that want to follow their dreams and leave a mark on the world.

What it all boils down to

It all comes down to "If I delegate to this individual, are they acting in the best interest of the platform, and are they actively engaged and committed?". In that, I hope that my performance analysis and the presentation of my future goals, as well as measurable outcomes can satisfy that question. I feel, in my heart, that I can be a asset to your team as it aligns with my own beliefs and actions.

I hope this didn't take too much of your time, and I am fairly certain that the window of opportunity to be involved with this may not even be open, but at least I know that I gave it my all. I hope that is not the case, and I will be eagerly awaiting your response or the response from anyone associated with the group.

Also, I would like to take a second and thank @abh12345 for his time and guidance. I asked a question on the #stewardsofgondor thread, in which was buried and he was keen enough and dedicated enough to reach out to me. That really meant a lot.

Respectfully yours,

Jacob A. Billett, M.B.A
Steem Ambassador
Qurite, Tier 2
CEO Billett Enterprises, Inc.

Show your support for @qurator, the best curation guild on @steemit! Get your limited time, custom apparel here!</center


Sign up for these free applications and get GUARANTEED upvotes and followers!


SteemEngine https://steemengine.net/join?r=340


You are a busy man. I wish you luck on your steemit journey. Steemit is an amzing platform. A charity I recomend is @youarehope

I will definitely look into it. Thank you for the suggestion and your continued support.

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.20
TRX 0.14
JST 0.030
BTC 66937.04
ETH 3270.78
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.74