My Steem Ambassador Application

in #ambassadorapplication7 years ago (edited)



Good Evening Steem Ambassadors!

My name is Jacob Bllett, and I am applying to become part of this global movement you have initiated.Before I begin to answer the question requested per your website, I just wanted to take a second to thank you for the opportunity and give you a brief look into my background.

I currently hold a Master in Business Administration with a major in Human Resources management. I served I the US Army for eight years and worked in sales and finance for Ford until I completed my MBA. From there I went to the State of California where I worked in Business Services and Development where I served on the advisory board for local start-up businesses. After a year I was promoted to work for Community Services and Development as an analyst.

One of the reasons I absolutely love the fundamentals of this project is that I saw first hand the negatives of a highly centralized entity. Where bureaucracy strangles growth, where egos, power, corruption, misallocate resources, and the vision of the department is lost as it becomes ineffective and unethical.

With some smart investments and the founding of my corporation (Billett Enterprises), I have had the luxury to retire in 2016 at the age of 31. Funny how retirement works, as I am busier now it seems than when I was working 40+ hours a week!

I discovered Steemit December 29th of 2017 and immediately made it my top investment platform after reading the Whitepapers and seeing the growth including the user interaction. I recently made a post celebrating my 1,000th post on the platform announcing my intentions within the platform and my commitment to it which you can see here

I have already begun the liquidation of certain crypto funds I was in to invest more into the platform to add more value as I continue to grow my presence. This project has now become my new venture and to be honest, has been one of the most exciting and rewarding ventures I have been involved with in my lifetime.

Anyways, without further ado, I will get to the questions in which you inquire about for potential Ambassadors.

Previous promotional experience?

The promotional experience started young when I modeled for a series of children's books for an agency in San Francisco, CA called Kid’s on Camera. I also did some work in local commercials.

Upon completing my service in the US Army, I began bodybuilding. From 2011 to 2015, I was sponsored by companies such as Herbalife, GNC, Nutri-Shop and assisted in the promotion of bodybuilding shows. My duties consisted of wearing branded gear, working events (booths, posing clinics, product presentation and sales), and using the product on social media outlets to build brand awareness.I built a fan page and promotional groups that consisted of over 500 members that were actively purchasing products or services.

I retired from bodybuilding in 2014 and resigned from my supplement sponsors and began my own independent online retail network called “Righteous Discounts” (had to resign due to conflict of interest). We sold over multiple online storefronts such as Amazon, eBay, Bonanza,, and direct sales through social media. Before the selling of our multiple storefronts, myself and a team of five I hired and trained were processing nearly $35,000 USD of products per month.

In 2016, after being retired from competitive sports for a year, I couldn’t stand not being “in the trenches” and decided to play football for a local semi-pro team in northern California. The head coach (former player for the Oakland Raiders) immediately saw my potential and suggested I look at some pro arena football leagues. I reached out to an owner in Illinois and was granted a tryout spot in their season opener. I traveled and played and was offered contract, however, I declined and decided to become a partial owner/player and business manager of a team that was folding in Nebraska ( I saw it as more of a challenge).

The team was in need of roughly $40,000 USD to play for the year and the deadline was roughly three weeks. In that time, I was able to reach out to investors in my corporation, plus local investors and was able to raise the money needed to satisfy outstanding obligations for the team to play for the year. The feat was accomplished by extensive networking and promoting the organization including apparel sales, news broadcasts and social media campaigns including the acceptance of forfeiting salaries for everyone in the organization. You can see my interview with NBC Nebraska here

Last year, after suffering from a broken leg in our last home game before the championship, I moved my attention to my real estate properties and heavier investment into cryptocurrencies and ramping my corporation up to include more properties and different markets such as transportation and increased funding for start-ups as a venture capitalist.
As of today, this platform consumes most of my time as I continue to learn and develop strategies as well as posting tutorials and guides for current users. I have begun working my warm market to get them involved and have successfully recruited new Steemians and I continue to guide them on this new platform.

Your story and achievements as a Steem/Steemit Promotor so far?

As a Steemian so far I have done fairly well, in roughly 22 days I have been able to recruit just under 500 followers, have an SP of nearly 400 and have composed four top 10 posts(one being the third highest) in the entire blockchain based on my SP, which can be seen on my Steemworl account here I have just learned how to use bots and have used them sparsely, most of my most popular posts have zero bot influence.
Strictly stating as Steem/Steemit promoter, I believe I have encouraged some of my followers to reinvest into the platform with the longer term by purchasing SteemPower, therefore stabalizing our beloved platform. Additionally, by teaching and promoting to my warm market, I have brought in new content creators. What is more significant to me than just a focus on recruitment is the focus on retention. Due to the current environment of “minnows”, it is very easy to get discouraged. Many people lack the resourcefulness to continue to pound away until they get something and need a guide. My focus is on getting users onboard and keeping them here.

Another measure of success in which may be applicable, as of my joining I have recruited 26 users to Steem Followers and 19 users to Steem Engine. This was done with promotions, written guides, direct conversations and other engagements with users promoting the positives and teaching them how to benefit from the services.

Why you promote Steem/Steemit?

I believe, wholeheartedly, that Steemit is the Renaissance of our time We have a major issue in today’s society, and that is the constant suffocation of information with zero knowledge. There is very little wisdom in the world anymore. Studies have shown that the average human being has the attention span of less than a goldfish (, which has a direct impact on communication between us. Finding people with substance is becoming more and rarer.

The Steemit community rewards substance. It rewards quality. It incentivizes people to think, to engage, with “upvotes” as the carrot in which are rewarded for such interaction. Let’s be honest here, people like to be rewarded and like to be complimented. I believe with this system, we will have a pool that is the polar opposite of other social media platforms which have devolved into utter uselessness. Steemit is the beacon of hope that intelligent contributors with quality content and intention can get together and work together to improve this amazing ecosystem we have.

What are the reasons you want to become a Steem Ambassador?

I want people to succeed. I measure my success on what I can do for others because when I pass that is how my legacy will continue. I cannot tell you how frustrated I have become with the interactions we see in today's world. How the talented, the intelligent, the rare are never appreciated yet if you can “twerk” in front of a camera you receive all the rewards you can dream of. There is something wrong with a society that rewards those more than those who contribute to make this world a better place for all.

In addition to this fundamental passion I have for the success of this platform, I also want to use this position as a title to give more credibility with my actions and attract those that may not have seen me as a resource. Much like my MBA did in the corporate world, it really does help in an effort to be an “expert” on the subject is performance alone will not satisfy the individual.

What are your future plans as a Steem Ambassador?

I am planning on both local and web seminars to instruct, train, engage, and answer questions for the community. My approach to compare directly to Facebook for content creators and recruit all content creators outside of the blockchain to monetize their content in the Steemit community. This will add more quality content, more interaction, will grow our active accounts and further stabilize the blockchain.

I also want to start reaching out to crypto investors to look at Steemit as a viable hedge against their current portfolios. This will bring more value into the blockchain and more relevance of the Steem and Steem Dollar currencies.
Video interaction with the community is also launching as I have made it a point to improve. I've just recently invested several hundred USD setting up a film studio. I begin filming next week.

My corporation is also liquidating assets that are deemed “underperforming” and sifting weight into cryptocurrencies, namely Steemit as leasing and delegation of Steem Power is a very interesting and returns look profitable. Also, with the low transaction costs, we are looking into potentially creating a clone of our retail network that accepts Steem/Steem Dollar only transactions.

There is a huge undertaking in which I am planning on initiating sometime in 2020 that I believe will be revolutionary and based on Steemit. The plans are already underway but there is a lot of paperwork I will be doing as well as asset acquisitions. While I cannot speak of it publicly, I can address it in private communications as long as it is confidential. It will probably be “My Life’s Work”.

Respectfully yours,

Jacob A. Billett, M.B.A
CEO Billett Enterprises, Inc.


Hello, Thanks for such a great application and all the fantastic work you have been doing to increase awareness about the steem blockchain and its potential applications!

We at #promo-steem and @steem-ambassador have reviewed your application to become a Steem Ambassador and we are pleased to say that we would like to propose your candidacy to the community per the Application Approval Process HERE!!! :)

In order to proceed we would like to know that you are happy to follow the Steem Ambassador Responsibilities and Guidelines outlined HERE.

Please respond below with your positive response and we will proceed to propose you to the Steemit community as a Steem Ambassador!!


Thank you very much for the proposition! I have read, understand and acknowledge the roles, responsibilities and duties of this position and will execute in a manner fitting for this role.

I am also pleased to announce that Steemit have become my "full-time" job, so the curation requirement will not be an issue and I can devote a large amount of time and resources for this movement.

Looking forward to solidifying my position within the guild so I can begin my promo-steem work full scale, complete with branding and on-boarding.

Awesome! Looking forward to workout my with u!

:) It'll be epic! Hopefully I can keep up with you!

Can't wait to make a post when I am official!

Hi @starkerz ! Great all the steem-ambassadors we will have. This will be huge for the blockchain.

By the way, I just made a post saying huge thanks to Luke Stokes for his delegation to the @steem-ambassador guild!

Looking forward to your thoughts!

Regards, @gold84

This is so awesome!! I much appreciate this!!

Nice article thanks for sharing keep up the good work

Thank you very much!

You make writing look like a childs play, smooth and organised

Kudos man✌

Thank you very much for that. I put a lot into it and always open to suggestions,

You're very much welcome sir

You are very much welcome sir

yea go jacob!

Thank you very much for all of your support! Hopefully, I will get the opportunity!

@entrepreneur916 Glad to see that you're finally applied for the Steem ambassador. With your talent and dedication - I think you'll be get accepted very soon.

All the best for you, sir :)

Here's hoping my friend. Haven't heard anything yet.

Very comprehensive application post and tells a lot about your experience and skills. I wish you the best...I'm sure you'll get a seal of approval. I'm going to write my own ambassador application post in just over a month when i've conducted my first live event in Dubai... I hope i can join in too... :)

That would be awesome! Looking forward to hearing of your success in Dubai as well as on the platform. Hoping I do get the seal of approval as well, this platform has so much potential!

Congratulations in advance.. Nice one, i'm convinced that you will achieve all your aims.

Im your fan.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I really do hope I have the privilege to do this. I was resteemed by the "Top Guy" at the firm, so I believe that is a very good sign!

Respectfully yours,

Jacob A. Billett, M.B.A
CEO Billett Enterprises, Inc.


Sign up for these free applications and get GUARANTEED upvotes and followers!



Hi Jacob- very impressive start to your life on Steemit. I must take stock and commit more time myself! Promo-Steem the Tag is growing very fast ( as you might see from my latest blog ). Best of luck will follow your progress with interest.

Thank you! It has been an incredible journey thus far in the last 29 days! I will be visiting you page and will be following and contributing on yours as well. If several of us can put in the time and support each-other, our growth and success on this platform is inevitable.

Respectfully yours,

Jacob A. Billett, M.B.A
CEO Billett Enterprises, Inc.


Sign up for these free applications and get GUARANTEED upvotes and followers!



Thank you for this. Your ambassador application has been noted, and is being reviewed. It will be put to the community very soon I expect as it's very impressive.

Thank you so very much for this opportunity. I am a guest speaker and then hosting a "Pitch Party" for the "Creators Conference" in Las Vegas from April 13th - 15th. I would love to be a bonefide Steem Ambassador by then and promote that platform during the speech and do some "reality on-boarding" during that time and on the streets of Vegas.

The entire event will be streamed and I thought would be a fantastic opportunity for us to grow our influence.

I hope to hear back from you soon!

And for the record, the purpose of the pitch party is for steemit members to pitch heir ideas, passions, projects, to raise funds and bring awareness to their ventures. We could find some amazing talent that could enhance the promo-steem movement.

I was informed of your application by @anarcotech, I have to say, what you have written above is very impressive, and we much appreciate efforts like these! Awesome stuff!

Regards to your venture in 2020, have you hear of SMTs yet (smart media tokens)? if not, I recommend taking a look into these as they will lift steem to new levels

Have you hear of the concept of steemfairs? it sounds very similar to what you are discussing here above (pitch party) I wonder if there is a way to share ideas / lessons learned / collaborate on this? we are just rolling the idea of steemfair out (basically where steemians can come to set up a stall and promote their own blogs, products or services and sell them for steem at the fair). We hope that the model we use is taken up in other countries and spreads like #promo-steem did. We have not thought about pitching at these events or fund raising, but sounds very interesting.... STEEMON!

In regards to SMT, I have a project filed on my desk to develop a SMT based off of the steemit blockchain and incorporating it within my retail network, making purchases exclusively executed using that coin. However, currently I will be using the current SMT and may experiment with it later. It is actually quite easy to develop and produce.

The project I have for 2020 is much larger, and would love to discuss it privately or in person. Once some of my corporate assets are liquid again, and I downsize some personal real estate assets I will be poised to make official announcement, obviously after key personnel and investors are already involved behind the scenes.

I was considering launching a version of "steemfairs" (wasen't sure if they were already happening", I use to plan, promote and execute job fairs for the State of California Employment Development Services, and we can use the exact same model for steemit.

I would be happy to email the process in which I did or speak over the phone. If you are in Vegas when I am out there for the Creator's Conference, we can definitely shake hands and orchestrate there as well.

I have two timeshare out there in Vegas, so I will be there for that whole week.

Sounds really cool! Will be in touch soon, as I really have a lot on with promo-steem at the moment, but looking forward to touching base with you and having a chat in the very near future.

Excellent. Well let me know If I can help you out in your endeavors in any way, these days collaboration is distribution of workload is easy. Whatever I can do to help with the @promo-steem narrative let me know.

Will do, We have a lot of ideas and good things to discuss going forwards. will be in touch!

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