Writing and Thinking -- About Sun Energy in Astrology, what it all means, and what it means to YOU ...

in #astrology5 years ago

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What it means

In Astrology, your Sun energy represents a basic constellation of traits, attitudes, character strengths and interests around which your personality is built.

It's fair to say your Sun energy represents your psychological coloring -- the theme of your essential being. Unless you are actually trying to hide it -- or unless your native Sun energy is seriously afflicted in your horoscope ... which it can be -- these elements that comprise your Sun energy are easily and naturally on display in your everyday persona.

It provides an automatic bias in your behavior ... your actions, reactions and choices. In simple terms, it's who you are and how you operate.

Others will certainly recognize this cosmological description of you -- because they see it in action. You may recognize (and admit!) it, too, when you're being honest -- although self-reflection is not as easy as watching someone else behaving (acting out!!) in real life.


What it does

Still, Sun energy provides a solid starting point from which to reach a far greater level of self-understanding, if you choose to work with Astrology this way. It gives sound, reliable information about who you are, how you were built, what you were designed to do -- and accomplish, and where you fit in the overall mosaic of existence.

Most people don't stop to think about themselves in those terms very often, but it does supply another perspective from which to view yourself, your greater purpose -- and your overall value and potential.

At the very least, knowing what Astrology has to say about you and your character provides some invaluable food-for-thought in reaching a new level of self-realization and conscious living. It can certainly help you be who you really are without a lot of floundering, searching, analysis and questioning -- and going down roads that lead nowhere but waste tons of time in the process.

This is actually true for all the Inner Selves the planets in Astrology represent. It helps you cut to the chase in terms of knowing who you are and what you're about -- and what your most effective means are to achieve the goals you set out to claim.

It can help you live with more awareness and efficiency. I think it can help you accomplish more, be a better person -- and enjoy yourself as yourself while doing it. That's certainly one of the ways I use it -- and why I have found it to be so fascinating and valuable through all my decades of living.


What it could do

To be able to pass that gift along to others is actually a privilege -- and that goal is one that keeps me writing ... and studying ... and thinking. That alone has value. If it has value to you, too, then we've come to a good arrangement.

The world needs more people who have a good level of self-awareness and respect for their spiritual essence. You treat yourself differently when you have it. And it's one huge first step in treating others differently, as well.

That, too, is a gift -- for everyone you know and everyone you meet. If you want to change the world for the better -- give that journey a shot. And watch what happens.

But once you know the essence of who you are -- and all the other things I mentioned, it won't be long before you notice there's a whole lot of different types of energy and activity going on around you.

Although your horoscope represents the pieces of all this vast puzzle that were set in place -- like a moment frozen in time -- if you can think of it that way -- when you arrived in this world, time moved on -- the energy kept moving -- and has continued without a moment's pause ever since.

In other words, the time and energy -- and what they created at that instant -- didn't get frozen ... and their movement into different patterns and challenges describe the essence of all you're learning and working with as a spiritual being in a material existence.


A disclaimer

I feel a little hypocritical in using Astrology as the framework for what I know -- and write about -- and teach, although Astrology was how I came to build my understanding of life ... and from that constructed a narrative of existence that makes sense to me.

I won't go into all the technical reasons for the dissonance between what I actually believe and how I express it. Basically, though it comes down to this.

I don't believe the stars and planets are "causing" anything to happen. Not to me, or you, or anyone else. I believe their movements are an almost accidental part of a much greater and more mysterious pattern that may or may not have "intelligent design" behind it.

Intelligence definitely exists there, but it may have been developed -- or have evolved -- through eons of learning through trial and error ... determining what worked to sustain life ... and what didn't ... and going with the strategies that were successful -- because, obviously, the others lead to a dead end -- no pun intended.


Full disclosure

I believe there are, instead, a series of vast, intricate interconnected cycles of psychological development. They are repetitive (as is all life -- and all life experience) but they combine themselves differently as the days and years pass ... creating different "colors" to work with when they get all mixed together.

You can kind of think of them like seasons ... operating together, but at different rates. Sometimes, the colors are gorgeous -- and other times ... not so much. Sometimes they work well with who you are and what you're doing -- and sometimes they don't. And that's what gives life itself its "colorful experiences" ... and keeps it interesting.

(There may even be cycles we haven't discovered or identified yet -- like the different dimensions physics keeps theoretically defining -- and discovering. That is an intriguing possibility.)

And then there's you ... with your "moment frozen in time" personality ... set down in the midst of all this movement -- and interacting with it. Astrology (for all its shortcomings based on what I just said) has ways to help you perceive all this better ... and work with it, also.

As part of a conversation this afternoon in Discord (for which @snook is now feeling guilty) -- I came up with an idea of how to present all of this in a more practical, useable way -- and learn some things myself in the process.


Yeah, @snook made me do it
Blame her

So ... the fruits of that idea will start to make an appearance here ... and elsewhere ... from time to time -- as I get stuff written. I think you'll enjoy it. I know I will. And it can certainly help with this whole concept of "building a more conscious awareness" I keep yammering about (sometimes with different words, but you get the picture.)

This is actually pretty exciting. You'll learn important and interesting stuff about yourself, too, if you stay with it. Guaranteed. Your job is to show up here prepared to think. (And you thought you were finished with homework when you left school. HA!!)


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Well, since it's snook's fault and I thereby have no personal responsibility in it, I'll play.

I actually perceive my life trajectory like a pinball game. I started at a point and proceeded in a more or less straight line until I bumped into a bumper and went a different direction. I've continued that pattern, some times directed some times entirely at random for all these years. The bumps and lines traveled have at least as much to do with where I am as where I started.

Are they all connected? Of course. Are they all optimum? Not so much. I too believe that their is a direction, a path that I'm bound to follow. Is it intelligent? I have no clue.

Some times the randomness of it all takes me places I never knew or even imagined. I'm really looking forward to this series as enlightenment.

Thank you.

What did I do?

and yeaaaaah? :D

Runs back to discord to read that conversation Oh, yeah. I am sure it is @snooks fault.


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