Spiritual Sunday #8

in #tarot5 years ago



I guess this is what progress looks like. Sometimes. When it's in deep disguise. I can't say I disagree with this reading at all, but it sure depicts life under cover. Of course, that's where potential is born ... and creative change happens. But this becalmed atmosphere sure suggests something dramatic will erupt when it finally turns around. We're incubating something -- back behind the curtain.

Personally, I am working on new ideas and projects to the point of exhaustion every day -- none of which have given anything more than a hint of public exposure. It's so exciting sleep is actually an annoyance. (Nothing new there ... hence the need for "exhaustion.") Maybe it's the same for you. I hope so. Let's get started, shall we?

This week's layout


This week's theme

The Storyteller Rx = (The Hermit in the traditional Tarot) --->

AFAIC, this guy is wearing out his welcome. It feels like he has showed up a lot in our readings -- to the point I was starting to worry that people don't realize how much these cards get shuffled and used during the course of a week. He's not just the first one I grab because he's still on top from last time. He's making his way through quite a crowd to get here as often as he does.

He tried to come out last week, but I wasn't having it. I made sure he got stuffed down where he wasn't going to make a nuisance of himself again. So who showed up instead? The Divine Child -- who is The Hanged Man in the traditional Tarot -- the Hermit's BFF ... virtually his fraternity brother. It was as if the Tarot said ... Ok, BE that way. You think that's going to stop me? Apparently not.

I told you these conversations are fun. And eerie. Did I mention that? Eerie? Moving on ...

I talked some recently about Major Arcana cards -- and how they represent themes that are somewhat larger than life. And I've fussed about reversed cards -- and reversed Court Cards in particular. And today we have four Reversed Cards -- two of them Court Cards -- count them!! Reversed cards are the bane of most beginning Tarot students' existence -- and reversed Court Cards (cards that depict people) are the worst.

It's so bad some readers actually choose not to use them. That way, they don't have to learn about or interpret them -- or consider what they mean at all. It keeps everything "positive" -- in their opinion. But I think it also biases their reading and make it far less helpful and informative than it should be, honestly.

Ever consider what a conversation would be like -- or is like -- when you are absolutely forbidden to bring up certain subjects, use certain words, discuss certain concepts because ... they're too tough, too upsetting, too ... controversial and maybe even "insulting?" That's one damn hard conversation, wouldn't you say?

IMO, it's apt to be far less productive and fertile than it might be otherwise -- if you could speak freely and no topic was off limits. It would sure give Shadow energy a kick in the teeth -- and sweep that elephant in the living room right out the door. You don't gain much when you're willing to live a lie and pretend that certain things just don't exist. So, with that said -- let's continue.

Reversed cards mean a lot of things -- which explains why some people avoid them. It means that the direct expression of the card is blocked, repressed, denied, twisted, underground, concealed, immature, subtle, disguised ... or is being kept extremely private ... barely acknowledged for some reason. (Or all of the above -- which is often the case.)

If it's kept this way too long, there's a possibility it could become toxic -- like a festering wound you need to lance and clean out. All the more reason to talk about it, IYAM. (But then I am very much a "call a spade a spade" person. YMMV.)

The Hermit card upright describes the energy of self-knowing, self-actualization, honesty, being introspective and "clear" on who you are and what you believe ... and having the integrity to speak your truth directly. He's the introvert, the private mystic, the spiritual seeker ... able to contribute his thoughts and wisdom to the social conversation, but he rarely does so -- and does so only when asked ... or sought. (His honesty and candor -- obtained by serious inner work of his own -- are qualities many find hard to take, hard to understand ... and unsettling.) He's not really a popular fellow -- and so he keeps to himself ... for reasons completely consistent with logic.

Reversed, this card suggests some (or all) of the following. (Yes, some of these items are contradictory. But some of them will speak to you as you read them. The point is ... Which ones speak to you? THOSE are the contents of this card's message in your situation. This is one reason why the Tarot's message can be so personally relevant and so accurate. It says out loud things you already know -- but haven't recognized or admitted ... or fully considered ... so far.)

The Hermit Rx =

  • going deep into yourself -- and going deeper than usual / deeper than ever / working to rediscover your purpose
  • going deep into unexplored inner territory / not settling for quick, easy or superficial answers
  • connecting profoundly with your spiritual self / or having trouble connecting to your spiritual self / or connecting with dimensions of your spiritual self that are completely new and uncharted
  • spending a lot of important, valuable time in inner reflection / or not spending enough time doing this / or spending too much time doing this / or wasting time doing this when you could be doing something more useful
  • being reclusive / closed off / not wanting to share / not ready to share / or what you're dealing with is too private to share -- you're still processing it / you're still figuring out what it all means

But The Hermit Rx can also show --->

  • not taking time to do your inner work / being too busy with a hectic outer life so that you've neglected your inner life / or you need to re-center yourself because you've gone off track ... you're off on a tangent ... or a wild goose chase, etc.
  • being too self-absorbed / complacent / remote / uninvolved / inconsiderate / anti-social / withdrawn
  • feeling isolated and rejected and not enjoying it / feeling cut off, all on your own, unappreciated, misunderstood ... and being resentful -- or resigned and paralyzed / feeling victimized and mistreated / feeling unheard ... and powerless
  • withdrawing from social connections / public life ---> closing yourself off for some reason ... possibly to work on yourself and figure out what you want next

So ... what is he saying to you? (See why some people consider this kind of introspection dangerous?)


This week's personal issue

The Corsair Rx = (The Knight of Rods Rx in the traditional Tarot) --->

(Thinking to myself ... two reversed Court Cards ... SERIOUSLY??? Do I really want to continue this project?)

Ok ... with these Court Cards -- reversed or otherwise -- we are dealing with Inner Selves (unhappy ones!!) ... "personality problems" ... both within and out in the real world ... as projections of what we've disowned.

The KtR upright is confident, charismatic, focused on self-development / self-promotion, intent on making his mark on the world

Reversed ... he is --->

  • working on a new version of himself that is still "in production" ---> not yet ready for Prime Time ... or public exposure
  • figuring out who he is now ... because things have changed in his world / he has changed / he needs to synch things up again and straighten things out
  • questioning a lot of things, including perhaps his own identity, his own relevance, his intentions and directions
  • revising his targets, his message, his self-image, his directions, his presentation, his methods
  • reinforcing his confidence and self-definition ... because he can see the future requires him to be stronger, to have more of an impact, to be able to stand up for himself, etc. ... or because he's taken a serious hit lately and needs to regroup and recover
  • keeping himself and his projects private (sound familiar?)
  • nourishing and re-igniting his passion, but not showing off in public, for anyone else, or in ways that are obvious -- or that seem to matter
  • actively looking for or building other ways to accomplish his intentions ---> getting around a roadblock by taking another road

Reversed ... he can also be --->

  • cranky, immature, self-righteous, defensive, a trouble maker
  • frustrated, confused, restless, angry, explosive, exhausted, impatient
  • "about to explode" ---> and perhaps do something impulsive, drastic, "dramatic," or even dangerous
  • fed up with delays, disappointments, obstacles, "insurmountable problems," stagnant conditions, obstructive or uncooperative people, adversaries, etc.
  • the presence of another person (or more than one) in your life who is influential, problematic, taxing, upsetting, hostile, antagonistic because of all the qualities I just listed -- and because he triggers these reactions in you. (This is someone who is really unhappy and who makes damn sure everyone knows it -- while not really doing much else to address the problem.)


This week's emotional issue

8 of Mirrors (The 8 of Cups in the traditional Tarot) = being fed up, burned out, "tired of this sh^t," been-there-done-that, jaded -- and possibly bitter, needing a new situation / a new direction / new creative challenges ... because the old ones just aren't cutting it any more, profound dissatisfaction, walking away (or storming out), abandoning something you used to enjoy, searching for new and better sources of emotional fulfillment, "moving on"


This week's intellectual issue

The Weaver Rx = (The Queen of Swords in the traditional Tarot) --->

Upright the QS is smart, intellectually shrewd, discerning, clear-headed, objective, a skilled communicator, well-educated and able to think for herself. She is the mature feminine expression of intelligence.

Reversed ... she is affectionately known as "The Bitch." --->

  • sarcastic, critical, hateful, prejudiced, offensively opinionated
  • cold, merciless, judgmental, locked into one-sided arguments and perspectives
  • also shows the possible presence of another person (of either sex, but most likely a woman) that you have to mollify, live with, confront, deal with somehow, talk to, satisfy, etc., someone who uses words as weapons, someone unreasonable, someone who doesn't listen -- or who is "not interested in your opinion" ... or even "the facts"
  • someone who brings out or triggers these tactics in you
  • can also represent the memory of someone like this / someone who lives in your head that you're trying to come to terms with -- without much success


This week's practical issue

4P Rx = being obsessively concerned with money and practical issues, coming to terms with serious material disappointment, accepting "losses," being paranoid about money, doing things "just for the money," handling burdensome practical / financial responsibilities

Also --->

  • confronting something that hasn't financially worked out as you hoped
  • being deeply dissatisfied or uncomfortable with your economic situation
  • wanting "something more" and not seeing a good way to get it with your present investments
  • wasting your time and talents ---> insufficient returns ... that aren't likely to change "miraculously"
  • feeling "starved" by inequities, financial shenanigans, unbalanced power, unequal profits
  • dealing with money that is withheld, not receiving what you've earned, unfair monetary control and requirements
  • admitting a one-sided arrangement, the lack of a value-for-value situation, not being properly paid ... or possibly not being "paid back" by someone or something that "owes" you, giving far more than you're getting

This card showed up as my personal weekly reading today -- one card from the deck -- selected on my website ... by the engine ... that @catweasel wrote years ago. One card. Out of all of them. One card. This exact card. Generated by a computer. Has nothing whatsoever to do with the deck in my hands. Give me an effing break ... will you already?


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You always make me laugh and think. Thank you for taking the time to do these readings. I learn about the cards, I learn about the cosmos, and I see reflections of my own life in the wisdom at hand. #gratitude #keepgoing

Well, ok then. This is the third or fourth time I've circled around to this post, and the first time I actually have black bits behind the cursor.

I'm not a past dweller-I typically want to know what's next. It's why I ride so long on my motorcycle. I want to see what's next.

I am, right today, embroiled in my past. No ducking, no dodging it's take off the gloves and get to it time. Money is involved (it's always about the money one way or another) but also the past as a foggy happy place. It isn't, it wasn't and now is the time to kick that ass to the curb. Hopefully once and for all.

I was 'forced' to state an answer last night that I have known for years and never fully acknowledged. There are parts of my life that I just don't ever want to revisit. Carrying them around with me is burden enough, I think.

I suspect my money difficulties right this minute are related. At some level I needed to get to this problem and lack of money has been the path.

For better or worse, I'm looking for what is next again.

Thank you for this. I look forward to it every Sunday-it always grabs at me whether I respond or not. I truly do appreciate it.

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