Spiritual Sunday #13

in #tarot5 years ago (edited)


Despite the appearances that we're losing ground with all these reversed cards this week ... I'm very optimistic there's been a sea-change in the currents of this ongoing confusion and misery. I'm pinning those hopes on the King of Cups, who has appeared reversed several times throughout this ordeal ... but, lo and behold, he's found his feet again. And if you read this as saying he's regained his footing, his center and his direction ... the rest of the cards ... reversed though they are ... take on lots more positive meaning than appears at first.

So ... let's talk about the potential promise of this reading. I don't think I'm just putting a positive spin on this for the sake of boosting everyone's sagging morale (including mine), because I'm not inclined to do that. In fact, the hope-and-change suggested in this reading kind of surprised me. There's reason to hope that light we've been looking for -- you know, the one at the end of the tunnel -- isn't just a mirage.

Progress, it would seem, will continue somewhere. Maybe on Steemit, maybe not. If the fallout from this proposed HF21 is as catastrophic as it threatens to be, we could all be seeking greener pastures. Rumor has it they exist ... somewhere. After all, we were all of us looking for a new experience when we found this place ... and new beginnings live on the other side of doors that close behind you. We'll see.

This week's layout


This week's theme

The Sun Rx = a lack of joy; stifled creativity; struggling; being overwhelmed with worries and concerns; damaged self-esteem & confidence; disconnected from your optimism & source of power, being wrung out, exhausted, unresponsive

With Leo coming up on the horizon soon, this is an interesting addition to the parade that's passed through here recently. As I said a minute ago, without the upright King of Cups holding court and on his feet, I'd look at this reading as a statement of the total disintegration of everything up to & including the will to live. Jeez, what a mess.

But assuming he's the ray of hope we can believe in here, this reversed Sun card can indicate the assembly of a new level of creative expression & mastery ... that's not quite ready for public viewing.

Given the lead-up, including the extremely positive reading that arrived for Tarot Tuesday, that "still behind the curtain" construction of something fantastic feels legitimate to me. Lord knows we've paid our dues to get to this place, so until Life proves otherwise, let's grab it -- and see what happens.


This week's personal issue

Ace of Rods Rx = delays, frustration, trouble getting started, lack of purpose, no motivation, fractured self-image, no confidence

Yeah, I gotta agree. All this sounds pretty damned awful. But this card also shows up when you're stepping into a new identity, one you haven't fully occupied yet. You're not sure who you are -- or where you're going next -- but you're, by God, gonna find out. There's a new birth waiting to happen, but as with all such blessed events, you have to get everything lined up and ready first. For now, everything's quiet, but maybe not for long.


This week's emotional issue

King of Cups = The Master Creator, emotional integrity, a calm & resourceful attitude, someone true to himself & in touch w/ his intuition, feeling life fully, someone who is self-controlled & able to create what he wants & needs, someone who understands himself & his feelings

As you can tell, I'm hanging a lot of hope on this guy. He's the only point of light in this wreckage. I think he's up to the job. He's not some fumbling apprentice. This is the Master of the suit, the highest expression. He knows how to live as an example of his beliefs. (Again, this is the Master Craftsman, the Master Artist and Writer, the Master Mystic, the Master Healer and Therapist. He is the absolute king of right-brain territory.)

In this instance, there's almost a Messianic aura about him. He's not leaning on his "leadership & charisma." He's not depending on his wisdom & knowledge to make intelligent choices. He sure isn't counting on what he earns or what he owns. This guy puts it all on the line for what he believes.

This is the point of focus this week, the guy who can bring it on home if such is at all possible. So, concentrate on finding this part of your self. Make contact. Encourage him. Talk to him. Form an alliance. This Inner Self exists. He's getting stronger. Figure out how you can work as a team.


This week's intellectual issue

8 of Swords = feeling trapped, locked into tunnel-vision perspectives, dealing w/ serious challenges that have no easy answers, hoping for a better solution -- but meanwhile, staying put

Man, this segment is always the kicker, isn't it? The Tarot is convinced "the way we think" is a huge part of the problem. This card usually shows up when you're dealing with a situation that has "history" behind it ... something that's gotten worse and worse as time went on -- and now it's a big honking headache.

I know sensible advice says, "Solve little problems before they become big ones." But seriously, who does that? Who doesn't try to compromise, adjust, "make do," and otherwise work around obstacles hoping things will straighten out and improve? Maybe I should start keeping track of how often that strategy doesn't do anything positive.

On the other hand, if you jump ship at the first sign of serious trouble, that speaks of a lack of character -- even cowardice, no backbone, etc., which isn't exactly a reputation to cultivate. So ... here we are. The outcome of resolve, determination, perseverance ... and plain old-fashioned stubbornness. What has it got you? Seriously.

So ... now the Tarot is saying, Think differently, dammit. I know you can point to 8S situations in your life. I know they exist in mine. There are many ways to "think differently." Most of them are really uncomfortable -- because if they were easy, you'd have already done that ... and this problem wouldn't be a problem. Problems indicate some kind of blockage, obstruction, impasse. Problems with answers aren't really problems. They become something else -- like chores, developments, growth-steps, retrenching, blazing a different path.

The answer may be staring you in the face. You may even know what it is -- but you're reluctant to act because there are consequences that could potentially be even worse. So the familiar problem becomes "the devil you know" -- and you stick with it like there's no other choice.

But there are other choices. They may be scary. They may be hard. And yes, they doubtless involve consequences. But we've reached a point where action and change are preferable to paralysis. You're the one who can do that. What's your next move? Remember your own mind is your biggest adversary at the moment. (Think differently, dammit!!) There are a lot of treasures waiting on the other side of fear.


This week's practical issue

3 of Pentacles Rx = failed transactions / broken agreements, incomplete projects, unsatisfying financial & material conditions, lack of performance, lack of direction and organization, incompetence, uncooperative colleagues, inadequate materials to achieve your goals, abusive employers / situations / working arrangements, fatigue & physical illness

Ok, so you need to look around and figure out where this energy is infiltrating your world. Of all the cards here, this energy is the most insupportable. It literally shows the plane of reality is unstable -- and without support, it will certainly fragment. This is the real world demonstration of "the center will not hold."

Look at what you're tolerating ... & what you're counting on that when it all comes apart will drop you flat on your keister. Look who doesn't live up to their promises ... who starts things but doesn't finish. (Is it you? If so, clean up your act. If it's somebody else, why are you putting up with this?) What's costing you far more than you get in return? Who's taking advantage? Who are you having to carry ... who might possibly do more for himself?

Where are conditions of lack, impoverishment, incompetence, failure to follow through, etc., stretching you to the limit? How are you contributing to this (perhaps by helping it continue?)

When you turn this around, things are really nice. There's enough of what you need. People keep their word. You know what you can count on. The situation is safe and stable. You're working with honorable, competent colleagues. You're contributing to the construction of something of value.

There's profit. There's motivation. You feel you're really getting somewhere and accomplishing something. You feel respected and paid what you're worth. You aren't constantly exhausted. There's cooperation and coordination. Your experience counts for something. In other words, you're making it.

The King of Cups is your ally in making this happen! Find him!! Sit down together for a strategy session. Figure out what you've got to work with, where you want to be ... both immediately and eventually. Decide how you can get there. Shake hands ... and make it happen. This is a partner you can count on. Be sure he can count on you in return. (Otherwise, you're part of all that crap I just listed. Ain't nobody wants that!!)

When you turn the Sun card around ... it's the dawn of a new day. Straighten out all this unmet potential ... and then get out there and welcome it.


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