A Little Bit of Monochromatic Love

in #monochromemonday5 years ago (edited)

Black and white: a very clear choice that causes no confusion. Yes, please.


Rays of sunshine spill through to my soul, revealing the start of a beautiful day. Admittedly, it’s all about letting the sun shine in, wherever you are, whatever you do. Forever and ever. How could you want any different? I cannot imagine anyone that would. Sometimes merely looking at life a different way changes a few things. If it doesn't - really, what have you lost?


Golden opportunity, golden touch, golden boy, golden rule...Oh, the richness of gold. Golden can mean that a person is in a desirable situation that will likely lead to some sort of success. Like bringing me a small bunch of golden sunshine tightly bound in grosgrain ribbon. Desirable and quite likely successful in making me happy. Life awaits you in all its fullness and joy.


The heart is such a complex little contrivance. But, today my heart is full of love. There are just so many words that spill over on top of each other, wandering loosely about.

“I love you.” “I love you.” Yes. Yes. Yes. "I’ll love you forever and ever." Never, ever forget that it's not enough to think it, or to ever take it for granted. You have to tell the people you love, “I love you.” “ I love you.” Every day, every day, and hug them until they get it. Then do it all over again. And again. And again.

Happy almost Tuesday. A day of promise. — at that special place in my heart.

It’s hard to accept as true, those summer days are numbered and few. Time lingers - for not a soul. I still hold on, I won’t let go. Then again, there is that Monday thing going on too. — at rolling over in clover.


It was a beautifully manicured trail that I walked; I ceased the count of waterfalls, they went on and on…rock outcroppings, open meadows, the way the light hit them- then us…. and the impossibly solid walls of fern at your kneecaps. Oh, yes. It was pure, natural and oh-so-beautiful. Here is a little something I spotted on the trail. I'm sure it was an on-purpose planting as opposed to nature. No? Oh, Monday! I’m not sure it could have been better. Short and sweet trek today, but, oh, the wonder of it all always makes my heart sing.


As always, there must be flowers.I dedicate this flower to #MondayRed #ColorChallenge
by @Kalemandra, who colors my world every day.


¸.♥´¸.•♥*¨) Let the sun shine in on your life
So the joy may touch your soul

(¸.•´♥ (¸.•´ ♥


And just like that, this post is over! As always, I wish you an amazing day and thank you for stopping by and giving me a read.




Thank you for visiting my post 💖 Because of you, I come back to post again and again, I am encouraged by you, for the time you take to visit, comment or even upvote. For all of these reasons, I am eternally grateful. Don't ever forget what a wonderful world we live in, people. Let's hold hands around the globe and make this earth really spin. Some days, it is not as easy to see, how wonderful it really is. Kindness counts. Wherever you go, whatever you do.

I always post this poem down at the bottom of my posts. It is one that has become so near and dear to my heart. I only post the most famous part of it, but, wanted to post it in its entirety today.

they set my aunts house on fire
i cried the way women on tv do
folding at the middle
like a five pound note.
i called the boy who use to love me
tried to ‘okay’ my voice
i said hello
he said warsan, what’s wrong, what’s happened?

i’ve been praying,
and these are what my prayers look like;
dear god
i come from two countries
one is thirsty
the other is on fire
both need water.

later that night
i held an atlas in my lap
ran my fingers across the whole world
and whispered,
"where does it hurt?"
it answered,


warsan shire

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Oh wow, I got 2 lovely monochromes today from you!!! Lovely detail the mono brought out on the first shot!

Black and whites do make things easier to understand. Trouble is from my experience, life just has a way of sneaking in some grays, but thats okay because grays really add a depth to a shot, and to life.

Yes tell loved ones they are loved. I have seen it so clearly lately. Life can change, and end, in the blink of an eye.

Great post and never forget, Monochrome Monday loves you!!! (Say, I do love to steal a line or three, lele)

Well I think that you probably deserve at least two on #MonochromeMonday, no? In actuality, I probably should have given you a whole blog but I was hard-pressed to get anything out yesterday. There's just something so simple about black and white. Without the gray oh, it's even more simple. But I have to agree with you in the fact that gray really does ADD so much depth to the picture. I would never have believed that until I started fooling around with editing and adding a little bit more to my black and white. Suddenly it went from black and white to that's pretty nice. LOL

It's so funny that there are so many people that take it for granted that their loved one will always be with them. Life is so fleeting and in the blink of an eye one can be gone. Just a piece of History. So yes. It is so important to love and show love and let people know how much they mean to you. Because we have today but we are not promised tomorrow. Every day is a gift.

Monitor Monday loves me? Oh my God! I have to admit, you are such a little Thief! A line or 3? Incorrigible I say.

Have yourself a most wonderful day!


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Thank you for the resteem @pixresteemer! It is always appreciated!Have an awesome day!


🎁 Hi @pixresteemer! You have received 0.1 STEEM tip from @dswigle!

@dswigle wrote lately about: A Little Bit Of Monochromatic Love Feel free to follow @dswigle if you like it :)

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Ah Denise, always such lovely words and bountiful and colourful flowers to warm the soul.
If with each day we can soothe one hurt in the world - we are making it a better place. Lots of love to you xxxx

Elvis Ali! Thank you so much for your always kind comments that leave me feeling so good about myself. Every single time! You have a way with words and you use them very effectively in your comments. I agree with you that it's our job to make this world a better place. And I don't mind if it starts right here.

Thank you so much for always making my day and I hope that yours is truly a beautiful for me. Lots of love sent I from me to you!


You sweetpea!

Thank you! And now you can see why I adore you! xo

🎁 Hi @sallybeth23! You have received 0.1 STEEM tip from @dswigle!

@dswigle wrote lately about: A Little Bit Of Monochromatic Love Feel free to follow @dswigle if you like it :)

Sending tips with @tipU - how to guide :)

All such beautiful shots both he mono and color versions he MOno are exquisite and the colors tantalize our eyes

Thanks for this great post and being an active member of @steemusa !tip

Thank you so much and as you know mono is not a natural thing for me to do but sometimes it works out. I am always amazed that you and the old guy seem to touch a picture and turn it into black and white and it looks right. Me on the other hand, I have tried dozens of pictures before I find one that looks right. There are some pictures that just do not lend itself to it. And I am not trained up well enough to be able to pick you out of a lineup. How sad is that?

On the flip side, I'm having a lot of trouble getting back into my normal schedule which can only mean that I need more vacation or I need to run away far from it because it messes up my schedules. I'll get back to you on that. I hope you're having a most wonderful day as we are headed into another hot one!

!tip .20

Don’t worry its not as easy as you make it sound for me, often I try mono with a few shots and decide nope that doesn’t work so it’s trial and error for me as well
I can relate I am struggling get moving today are almost a week off, this working for a living is getting tedious LOL

So far my Day has started well went for a walk before work now staying inside and cool

Oh, yes!! But, I have posted them and looked at them in horror- wondering what I was thinking! LOL

Yes, for some reason, when I break the routine, it is so difficult for me to get back into it. It must be time for me to throw caution to the wind and go on a permanent vacation! LOL Oh, to be independently wealthy! As if.

This working for a living certainly is tedious, although I had other words for it. :)

It was only 80 this morning, but, will be in excess of 95 by the end of the day. Yikes. Again. Keep cool!

IT was 78 at 6:30 hen I started my morning walk today and up to 85 before I got to the office and now real feel is 97 at 1PM glad I got my steps in early

Well yes tedious is the nice safe for work I am using not the one I was thinking, especially now with me thinking about an exit strategy it seems even harder to be motivated to work I must say

Ohh yeah to be independently wealthy would be nice, I would walk out the door now and never look back LOL you to stay cool and hydrated

Yes! The exit strategy is awesome and especially being able to work from home. Oh, telecommuting is the best!

All that fun and money too! :)

Hey, there is still the lottery! Oh, yes! I actually got a little dehydrated last week! Serously, Denise!

I have had heat stroke and heat exhaustion many years ago when I was back inthe army, so I am now very good with keeping hydrated on days like this I Guzzle down the water to make sure I don’t
I generally telecommute when I have Doctors appointment sonly, but now II am going to take one day a week for telecommuting, well not this wee as I took yesterday off but for the weeks going forward a minimum of one telecommute day a week is my plan for however many weeks it may be, could be a month 6 months or a year not sure right now but a good chance of a month :)

🎁 Hi @tattoodjay! You have received 0.2 STEEM tip from @dswigle!

@dswigle wrote lately about: A Little Bit Of Monochromatic Love Feel free to follow @dswigle if you like it :)

Sending tips with @tipU - how to guide :)

My pleasure, always!

The photographs are fantastic, but then your words bring out your wonderful attitude.

Thank you for sharing.

Thank you so much for your very kind and thoughtful comment. Is always a pleasure to share the photographs and sometimes the words just come tumbling out along with them. Actually that's pretty frequently and I have to go back and look and make sure but I'm saying the right thing and I just didn't let it fall out of my head.

I want to thank you for stopping by and saying hello and leaving your words behind. As always I wish you a most wonderful day as you head out into your week.

!tip .20

🎁 Hi @r2cornell! You have received 0.2 STEEM tip from @dswigle!

@dswigle wrote lately about: A Little Bit Of Monochromatic Love Feel free to follow @dswigle if you like it :)

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This post was chosen to be voted by THEUNION.

🎁 Hi @theunion! You have received 0.1 STEEM tip from @dswigle!

@dswigle wrote lately about: Sublimely Beautiful Sunday Walking Chincoteague Beach Feel free to follow @dswigle if you like it :)

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I am not sure what the union is or what it stands for, but thank you for the generous upvote and I hope you have a most wonderful day!


🎁 Hi @dswigle! You have received 0.1 STEEM tip from @dswigle!

@dswigle wrote lately about: Sublimely Beautiful Sunday Walking Chincoteague Beach Feel free to follow @dswigle if you like it :)

Sending tips with @tipU - how to guide :)

I would like to say I Love You too, but its kinda weird to say it just like that... haha

Yes, well I see your point but I was trying to point out that we should always tell everybody how we feel about them because we are never promised tomorrow to be able to do that. I can honestly say that if there were more human kindness which I sometimes equate to love, the world would be such a better place. But point taken because yes that is a little weird to go up to a stranger and tell them that you love them. Wouldn't that just make their day? LOL thank you for stopping by and say hello and leaving your words behind. Have a most wonderful day. I like you a lot LOL


I agree with you on spreading the love vibes too, and I love you for spreading your love through your post every time! We are blessed. Thank you and have a great week ahead!!

Thank you so much @roselifecoach! You are always such a breath of fresh air!! A wonderful week to you also!

🎁 Hi @roselifecoach! You have received 0.1 STEEM tip from @dswigle!

@dswigle wrote lately about: A Little Bit Of Monochromatic Love Feel free to follow @dswigle if you like it :)

Sending tips with @tipU - how to guide :)

The best motivation post of a Monday 🌞
Thank you! 🌹

Posted using Partiko Android

Good morning from here! Monday was such a beautiful day and today promises to be even better. How can that be?

I hope that you had a most wonderful weekend and of course mind was filled with everything to do with ponies as I was over at the shore enjoying a little bit of time. The only hard part about being over there is the internet is 0 and so I have been gone for a while little less than a week. I feel bad when I don't at least me contact with steemit and the people but it was a very peaceful time away. I hope you had a wonderful weekend also and that this is a start of a brand-new beautiful week. Thank you for stopping by and say hello and just know that you are loved!

!tip .20

Hello, dear Denise! I didn't sleep very well today, and yesterday, and my morning was weak and sleepy. I went to the kitchen with no appetite to had a cup of coffee, and opened my Steem feed. Your post was the first I read. And it was exactly what I needed! That's why I said so - you are my today's motivation :)


P. S. thank you so much for the tip, it is SO generous!!

Oh!! Thank you and just know that this made my day!! xoxo I hope the rest of your day went well. xoxo

I do know, and ... YES MAM! :)

Hehe!!! Tomorrow morning, we will both insist on a fabulous morning!!!

🎁 Hi @zirochka! You have received 0.2 STEEM tip from @dswigle!

@dswigle wrote lately about: Sublimely Beautiful Sunday Walking Chincoteague Beach Feel free to follow @dswigle if you like it :)

Sending tips with @tipU - how to guide :)

Some really pretty shots - you live in heaven girl. :)

Thank you so much! You always leave such beautiful words and lovely comments on my post. I do feel like I live in heaven most days. My life is wonderful for the most part and the parts that aren't so wonderful usually can be turned around.

Thank you for stopping by and leaving your words and I hope you have a most wonderful day!

!tip .20

Lovely to read your response. The most important and appreciable factor here is - How you love you life and live it.
People should do it more often - All it takes is an attitude of gratitude.

You have it and you are rocking :)

You are so sweet and totally made my day! xo

🎁 Hi @vibesforlife! You have received 0.2 STEEM tip from @dswigle!

@dswigle wrote lately about: Sublimely Beautiful Sunday Walking Chincoteague Beach Feel free to follow @dswigle if you like it :)

Sending tips with @tipU - how to guide :)

The flowers are really incredible fills up everyone with lots of positive energy

Thank you so much for your kind comment and if this gave you positive energy then I feel like I have accomplished something. I hope you have a most wonderful day!


🎁 Hi @blazing! You have received 0.1 STEEM tip from @dswigle!

@dswigle wrote lately about: Sublimely Beautiful Sunday Walking Chincoteague Beach Feel free to follow @dswigle if you like it :)

Sending tips with @tipU - how to guide :)

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