Riding On Dad's ShoulderssteemCreated with Sketch.

in #story8 years ago (edited)

Another True Story, (mostly) about surfing.....

Last week, I went surfing in El Salvador. I love to surf, though that's not what I was there for... But that's a story for another time.

Have you ever been on the shoulder of a good wave?

Riding on Dad's Shoulders

Riding on Dad's Shoulders

Photo courtesy of Filios Sazeides and http://unsplash.com

A wave's shoulder is the place where it is the steepest,

where the white water meets the smooth curl. It is the precise location of the wave's greatest energy. When a wave hits a reef or a sand bar at a suitable angle, it will peel to the left or the right, it's shoulder traveling one way or the other, carrying any surfer lucky enough to be in the right spot joyously along with it.

And so it was that, more than 2,000 miles from home, riding along on the shoulder of an inside wave, I was reminded of early years with Dad.

The Shoulder of the Wave

That Glorious Wave Shoulder

Photo courtesy of Tim Marshall and http://unsplash.com

Dad's shoulders; What a special place to be!

I was a very small boy, no more than two or three years old. My father used to pick me up and carry me on his shoulders.

I happily retain a very early memory of Dad taking me to see the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade in New York City. Though holding Dad's hand, I was surrounded by giants, my view limited to a forest of shoes and trousers. Would someone step on me?

Then Dad picked me up and put me on his shoulders.

Suddenly, I was transformed from a tiny sprout looking up at everyone and everything, becoming a true giant among men! I saw things from a new perspective. I could look down and all around at the world without the least worry about where to put my feet.

Dad's shoulders; definitely the place to be!

But as they say, "Time is fun when you're having flies"... Many years passed since that day.

In middle age, friend Cal introduced me to body boarding. After a somewhat slow start, I began to learn the ropes.

Magic Carpet

Riding the Magic Carpet

Photo courtesy of Julie Macey and http://unsplash.com

I started to understand that the place to be was the shoulder of the wave.

When I make the drop and crank in a tight left or right turn, cruising on the wave's shoulder, I feel a tremendous sense of well being. I am in just the right place at just the right time, and I stay there as long as possible.

Fast forward about 10 years.

I have learned to surf. Although it seems incredible to this former body boarder, there was actually something better than body boarding awaiting me. That something is the phenomenal sensation of actually standing on the shoulder of a six to ten foot wave. Wow! Talk about being on top of the world!

But the best is yet to come!

Jesus said some very interesting things before he left:

"In my Father's house are many rooms. If it were not so, would I have told you that I go to prepare a place for you? And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and will take you to myself, that where I am you may be also." - John 14:2,3


"Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and the sea was no more." - Revelation 21:1

One day, maybe long from now, maybe sooner than I think, but certain to come, my Father in heaven will pick me up on His shoulders. I will then have the best seat in the universe.

Photo courtesy of Thomas Budach and https://pixabay.com

Dad's shoulders; that's where I plan to hang out forever!

When that day arrives, I will ride on the heights. That will truly be the best place of all for me to be. I will look back and down on this world with genuine gratitude and appreciation.

Learn More About My Hope for New Heavens and a New Earth:

Eternity: A Mind-Numbingly Powerful Perspective
Why You Need to Know that Jesus is My LORD (And No Other Need Apply)
Heaven? No, I Mean the Real, Ultimate Heaven...
Enter Only: One Way

More Surfing Stories:

It's Here! Come Ride My Beautiful Magic Carpet
The First Wave
Eternity: A Mind-Numbingly Powerful Perspective
Making The Drop (A Poem of Sorts)
The Ocean; God's Finest Invention?
Paddling Out -- The Story
Colorful Art from a Personal Perspective; Introducing "Paddling Out"
The Humorous Truth; Willpower and Cold Water
Why Do Jerks Seem To Get the Best Waves?
Red Tide at Night
All Creatures, Great And Small

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a beautiful story...you should submit it to Guideposts. It's a meditative, reflective memoir on what it means to be uplifted. Good work!

Thank you, John! :)

BTW, I appreciate the Guideposts suggestion; I haven't seen or thought of that publication for many years now, and for some reason was surprised to learn that it still exists.

I'm walking a strange line here on Steemit, having some desire to remain pseudonymous; nevertheless, I will take your suggestion under advisement, Thank you! ;)

Beautiful analogy - upvoted and resteemed and following ;)

Hi, @countrygirl ! So nice to meet you!
Thank you so much for your encouragement! :) ;)

Fab story and memories. I've never had that my father wasn't a very good father. Loved reading about your memories :)

Ah, Karen, I'm so sorry that your father wasn't better for you. );

Like all humans, my Dad had his flaws; but I have a lot of good memories too. Sometime perhaps I'll tell the story about how he modified a small aircraft so he could fly it across 700 miles of open ocean without refueling...! ;) :)

Wow he is amazing.
My father was a waste of space and a very violent man :(

I'm so very, very sad for you... );
I wish you so much better in all your coming days! :) :) :)

Thank you :) I haven't spoke to him for Over 20 years. His loss :)

Appreciating the up votes, folks... Thanks! ;)

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