Elusive Perfection

in #poetry5 years ago (edited)

"Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen."
- Hebrews 11:1 -


We live in hope.   ~   Photo courtesy of Pexels

~Elusive Perfection~

by Duncan Cary Palmer

Flawed, we long for perfection.
Sunken, we hope to rise.
Our sorrow drives us toward joy.
Struggling, we desire rest.

Our pain craves comfort,
Stabbing hunger, food.

Where is the wonder
To relieve our boredom?
The purpose to our wandering?

Soothe our poverty with true wealth.
Loosen the vise, sever the bonds.
Empower us to move and stretch.

Parched, frustrated, confused, exposed.
Grant us drink, freedom, clarity, shelter.


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Interesting variation on a sonnet - I would have switched the last two stanzas to end on a more traditional couplet, but it's a bit outside the box anyway - just a thought :)

Thank you John.

I value comments like this very highly because I recognize poetry as your wheelhouse. :D

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