Steemit Iron Chef 2017 #11 : Bell pepper and beet hash with a fried egg, riccota salata, and three sauces

in #steemit-ironchef7 years ago

I'm going to begin this story by whining! See, I took four more pictures of the final plate, but they are miraculously not on my phone. Grrrr! So as a favor, pretend that this image is properly centered like the one I took right after it is. There's no way for me to show you the three creative close-ups I took at different angles, but at least this one picture decided to stay put...


So, let's start with the three sauces. I made a one sauce for each of the three common colors of bell pepper sold where I live. (I guess I could have technically done an orange too, but whatever.) And they're in the arrangement of a traffic light, so that's kind of fun. The red harissa was pretty spicy, though not too spicy by harissa standards. The yellow was quite savory and tasted of onion. The green was cooling and a nice accompaniment for a bite after my tongue was heating up from too much red. :-) See the links in the paragraph above -- I detailed each sauce with its own post. Here they are in a sample of me trying to learn how to do that spoon-swoosh-spread thing that real chefs do when plating:


I forgot this week to take a pic of my starting ingredients, so I tried to make up for it with this (of course I left out the two jalapenos and the cheese and the eggs, so it was maybe not that useful:


I sauteed three beets in butter with four cloves of garlic for quite a while to get them some outer crisp and inner tender and then added the jalapeno slices to continue combining flavors and managing texture.


After a couple of minutes I added the two bell peppers and left it to cook a bit while I started frying eggs on the next burner.


I eventually made a puck of the hash and topped it with a cut circle of sunny-side-up egg and a wedge of cheese . It's my first time using circle-molds so there was some learning curve, but I think I figured out some good techniques, that I can continue to build on.


One thing more worth talking about is the cheese!


I made this from a gallon of whole milk instead of from whey, hung it and pressed it in a home-made mold, and then spent a week keeping it on a cloth and rubbing it with salt each day to firm it up. So, no bell pepper involved, but it was a genuine home-made experience, so that was neat. It also turned out really well.

My family reports that the dish was good, but needed more egg and it would be nice if the cheese had melted. I'm not sure how to get more egg on the plate given the "fancy" plating techniques I'm trying to learn, but maybe a bigger, flatter disc of hash and two eggs on top. I also thought about spreading the cheese on the plate first, and laying the hash down on that to help things be melty. But I'd want a dark plate. Anyway, things for me to keep in mind.


I definitely like your recipe, especially the combination with red beets! I am still thinking about how to replace the egg for a fully plantbased version. The cheese is easy to replace. Maybe I could add @offoodandart's Mystical egg? 😋

Maybe a layer of simmer-thickened coconut milk under the hash instead of the cheese and a little round bean-cake of some kind on top.

🤔 Yupp! Another possibility! Good idea! Thank you!

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Big ups ma'am.

You did good

Hehe! It's a recipe! So it must be a "ma'am" posting it?! 😜

Lol.... Hahaha. My bad actually..... I cook too.... Not as good as you can tho. That would be me dreaming..

I love the dish... pesky phones sometimes I had pics disappear on me too...I bet there is a little troll inside the phone with nasty intentions of robbing us of our best shots hehe ... I love the look of your homemade cheese too ... do you have a blog up on what you used for it ? I am just curious... Your plating looks awesome and the dish sounds like a great flavor explosion !

I haven't written anything about the cheese. The reality is that we just got an Instant Pot about four weeks ago and I found an account of people making ricotta in it so I wanted to try it. But I wanted to fancy it up some. So I made the cheese without a purpose and then have been finding purposes for it, like the meal last night. I wish I'd found some way to use it more dimensionally -- like a fin standing out of the hash-cake or something. :)

Ahhh, I don't have an instant pot ... will check that out ...all the gadgets for kitchens lol

I really want to try to make cashew nutty cheese one day ... I keep thinking about it ... but my foodprocessor and both my hand mixers broke down lol ... waiting to get a new one ... they just don't seem to last as long as they used too ...

This was just posted yesterday and I'm all excited to start a batch after our holiday travel is done next week:

Looks very artsy and delicious!

I don't really expect anyone to care, but just in case: I just realized the date on my proof-sign was off. I created that Tuesday and then decided to wait to cook the dish because the stainless rings I bought on Amazon were due to arrive. :-)

The idea of the egg is great!

It simply great to see how amazingly you are progressing in making more and more lovely plating of your yummy food each week!
Your cheese looks amazing btw!

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