Introducing Steemit to my Youtube crowd, also got 100 followers hype! Thanks Steemit! <3

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

Thanks Steemit.jpg

I still can't believe I managed to get more than 100 followers on Steemit in less than a week and I even made some money! I think I made about 70 dollars now, which I REALLY didn't expect!

You guys are the best!

I'm super excited about this! I'm so motivated again to put out a lot of content and I might even make a weekly video where I feature my favorite 3 Steemit moments, which can be about my favorite posts, favorite people, ....

Whatcha think?

Also what content would you like to see me write about?

I've done mostly self development and health so far but was thinking to widen it up a bit and add movie and game reviews to the mix and maybe some more funny and weird news items?!

Stay awesome everyone! <3



Welcome! I used to watch Athene back in the day when he was pretending to be good at Paladin.

Is he still into his clicking cult?

OOOOOOOOOOOOMGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG times over 9000! I just checked out my blog overview... did you actually upvote some of my other content as well?!!!

Thank yoeeee! You are tha best! <3333

Also if you have any suggestions on what you like to see me write about...shoot!

I think I'll work a bit on some entertainment posts the coming days and another youtube video around the awesomeness of steem :p

OMGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG! <3 Are you the one who's responsible for that craaaaaaaaaaaaayzzzzzzzzzzzyyyyyyyyy boost?!

Going crazy here lol!

It's aaaaaaaaaaaaall about them gaaaaaaaaimz brah! :)
We are actually making an app now and we just released a new docu.

He's regularly streaming some Idles Heroes these days and we'll add some gaming functionality to gaming for good soon as well....

Sounds cool! Tell him to join Steemit!

<3 will do! If you have any tips by the way, feel free to share them!:p
Such a noob here lolz! :p

Remember you're a pro, or you're a noob! And I don't like to be tha noob! Also would like to share some more than that 1 cts love around lolz!

Haha, keep building your following and being consistent and it will pay off!

It did so for me :)

Okido brah! Will do! :)

Keep it up ;-) You are doing really good creating your original content.

Thanks! Happy to hear you are liking my content! Will def try to keep it up! ^^

You are now officially hot. I mean on the hot page :D

OMGGGGGGG! Didn't know! Thanks for the update! :)

70$ in a week! Wow... My first week was FAR less productive and rewarding, I can tell you ^^ Congrats!

Thank yoeee! I'm really surprised myself! Although I have to say I'm quite addicted to this platform and have been posting and replying like crazy lol! :p

hahaha yeah me too actually! Since July 2016, i think this is THE WEBSITE i consult the most every single day.

Same here lolz! Wow almost a year for you! So what are your findings after so long and where's that 1 year at Steem party at yo! :p

haha I wish I could make a party indeed ^^ My first anniversary will be on July 16th. I'm already hard at work writing a mother-of-all article about that crazy one year with its up and downs, and when i'll publish it, i'll actually be in Italy, starting a two weeks long vacation from Rome to Bulgaria and Croatia! :)

Looking fwd to it! :)

Enjoy your vacation!

Sounds like an awesome and busy vacation!! 2 weeks for 3 countries is quite the trip! You are going to have your hands full!

I heard it's really beautiful in Italy and Croatia!!!

What's the reason you picked these countries?

Italy and Croatia were on my list, because of the sunshine, and the history (antiquity mostly). Bulgaria... well... found a cheap flight Pisa-Sofia for 35€ and then a Sofia-Venezia flight for 17€ so i thought... why not ? ^^

aye! Why not! Enjoy your trip! Might make some nice material to blog about as well. Actually just do it! Already looking fwd to it! :p

Thx for the shoutout @athenajade :) Remember, this is just the beginning. In the long run sky is the limit.

Thanks! You have no idea how much you motivated me brah! So ofc I'm grafeful! <3

Thanks! It's really nice to be here! :)

You just made around 110$ in an hour so thats even more amazing. Congrats!

WTFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF?!!!! How is this even possible!!! So awesoooooooooome! :)

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