Do We Speak The Same Language?

in #psychology7 years ago (edited)

I recently read this book called Real Answers, and it starts off talking about the fact that language can lead to a lot of misunderstanding. 

At first I was like "whut?" but reading further along, I started to get it and it's something I've been paying attention to ever since. Hence my share, as I think it's something important to be aware of and can save you a lot of time and dissonance.

When we talk to people  we subconsciously assume that the thoughts and emotions we evoke in others are similar to our own, but this can vary a lot and lead to a lot of misunderstanding. Especially about topics such as god, love or truth, wrong or right,...  

We tend to form strong opinions around these topics, based onto our upbringing and experiences in life, and when these topics get approached from different angles we end up feeling threatened and our ego might act up, making us more narrow minded.

As a result people people end up talking past each other and disagreeing, even though they don't necessarily do so. 

The best way to understand someone is by truly listening to that person, without any bias and by trying to see things from that person's perspective. Why does he say these things, what are his motives to say these things, what is he trying to communicate, what is the message,....

The key is to not be busy with what you want to say next but trying to see things from that person's world and perspective. I think being present (in the now) is a key factor here.

I used to be a rather judgemental person but by realizing how I would be exactly the same as the other person, being raised in the same conditions, made it a lot easier to see the inner child in people and truly listen to what they have to say. It allowed me to see past the words.

For those interested in checking out the book:

I really like the topics, as it talks about neuroscience, quantum physics and such as well. I do have to mention it isn't an easy read.  It took me several attempts to finally understand what was being said at times. 

I'll probably end up referring to it some more in here, if I notice you guys like these posts and make it as clear as possible!

If you liked this post, you might enjoy these as well!

1) On the limitations our conditioning puts upon us:

2) On absolute truths:

Follow me: @athenajade

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