[Contest] 10 RANDOM THINGS and some secrets about me - by @anutu

in #tenrandomthings6 years ago (edited)

Good Morning friends!
I have been tagged by Princess @twodorks for this challenge! This means I have to tell you ten things about me! And, then ... there is a special question she asked me! I think this is the perfect opportunity to learn more about me. My "introduceyourself post" went down the Steemiverse and maybe not all of you had a chance to read it. I thought this is the perfect opportunity to get to know me better, thus I would love to share some more "secrets" about me .... lolol

Following our @welcomewagon families recent bitmoji trend, this post is bitmoji heavy - YES I LOVE THEM TOO - I am addicted to bitmojis! Hey, hello, I am @anutu and I am bitmoji addicted ... Hello @anutu! :)


Just a sec ...

Let's start!

NOW ...


Thug Life! I was severely hurt several times and had to stay in hospital because some homophobic racists just had fun beating me to death nearly. I know what racism and separation mean in daily life, thus I am fighting separation and racism whereever possible.

I PROMISE, now it's getting funny!


When I was young I truly believed that the government is working for the benefit of the people. Protect minorities, support freedom, working for a bright future ... lololololol ... yeah by now I found freedom here ... in me :)


I love to hug everybody! Even on the street! I mean every every everybody. Of course I ask before I hug! Hahahaha!


I use skincare products, YES I DO! As I was never happy with all these industrial skincare products I had to create my very own "antiageing" cosmetics myself. And I did! It can also be eaten, yeah, tastes not that good, but all are made from herbs and organic stuff that is used in food :) Yummy!


As some of you know, I live in Malta in an old - very old actually - farmhouse. Yeah, it was a farmhouse but now the village is grown around us. So ... however, I love our old house! BUT! When we have heavy rain, like this morning, rainwater is pouring in, under the door, under the window .... everywhere ... 2 hours fight this morning to keep the water out ... not successful ... lolololol


I always wanted to have cool visible muscles and a sixpack, yeah, I tried so hard, after two weeks pause all were gone again ... due to a genetic disorder, I cannot gain a lot of muscles ... yeah, this is life :)


I love nature! My meditation in the wood or at the beach I love most. Just getting out into nature and meditate! We have many beaches that tourists don't know about :) I love this music of the sea!


Look! Above! Wrong spelling! @dreemsteem ... DREEM TEAM ... this is the right spelling! I love words! I love words very much. Words and courage together can support change ...


I love art! That you know already I think. But wait! There is very very special art I love ... did you ever hear about Nicholas Roerich and the Banner of Peace? Read More! He is one of my favorite artists and philosophers and I am a member, supporter, and curator of "The Banner of Peace Movement!" Pssst, that's a secret ... Aghhh ... forget it ... just another conspiracy theory ... lolololol


I am a Nocturnal Animal! I love the silence of the night when everybody else sleeps. During the night I have the clearest thoughts and the best ideas!


We have a lift-off! :) Yeah, we should have a rocket start now ... thought this might be funny. So now here is the answer to Princess @twodorks special question: "What would be some of the most annoying things about having yourself as a roommate?"

Yeah, I love very good vintage design ... I am a designer as you know and I love upcycling, you know that too. :) I will design the room with upcycled vintage furniture. I NEEEEEEEEEED this vintage atmosphere around me. If a roommate dares to put ugly plastic furniture in that place, I will freak out! What a waste of resources! Ughhhhhhhhh ... lolololol

Something more ...

And then there is something more @twodorks asked me to with this challenge! I have to ask one more additional question to friends: Here is the question I would like to ask to @enginewitty @bluefinstudios @thekittygirl @steemflow @simplymike @eaglespirit @dreemsteem with this question and nominate them:

Question: "Imagine one morning you wake up, get your smartphone to check on messages, get to the computer to check on replies ... blackout ... the internet was shut off worldwide! What will you do?"

I published the same post on Weku, if ever you are low in RC and you can’t comment in here, you can also reach me over there! Show me some love, please!!

Great idea @twodorks! Will do the same! Here at Weku ...


All Original Content, created with love by @anutu - @welcomewagon logo designed by amazing @penderis - animated banner design by talented @liberty-minded

Hey, if you like - buy me a coffee ☕️- Thank you very much!


Did you "vote for Witness" already? More information about on how important witness voting is, you can find here. Please consider these most amazing and supportive people as witnesses:

@c0ff33a / @derangedvisions - @enginewitty - @surpassinggoogle / @steemgigs - @yehey - @curie / @markangeltrueman - @good-karma - @therealwolf

Thank you very much!


No internet? Time to do some cleaning.

So sad what you had to go through.... But I am glad that despite all that, you have a whole lot of love in your heart...😍 ❤

Oh, that anti-aging cream you made, can you share more of its secret with me? ☺😉

I do love hugs too, so just in case we meet someday, don't hesitate to 😊

I will love to say in a farmhouse someday, hopefully, I will get to own one. I believe it will be peaceful in there. Well, if I don't have to keep water from entering...

I loved reading through this, gave me. More insight on who you are... 😃

Let's hug @adreybits .. let's hugggggggggggggggg !!!!!

Our little farmhouse is like a tiny tower with a roof terrace, I love it! There are so many things that make it so wonderful besides, living there feels so protective as well. Little windows and old stone blocks. History ...


☺🤗🤗🤗🤗. I can't get enough of hugs...

Now, I want to go there...it sounds like its a really amazing place and I believe it is....

Yes, it is, so amazing and beautiful!


Wow! Such an incredible view.... Looking at it feels refreshing...

Down there is my favorite beach ... it's really a secret bay, not many know how to find there :)

So you have a gem hidden there? Heheheh! That's really awesome...

Yep, not one, but many more ... :)


Oh yeah!!! We are like soul bitmojo sisters! We all love bitmoji so much.. especially it has given life to our boring ordinary commens and posts.. cheers sweetie @anutu!

I love knowing bits of your secrets! Do not worry, everything will be taken into confidentiallity!! Sealed and lock.. mwaaah!

Who does not want a free hug?? I should could need one right now. It does not hirt either to pass it on to somelses' hand.

Hahahahahahahahahahaha so sorry i crack out so hard on your plans having six packs!! Really 6 packs?? Not four??.. u can imagine you all muscle and all..🤣😂🤣😂

By the way, how do you ever make your own beauty regiments. Its good and big savings knowing you know how to do it. Do tells ua about it! 😍

Your being nature lover alwayz reflect on you.. but i am with you when you are at sunset lurking. Love it a lot.

Ohhh! I really love it all! Thanks for joining thd fun challenge! 😉😗

Posted using Partiko Android

Group Hugggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg!


this is what we all need darling @anutu!!!!!! hahahahaha

YEAHHH, Let' HUG!!! Little hug party!!!!

This is so YOU!
I love the Salvador Dali cue bitmoji!

Yes, so true. I was so into Dali in my childhood, went to Spain to see his house and so on ... was surprised to find a bitmoji :)

Whaaat??! Ugh! Didn’t like that you had to through such a bad experience, i can only imagine how you felt that time! Sorry to hear that @anutu Boo! 😞

I’m glaf you are now free!!! Now I’m beginning to smile 😊

Oh you’re a hugger!!! Come here buddy!!! I needed that hug today!!! Having a bad day today.. but reading all your posts makes me happy!

Can you send over those skincare you made hehehe! You’re a genius!!!

Aww i can totally relate! Back in Phil when it rains the water just kept pouring
in our old house!! And it’s tiring to keep up hahaha so just let it in?! Lololol

Pffft life! Why can’t we all just be naturally born with abs hahaha and never lose it!!!

Go out there @anutu take us to those tourist spots and beaches! Would love to see!!! I miss Philippines!!! We have too many beaches and waterfalls i think you’ll love to visit over there!!!

Yup that’s really you!! You are a man of word, literally! Lolololol

Hahaha ok that’s a good secret haha ssshh I don’t know nothing!

The vampire @anutu hahaha so all you do is wonder at night??! 😅

Haha omg then you will have to throw me out of the room!!! I put whatever hahaha though every person is different I totally respect what you like hehehe

Omg!!! That really entertaining @anutu indeed you are a brilliant man of wordssssssss hahahhaa thanks buddy for taking the time to participate my craziness!!! 😂💕❤️ i super loved it!!!

Posted using Partiko iOS

It was so much fun today to do this post @twodorks! Such a brilliant idea you had. That really got me so fast distracted from the water pouring into our house this morning. I was sitting here on the sofa, water all around me on the floor, started writing and just said hello water, now you have to wait ... first I have to do a post for @twodorks :) lololol
Really, this is how it was <3 ..... hahahaha ....lol

Seems to rain heavy today all over the world right now!!! Ughhhh ....


I know right?! It was raining over here too!! Goodness what’s happening to the world?? Hehhee!

Hahahahhaa the water did wait! Good job water thank you for your cooperation!!! Lololol

Posted using Partiko iOS

Yeahh, the water was behaving so nicely ... lolololol :)

great post @anutu ... sucks to be targeted like you were but from what I've seen of you ... you've not let it stop you from being a caring and passionate person.

Now, that heresy at the end of the post... a blackout that turned off the internet worldwide.. heresy i tell you.

Yes @shadowspub, I always protected what's in my heart. And yes ... heresy ... this makes it interesting but also scary to think about ... the unthinkable ... :)

How are you today @shadowspub? Feeling better?

well the unthinkable .. is well unthinkable eh

I'm healing one day at time thank you @anutu

Feels good to hear from you! Yes, the unthinkable is well thinkable, today!!!

Entertainment on a different level, so much to enjoy from this post including the awesome Bitmoji! I love them, it's a fantastic way of expressing yourself virtually and really brings posts to life.

That said number 10 makes me sad, and I'm going to try and pull in some #TeamGood support here because that tag and the people behind it are very much for supporting, caring and embracing real people - deep down we are all equal and good should and will always prevail.

Malta must be an amazing place to live in, at least it has to be warm most of the time! And getting to chill out on those hidden beaches and compost your work - just perfect.

Great answers, I really feel I know you a whole load more then I did and it impressed me a lot.

#thealliance #witness

Thank you so much @c0ff33a! Yes, it was so good @twodorks had this brilliant idea for this challenge. Got me so fast distracted from all the water pouring into our living room and all over our old house because of the heavy rain. Usually, we don't have enough water/rain. I was grateful for the water, sitting down in my flooded room, and decided to write this post. Told the water in the room, it had to wait for a minute :)

Malta is an amazing place and has many lovely places that wait to be discovered.

Mhhhh, I always try to think the unthinkable sometimes ... I am sure that the bond we all made here is so much more than just connecting online ...

deep down we are all equal and good should and will always prevail.


Have a most beautiful day, today!!

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I'll try go answer the question if I can find the gime. It is quite of a busy week :0)

Btw, where did you get all those amazing graphics? Designed them yourself?

Posted using Partiko Android

Hi hi @simplymike, this time I didn't design them myself, some friends and me love these little sketches so much and got bitmoji addicted :) It's an app that is called bitmoji, there you can design your very own personal avatar and even select your style of clothes from collections ...


I am glad that you survived that.. breaks my heart that people think that this is acceptable behavior??!? gah!

but - then your 10 things turned to fun - and laughter - and i giggled throughout.
and yessssssssss DREEMTEEM hahahahahaha when will they correct ALL the spellings in ALL the world?!?!?! WHEN????

hahahahaha one by one - we will change them all

and i know that the plastic furniture made you upset - but i was laughing so hard at your commentary!!! i could see you throwing all the plastic furniture out the window! LOLOLOL

oh -i needed these giggles so much!!! :)

(oh wait - except for all the water in the house noooooooooooooooooo)

Yes I did ..... throwing nasty plastic furniture out of the window :) lololololololol ... yeah, the water happens like two times a year as our old house is really not designed for rainy days ... but anyway ... now the floor is clean again :) lolololololol

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