The municipality that destroyed our family once, is the reason the embassy will probably refuse to give me a new passport

in #freedom7 years ago (edited)

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I don't even know where to begin this post, as my mind is overloaded, I am totally stressed out and fear for what's to come actually. But I will give it a go anyway, as something needs to be done, otherwise I will be living in Hungary as a Dutch person, without an identification card / passport.


About a week ago I went to the Dutch embassy where I live to apply for a passport renewal

At this moment I only have a European Identification card, which was fine and brought me everywhere we needed to be the last years. But unfortunately the card will expire in just a few weeks from now, so I had to renew it. This time I decided to apply for a passport as we want to see the world, and not only Europe. So I did, and I went to the embassy with all the needed documents and payed the fee from about € 129. So far so good, but I did not feel very comfortable going there, as the government in Holland has done their very best to destroy our lives. Some followers of my stories here, have read some parts of that story already. I also know that a part of the severe stalking (that was not normal stalking but gang stalking) was initiated by the government as there was lot's of money involved in this attach on us. (I don't want to dive into this part here, in you wish to read more about this, please see my older posts)

Of course I know applying for those documents will come with some investigation in the country where you're from originally. And I know I have some debts there, and the big debt that was supposed to help us get back on our feet was not processed as a gift but loan, due to the needed documents we could not give them. I will get back on this later in the post. Something in my gut feeling was telling me it was not smart to go there, as that government municipality will now know my address and where to find me.
But if your ID card expires, what choice do you have? I had to go.. and so I did.


Today I got an e-mail that gave almost gave me a heart-attack reading it

This is what was written in the included letter:

The mail contained a letter from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Holland that stated that the intention is to reject my passport application because my personal data has been included in the register passport alerts.
I have been included in this register by the municipality where we lived, because of a debt of € 18,500.00 The explanation about the register of passport alerts in the letter is as following:
In the register passport alerts they include personal data of persons suspected of being exempt from the statutory means of collection of the money due by staying outside the boundaries of the Kingdom. If you allow the application period for your passport application to be suspended by eight weeks, you can use it to try to reach an agreement with the Municipal Social Service.

When I read this, I was shaking (actually after many hours I still am when I think about the possible consequences this may have). This municipality is not one that accepts people to point out the mistakes they have made. Not only did they book this year of business welfare as a loan (while making no profit at all so it should have been a gift) but after this they did not pay welfare for more than 6 months while we lost everything we had. So it almost looks like they are not in it for the money, but to destroy us. It did not work then, as we escaped from the stalking activities, but now they seek new possibilities to make sure we will get in trouble.


Some more info about this so called loan they speak about in the letter

My boyfriend had a successful company for about 7 years until he had to move it to his own municipality as he wanted to be there for his dying mother. He and his sister took care of her until she died, and he continued the company at home. But in that city the offer is bigger than the demand, so do the math, an entrepreneur can't compete against big company's with their low prices. So he asked for financial help. The first time they could only give a loan, so he continued his work, and the second application they told him it would be the same amount as a normal person gets in welfare, but under a different name. And this is given for a year in a row, after that year you must show them your balance and if you made no profit it will be remitted or if otherwise it's a loan. Back then I seemed like the only option we had, and we took it. My boyfriend worked hard many years to get the company where it was before he got into trouble, and of course he wanted to see if it was possible to save it.


The year ended and that's when things got really bad

After a year we got caught in a big storm of emotions and a crazy father of my 2 oldest children fighting me trough CPS and actually I was a scared little chicken by the time the business welfare came to an end. But they had promised my boyfriend this would easily be converted to the normal kind of welfare so there would be no problem with no income. But this didn't go as planned. They rejected the application because we didn't have the statings of the bank accounts that were already closed by the bank and therefore we could not enter the account on internet banking. We heard this several weeks after we applied, and then told them that we could not get them as we didn't have access anymore. On my pile of documents there was even a bank account mentioned that I didn't have anymore for at least 8 + years! And as they did not pay us any money we did not have the option to let the bank print these statements (because this was a lot in total and every penny we did get from someone helping us we needed for food).


In the meanwhile we were about to get evicted and it got caught in a cat and mouse game

Not only we were over our head with the municipality, my ex and CPS were making our lives worse every day. Because they had "found out" (read: someone that would have advantage from this told them!) that we got an eviction date for the house. We were highly convinced we were standing in our rights, and we kept informing every few days by going to the office if there was news about the application. And it should have been approved, so we thought as soon as it does, we pay the rent we were behind at once, and problem solved. This didn't go like planned, though. The municipality refused to approve it, and when the date of the eviction came, I had already had to surrender the children to the grandmother and their monster dad. (Not going in detail here, you can read my older posts if you want to know more about it)

So this was victory for the municipality (and the renting company who was now going to charge more than double the rent money when the new people would move in!). Now we were homeless and we would be less of a burden, because now we won't be able to contact them that easy and will soon be in the gutter. But this is where they were wrong, because how hard they made it for us, and how hard it was to miss my two oldest children, we had each other, and when one of us couldn't take it anymore, the other would pick the first one up. And vice versa.. We weren't going crazy, those horrible things happening to us, were actually happening, and we were there together to witness it. And to support the other one. They tried hard to get us down during the time we had no place to sleep, trust me. Going through this alone, would have been fatal for me, I wouldn't have been able to cope with that on my own. But we weren't alone, and we kept going.


Six months no income, lost everything (house, children, belongings)

And there it was the letter that the board of appeal approved our appeal and they SHOULD HAVE payed us all along. You would think this is good news, and they will do everything in their power to turn things around, right? Yes, when you believe in fairy tales and a good working system in your country, of course. But when you actually know how the system really destroys many people that one way or the other get stuck in it, you would know much better. They will not give you back anything, the one thing that they will give you is the money you were entitled to for the period from filling in the application. Well that doesn't really get my children back, does it? And our house (the house my boyfriend lived in for more than 30 years! where he lost his both parents) and all the memories and belongings we saw them throw in that container during eviction. I doesn't even get you a new house when you are both blacklisted because the government messed up. And no, they won't take care of the blacklisting either! Nothing will they do for you, absolutely nothing. Everything that has gone better since that time, is because WE gained back our strength and powers and made our own decisions. And we did good, we don't regret leaving that shitty country, as they took everything from us. I will not do it any different if I have to do this again, the only thing I would do different is: leave much sooner instead of believing in fairy tales that someone will help you eventually.


Finally we found a (very bad that was) house

This was not a good option in any way, freezing cold inside, and the whole house was covered in mold. And I only had the apartment in that house where there were also other people living. Absolutely not a good environment, but it was this or in the winter back on the streets after we had the luck to sleep at a familymember's house for a while. So the choice is easy then.. Here we got our first letter about the fact that they wanted us to pay back this amount (back then I believe it was a little under 14,000 Euro) and we finally had access to a computer again, so we could start the process of filling in written appeals to every single agency/person that had done us wrong the last years. And this was lots to deal with, so we just started with this part, as this was an easy fix (so we thought). Because they were the reason we did not have the money to pay for the outstanding rent amount, and they had already admitted on paper that we were in our rights the whole time. So you would think, this will be fixed in no time. But no, they were unrelenting. We explained them over and over again we lost everything due to your mistakes, and they threw most of our documents in the trash container during eviction. We didn't have a roof over our head, so we could of course not afford to get an accountant that would provide us with the needed document that proved there was no profit made.


Fast forward to the period we decided this country was the last thing where we would get back on our feet

This period was very emotional, hard and stressful. We finally had a police officer that made a case of the stalking activities, and we had some hope for a few months. Unfortunately out of the blue after at several weeks and many many hours of reporting our case and documenting our evidence we had collected, she seemed to have disappeared. At that moment we realized there was only one conclusion (a few days before she told us they would make the first arrest in a few days) that this was the proof government corruption was why this went the way it did. This was our last hope for a good outcome, but nobody could reach her anymore, she gave me an official document at the time, to present to social workers etc that there was a case about stalking and the contact details of this police officer. But what we tried and how many time the others tried to contact her, she was not to be reached anymore. We decided this is the end, nothing good is going to come out of this situation, time to take control, and we left the country.


In Spain we received another letter about this debt

We explained once again (well not once, several times) what the actual situation was like, because of course this was yet another person that contacted us about it. And in Spain we were living on the minimum wage as I had a sick law income after I fell down the stairs and hurt my back very heavily. My boyfriend found a better option in Hungary, and we thought things would get better from here. We left to Hungary, but we are only settled since the last days of January, as we didn't find our own place before that time. Now we thought we can focus on the next months, I can fill up the gap of the missing salary due to deductions (we had to loan money from the company to be able to pay 2 months deposit and 1 month rent, because our own savings were gone paying for the furniture of the previous tenant).
No problem, I knew it on time, and I got some great support here on Steemit all the time I write here, and I felt like it will be all just fine.


Until today, that is.. in a few weeks I will have no valid document to prove my identity

First of all I find it hard to swallow that the city that tried to bring us down the gutter, doesn't seem to stop to destroy us once again. Because they make it seem like we had fled the country due to financial reasons, while it was because of safety reasons, of course they will never admit this, as those government agencies gang stalking people are of course all covered with the wings of lady justice. We have been honest about our situation all along, and they could have sent a letter once again, as they also found our address in Spain back then. But no, they have to make sure we will get arrested crossing borders? Because I believe this means that when I had try to cross a border, I would have been arrested?


What now?

As the letter stated I can now file for appeal, and so I will. I have to do this within two weeks. And after that my application will be extended for maximum 8 weeks to get to an arrangement with the agency that put my data on the registration list. So my plan is to wait until next week (will check opening hours before I decide the day I will go there) and bring the appeal in person to the embassy, ask for a notification that I did bring it on time. And this way I will have the maximum possible time to arrange something. In the meanwhile I need to contact the person in the letter that I can contact for further details, to see what I can do about this amount. Of course I don't actually want to pay the debt, as it is not within reason, because they have told us it would be a gift, but I also know that we don't have those needed documents to get that piece of paper that will get us from the "loan" status. So It is not smart to even think or believe this will be arranged within the period of extension. And if it doesn't get arranged within this period, I will have an even bigger problem, as the application will be rejected for sure. And then I have no valid id-card or passport anymore. I will be living in fear every day if they aren't going to arrest me, and that we will lose everything. With an extension and arrangement with the municipal, there will be a possibility that things will get approved.


I am pretty sure my boyfriend got the same registration

Because it was an arrangement for the both of us, and the amount is not half of the debt. So if we can't come to an arrangement, they will probably take action against the both of us, and this is where my fears kick in the hardest. Finally settled down in an apartment we love, boyfriend a job he likes, and we are working to the moment we payed of the loan for the deposit/rent for this apartment. And then they appear, maybe they will be the scumbags they were back in Holland and make sure we aren't able to arrange a damn thing. How can they get this done? By putting us away because of the debt? And then what will happen to our 2 year old girl? I am going nuts to even think about the things that can happen.


I don't believe that they will offer a reasonable pay-off plan

Why would they now do this all of the sudden? They haven't been reasonable with us before. And I don't believe they will now actually. I think they will just tell me, within the extension period you should pay the full amount, to get rid of the registration, and otherwise too bad for you. Not our problem.
They are government! They have this power, they have broken many civil rights already before during the years they treated us like shit.


I could really use some advice or maybe some others have similar experiences?

How to handle this, what are my rights? Are there any people here that know about these things? Can they refuse a decent payment plan ? I believe even if they can't they probably will stall during the extension period, but I would like to know if someone knows more about this. Maybe you are a lawyer, dealing with these things before?


I have some STEEM and SBD saved to cover the next months

To fill in the gap between the net salary and the amount we get due to deductions, but I try to use as little as possible. But with the price of STEEM/SBD right now its worth half of when I knew these tight months were coming. I cannot pay this all to them, as I know in a few weeks money is needed for food too, but if they will be reasonable I can pay them the rest.
But I am pretty convinced they will not agree with this amount, as it will be penny's compared to the actual amount they demand € 18,500
I don't want to live in fear of them knocking on my door, or worse, them taking my daughter as I am a "criminal" in their eyes (and so is my boyfriend too) and them putting us away in the worst case, where we won't be able to pay off anything.


But maybe they are not allowed to do this, and am I making myself going nuts going through these scenarios? If someone that can provide some more legal information, I will be so very very thankful! I was not planning on losing everything again, and especially not due to the ones ruining everything in the first place. I will prove them wrong! We are not your typical people that got homeless, we got back on track, and I would sure prefer this to keep going up instead of down.


Every advice is appreciated but please keep it respectful

I am under a lot of stress due to this, and I can not spend my time on negativity. I seek people that can point me in the right direction, or be of any other help that I did not think about (maybe you have the skills to help me out, who knows). I have a pretty limited time frame to solve this 18,5k problem with a municipal that is evil in my opinion, so please please please don't bother me with useless comments that contain only negativity. I know some people will not believe they can refuse me a Passport, but they are planning to do so anyway, because it's in the hand of those people that you don't trust in the first place.


Thank you for reading this long post, I know it is much to read, but does not even contain all the info that is related to this, I guess.. But it's a start to see if someone knows the drills to handle this problem in a good way :)


Credits Animated Block Dividers


Hi @anouk.nox, this sounds like a very complex situation. And it is very hard to give some proper advice without the fine details. Furthermore, I'm not an expert. I'm just venting my ideas.

I personally would somehow get in touch with all the people/companies/institutions/governments that think you owe them something (money, proof of documents, whatever). Even if you are 100% sure that you don't owe them anything you should get in touch about the specific issue. This would open up a dialogue and eventually will create a stable situation for you. From this stable situation (a place to live, food, some form of income), you can take the time to clear things out and if needed go to court or whatever.

The people that want money from you have two options: 1) agree on a reasonable payment plan, 2) get nothing. This, since you have nothing they can take from you in the first place (I assume based on the story).

Typically if you are bankrupt what happens is that you will be put into what in Dutch is called schuldsanering. I am not too familiar with the exact process when you enter schuldsanering, but I believe you arrange some sort of deal with a counselor, in which you have to pay off over a certain amount of years (I believe its normally 3 to 5 years). After that time the possible remaining debt will be defaulted. Now typically schuldsanering is something that is arranged by individual municipalities. I am not sure how, in your situation, this would work. Being in a different country and all that.

Again I would like to stress that it is key to start a dialogue with the people/institutions you are trying to get away from, even if you totally disagree. They have the time and patience to win this and will only make your life worse and worse. If you talk with them, this will create initial stability for you to live a reasonable life with food and a place to live.

Once you've reached this situation, you can take the time to investigate what exactly happened, what you're rights are on all these topics, find a lawyer or expert if needed, and demand your rights from the specific person or institution.

Finally, I would advice you to get in touch with het juridisch loket (, they will give free legal advice for people that are in situations like you. And secondly, you could try to contact the local schuldhulpverlening of your (former) municipality (more info here:

To end my comment: I am no expert, I just gave you some ideas that might help you out. Hang in there, I'm sure things will get better one day!

Good advice for the people actually living in Holland. Although we also walked that route numerous times.. and in the situation we were in they did nothing. But its not the solution now because we live in Hungary.. But thanks for thinking with me much appreciated although we walked every single path that could be walked seeking help. And the system made it impossible to get actual help. As soon as your situation in Holland gets too complex, schuldsanering is not the way. I made this overview (debt) at the time and contacted everyone personally though and those documents got lost being hacked while still in Holland. But this is a debt that should be a gift. As we agreed.. but when you cant deliver them the "jaarrekening" ( dont know the english word) they just dont work with you. Even though the "gemeente" is the whole reason you got in thiss mess the first place.. :(

Say you pay and if possible already pay a bit to show you are willing but not able to. Even if they refund it you have prove you were willing to pay. So you all can get a new passport!

Curated for #informationwar (by @openparadigm)
Relevance: Discussion on how to deal with bureaucracy
Our Purpose

As far as I know, they can put you on the register only for passports, but not for the ID card...So even though I understand that you may want to travel outside of Europe, at least the ID card will let you travel in Europe. Unfortunately, I am in a similar position as my passport renewal is coming up in November and I owe some money in taxes. I've been trying to make arrangements with them for 6 years now, but some of the debt they want me to pay in one go, and those are going in the at the moment I can't afford it. I don't think it's possible to see the register, so I will only find out if I am registered in November....I wish you all the best with this, and hope it will work out OK soon. Much love xx

This post was upvoted and resteemed by @thethreehugs. Thank you for your support of @familyprotection!

You are most deserving! Many prayers and positive thoughts for a happy future for you and your family.

This is insane, how can they rufuse your passport because of debt. This is a new one for me and I don't have any answers apart from, have you tried to get world citizenship? This has been suggested to us but I've never looked into it, also I read somewhere that bitnation can issue passports to its citizens, again, not sure how that works but it might be worth you looking into it. If you still have a driving license it's OK to travel around Europe without any hassle, not sure what the Hungarian border is like but we travel from the north of Sweden to the south of Spain and Portugal without ever showing our passports.

Yes insane but especially because it should have been a gift.. we contacted them so many times it drives me crazy .. I actually had the gut feeling to go there, but what choice did I have, right? We lost so many accesses to documents being hacked in Holland also so that doesnt make it easier. Tonight my boyfriend is going to see if they can somehow find a solution for the document they want but I dont have high hopes.. but they can try.. I googled the world citizin passport and I saw there are 6 counties that accept this now and those are not the countries I aim to live at :) and I cant go there without a passport anyway lol. That bitnation documents thing I was pointed out too a while ago but it was all very unclear to me too. I just want to fix this actually as I feel like being treated like a criminal now.. And we did not leave the country for those reasons (debt) we left because of the stalking and safety.. I hope that we can sort it out without getting a lawyer because once the application will expire I will be scared of what may happen. People tell us that Hungary doesnt act like Europe and even though it is Europe other countries dont have juristrictions here.. But I am not really convinced yet that thats actually true. Lots of Googling to do for me before I will contact the municipal.. They adviced me to say that a passport is essential and if I wont have any they are taking away my ability to pay them back. But if hey care? And they should cancel the debt because it is not a debt. By the way here I wont have problem to identicate myself as the registration card including another document is valid as id when theres a photo on it. But I guess you understand that I dont want to be stuck within the borders of Hungary or Europe hoping that I won't be arrested or being taking apart while we are at an airport or something. Especially cause this "debt" is from the both of us, and I fear them taking us both away and what about our daughter ? But I will try to think in solutions instead of being stressed out today..because that doesnt help ;)



Exellent post @Anouk.Nox

I'm familliar with Dutch bullshit myself. And this story just makes me angry. (AGAIN) As there are more people who are stuck in Dutch bullshit.

Being in a foreign country and in Dutch bullshit must be one hell of situation to deal with.

I'm sure i'm not the first to ask this:
What if you claim your name? Then you will be without a Nationality. And you need to make sure you arrange that correctly.

I wish I knew more about this shit myself.

Good to read your bad story, and to gain more awareness about the Dutch tyranny state.

Thanks for the resteem! That sovereignity thing is not something I want to do actually. Not now anyway. I just want to be able to travel just like any other people can do.. Will update with a new post later today /tomorrow maybe, as there may be a bit of hope that they still have to discharge the debt. But if this can be fixed on time and if they WILL do it, I dont have that high hopes, considering the past. But must give it a try..

You are welcome!

Good luck, if that is still worth something in 2018 with bureaucracy like this at play.

Sovereignity crossed my mind since you are already living accross the border. But it indeed makes it difficult to travel the world.
There are so many people stuck in a crappy situation due to idiots in our government. I hope we can get this bullshit into the spotlight and without harming peoples privacy.

That said, your article about your situation is a BIG move as it reveals a lot personal stuff that is essential to give insight in the situation eventhough i'm sure it is a difficult choice to reveal so much personal stuff.

Stand your ground!


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One of my suggestions is that you look for a way to multiply your money to satisfy the basic needs, among that the food of all. you can use the internet in pages like fiverr you do not have a substantial income but little by little something you do. You can also campaign on certain pages to raise funds from altruistic donors

The basic needs are covered with steemit funds.. thats not what Im worried about.. ;) its about the passport application..

Yes, I understood that but the application for your passport is blocked by a large debt that you have, so you must produce money, even if it is not enough to settle it. This debt will be extended to all your family making it impossible to obtain your necessary papers while the government is in charge and most worrying even, your children may be at risk for such high debt without having you liquidity

Sorry :) my bad.. I thought that you misunderstood .. I will make an update post later.. change of plan there maybe a possibility we can make them discharge it as a debt. that is in my option also the best way.. because making a payment plan can also be done as this wont work.. because this amount is not an amount I will be happy to be stuck with for a long period as its not even fair because they are the whole reason we lost everything. But if I have the feeling this will be nessecary as back up I will start trying to find ways to fund next week or so.. First I will focus on this.. :) thanks for thinking with me!

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