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RE: The municipality that destroyed our family once, is the reason the embassy will probably refuse to give me a new passport

in #freedom6 years ago

Hi @anouk.nox, this sounds like a very complex situation. And it is very hard to give some proper advice without the fine details. Furthermore, I'm not an expert. I'm just venting my ideas.

I personally would somehow get in touch with all the people/companies/institutions/governments that think you owe them something (money, proof of documents, whatever). Even if you are 100% sure that you don't owe them anything you should get in touch about the specific issue. This would open up a dialogue and eventually will create a stable situation for you. From this stable situation (a place to live, food, some form of income), you can take the time to clear things out and if needed go to court or whatever.

The people that want money from you have two options: 1) agree on a reasonable payment plan, 2) get nothing. This, since you have nothing they can take from you in the first place (I assume based on the story).

Typically if you are bankrupt what happens is that you will be put into what in Dutch is called schuldsanering. I am not too familiar with the exact process when you enter schuldsanering, but I believe you arrange some sort of deal with a counselor, in which you have to pay off over a certain amount of years (I believe its normally 3 to 5 years). After that time the possible remaining debt will be defaulted. Now typically schuldsanering is something that is arranged by individual municipalities. I am not sure how, in your situation, this would work. Being in a different country and all that.

Again I would like to stress that it is key to start a dialogue with the people/institutions you are trying to get away from, even if you totally disagree. They have the time and patience to win this and will only make your life worse and worse. If you talk with them, this will create initial stability for you to live a reasonable life with food and a place to live.

Once you've reached this situation, you can take the time to investigate what exactly happened, what you're rights are on all these topics, find a lawyer or expert if needed, and demand your rights from the specific person or institution.

Finally, I would advice you to get in touch with het juridisch loket (, they will give free legal advice for people that are in situations like you. And secondly, you could try to contact the local schuldhulpverlening of your (former) municipality (more info here:

To end my comment: I am no expert, I just gave you some ideas that might help you out. Hang in there, I'm sure things will get better one day!


Good advice for the people actually living in Holland. Although we also walked that route numerous times.. and in the situation we were in they did nothing. But its not the solution now because we live in Hungary.. But thanks for thinking with me much appreciated although we walked every single path that could be walked seeking help. And the system made it impossible to get actual help. As soon as your situation in Holland gets too complex, schuldsanering is not the way. I made this overview (debt) at the time and contacted everyone personally though and those documents got lost being hacked while still in Holland. But this is a debt that should be a gift. As we agreed.. but when you cant deliver them the "jaarrekening" ( dont know the english word) they just dont work with you. Even though the "gemeente" is the whole reason you got in thiss mess the first place.. :(

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