Orchids. Watercolour Paintings. A Lamp for the Homesteaders Coop? Magic Wands?

in #art6 years ago (edited)

Wishing you
A year of love and light.
Inspiration. Exploration. Discovery.
With renewed expectations.
Seeing with new eyes.
All the Stars.


Beginning again: Steemit and 2019.

Over the Festive Season: While celebrating Christmas and the dawning of a new year, both with friends and in solitude in the local bushland: As I've been decluttering my living and working space: As I've been working in the garden: I've noticed that my resolve to return to drawing and painting this year, and share my processes at Steemit has strengthened a hundredfold.

And then visiting the Art Gallery of New South Wales a few days ago: 'Enchanted' by the Pukumani Grave Posts/Burial Poles in the Australian indigenous section there, my resolve increased maybe a thousandfold.

I've had a feeling for making and then drawing and painting my own 'Magic Wands' and 'Poles' ~ 'Figures' and 'Obelisques' for eons: Ideas that continue to filter into the initial concept of a major work I installed for Sculpture by the Sea, Bondi at the end of 2011.

While I've been happily making my small Nests and Baskets with papers embedded with natural materials, with the intention of developing them as my first product line for a store on The Homesteaders Co-op ~ I started noticing a feeling, like a fine mist wafting around my heart, that the 'Wands' and 'Poles' are also calling to be made. And VERY soon. The Obelisques and Figures will be able to follow.

Watercolour painting.

Whilst sifting through some old photographs and fragmentary drawings, I came across four small watercolours that I'd painted some light years ago.

The voice I usually hear said:

These paintings are so childish: So naive: But a memento, so don't throw them out just yet.
But then another voice said:
Ally, if you wish to work with watercolour in a NEW way, then openly share these little paintings. They may be old but there's something unpretentious in their childlike quality: They may be a little ragged but there's a beauty in their fragility: They may be nothing like what you contemplate doing now but they have been an essential part of your journey.
So I'd like to present them now, along with some gems of wisdom by John O'Donohue in his book: Anum Cara: Spiritual Wisdom from the Celtic World: Words that are the closest I can find to express the way in which I would like to be able to work this year.

Anam Cara

Anam is the Gaelic term for soul and Cara is the word for friend. So Anum Cara in the Gaelic world is 'soul friend.'
When you had an Anam Cara, your friendship cut across all convention and categories. You were joined in an ancient and eternal way with the friend of your soul. ~John O'Donohue: Anum Cara.

So delicate and dainty.
A lamp: Made for and given to my mother.
Paper: Aged. Yellowed. Blemished.
Watercolour: Memories.
Love and Light.



Anum Cara.1.png

May the light of your soul bless the work you do
With the secret love and warmth of your heart.

~John O'Donohue. Anum Cara.


Anam Cara.2.png

May the sacredness of your work bring healing, light and renewal to those who work with you and to those who see and receive your work.
~John O'Donohue. Anum Cara.


Anam Cara.3.png

May it release within you:
Wellsprings of refreshment, inspiration and excitment..

~John O'Donohue. Anum Cara.


Anam Cara.4.png

May you never become lost in the bland absences
~John O'Donohue. Anum Cara.


Anam Cara.5.png

May evening find you gracious and fulfilled.
~John O'Donohue. Anum Cara.


Anam Cara.6.png

May your soul calm, console and renew you.
~John O'Donohue. Anum Cara.


Anam Cara-7.png

May you have respect for your own individuality and difference.
~John O'Donohue. Anum Cara.


Anam Cara-8.png

That behind the facade of your life
There is something beautiful, good and eternal happening.

~John O'Donohue. Anum Cara.

Beginning again with Watercolour.

I've been pondering on where to start for what seems like a lifetime. Should I work with drawing or painting: Charcoal or pastel, watercolour, acrylic or oils? I've worked with them all and love them all equally.

In this state of unknowing: All I know is that my new drawings and paintings will not be like anything I've ever done before.

As a way of inspiring myself to draw again, I shared these two coloured pencil drawings:

When I first thought about sharing the drawing of The Journey I was feeling very uncertain as to whether people at Steemit would like it or not. But then I realized that sharing it was a necessary part of my process: Acknowledging all the drawing I've ever done ~ So that the 'Creative Muse' can reinvent herself. ~Ally.
And so it is now with painting.

These paintings are quite small, each measuring 80 x 160 mms and designed so that the orchids and leaves more or less flowed from one panel to the next.

As panels for a small rectangular lamp, the paper needed to be light enough for the light to shine through and so instead of using watercolour paper, I selected a lightweight Canson drawing paper ~ Which was definitely not the ultimate paper for obtaining lovely even grades of washes and tonal values.

Painted on white paper, the original paintings were much lighter and brighter in colour. However, being for a lamp, they were sealed with a few light coats of varnish ~ Which was clearly not the ultimate way of protecting watercolour paintings and hence the yellowish tones.

350x174 mm orchids lamp-2.png

May you find a wonderful love
In yourself for yourself.

~John O'Donohue. Anum Cara.

The lamp.

Making small rectangular wooden table lamps with panels of watercolour paintings and Sumi-e paintings on Japanese Rice Paper was one of my first 'ventures.' However, like most of my 'ventures' it wasn't a sensational commercial success as I gave most of them away.

Funny how the Universe works.

The lamp with the orchid watercolour panels had been made especially for my mother. It was treasured, but when she moved into a much smaller residence, and only wanted the minimum of ornaments in her single room, the lamp was passed on to one of my sisters. Eventually finding its way back to me.

In the photographs below you can see the torn edges of the papers as well as the pencil lines that defined the rectangular area that would show on the lamp.



May you learn to see yourself
With the same delight, pride and expectation
With which God sees you in every moment.

~John O'Donohue. Anum Cara.

A NEW Lamp.

A few days ago I restored the lamp frame with the intent of inserting the watercolour paintings back into it: Sanding it down, varnishing it with a clear lacquer.

And then it dawned on me:

I had always wondered why my sister had taken the paintings out of the frame of the lamp. But as I began to restore the frame, I FINALLY understood. My sister was much better at taking care of my paintings than I ever was. She knew that left in the lamp the paintings would eventually crumble and turn to dust.

So I decided to keep the watercolour paintings just as they are: And look after them. Perhaps one day they'll even be framed.

And now:

The lamp has beautifully textured off-white Japanese Rice Paper panels. It's like having a totally NEW lamp.


May the light of your soul mind you.
~John O'Donohue. Anum Cara.

Soft lighting.

The NEW lamp has found its home on a table with some of my special ornaments. A surprise awaits anyone who can tell me what any of the three ornaments are.


May you have the committment to harvest your life.
To heal what has hurt you. To allow it to come closer to you.
And become one with you.

~John O'Donohue. Anum Cara.

Another Product for the Homesteaders Co-op?

The Homesteaders Co-op is a collective group of Steemit artisans that accept STEEM, SBD (and now USD with Paypal) for their handmade, sustainable, environmentally friendly products, services and handicrafts. ~@homesteaderscoop
I'm not exactly sure what the panels will be made out of just yet ~ However, I've been feeling the 'nudge' to design and make a more minimalist lamp as another specialty product line for the Homesteaders Co-op.

I love the idea of being able to sell a variety of eco-friendly handmade products for SBD/STEEM and becoming a part of the Homesteaders Co-op and I'm aiming to apply to become one of the vendors at the end of this week now.

Magic Wands.

A few years we had a few hens in our backyard. At the time I made a small Magic Wand from multicoloured silk yarns with some of their feathers as tassels. It was a fun present for a young girl and I remember the sheer joy of making it ~ Especially for her. There's a magic in making something especially with someone in mind.

As I've been making my Heart Baskets the idea has been forming to make a range of similar Magic Wands as my third range of products for the Homesteaders Co-op.

Feathers and Hearts.

Walking around the Roseville lake early yesterday morning, I collected some perfectly shaped feathers, gifted by the resident native ducks there. The longer feathers were silvery white and were still holding droplets of morning dew: The smaller ones looked a little draggled under the weight of the moisture but didn't take long to dry out and become fluffy again.

Only wouldn't you know it? Before settling into working out how to make the new Magical Wands the Creative Muse wanted to photograph EVERY feather and was then inspired to make some new 'Flatlays' with the feathers. And there went another day ~ In the twinkling of an artist's eye for beauty.

If you click on this image to bring up the larger version of it, you'll see the fine droplets of the morning dew still on some of the larger feathers. So exquisite.


May you have a sense of how free you are.
~John O'Donohue. Anum Cara.

One of the Flatlays featuring the feathers.

I decided to include this image because it indicates ~ To me anyway ~ Some of the shifts that have taken place in my artwork over the years.

  • I still have a love of order and precision ~ At the same time I equally like to work with (arranged) disorder and randomness.
  • I still have a love of clear bright colour ~ At the same time, I equally love all the subtle tones of muted colour, especially in the natural earthy hues.
  • Where once my structures were quite flat and apparent, they're now much more subtle, usually lying half or completely hidden underneath other layers. For instance: In this image the 11:11 formed by the feathers and the heart formed by the shells, rather than being obvious, blend with the whole.

May you be blessed.
~John O'Donohue. Anum Cara.

Watercolour Paintings
Ephemeral Art and Photography: ©Alison Lee Cousland.
SONY Mark2 A7: 35 mm.

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Posted from Earth ♥︎ Sand ♥︎ Water ♥︎ Ice with SteemPress : http://www.allyinspirit.info/2019/01/09/848/


That's awesome work. I love the colors and composition. Once again, fantastic drawings.

Thanks so much @ikaruss. The small paintings were designed so that one panel flowed onto the next ~ Similar to a screen only a rectangle. ♥︎♥︎⚖️♥︎♥︎


Hello @allyinspirit, thank you for sharing this creative work! We just stopped by to say that you've been upvoted by the @creativecrypto magazine. The Creative Crypto is all about art on the blockchain and learning from creatives like you. Looking forward to crossing paths again soon. Steem on!

Thanks so much @creativecrypto.

I hope to have some new drawing and painting to share with you this year. ♥︎♥︎⚖️♥︎♥︎


@allyinspirit, I am fascinated with your watercolors!!! Such delicate work, so gentle, have no true words to explain all my feelings, except I would love to see more ..
Everything is where it should be, delicate lines and colors..I am in love!

Such a beautiful compliment coming from you Dunja. Thanks so very much.

I've always admired how you combine watercolour washes that seem to flow and overlap effortlessly with such beautiful detailing in your drawing.

I've always seen and loved detail ~ Although, it can tend to be mesmerizing and restrictive. So it will be interesting to see what comes out of 'playing' just with washes for a little while.

Wishing you a wonderfully creative and very healthy 2019. ♥︎♥︎⚖️♥︎♥︎


SiStar ~ Your creations & words always succeed in reaching deep into my Soul and stir my being precisely where I need to be activated. It might seem silly but I teared up (in a most awesomeness way) reading your post and letting each image sink deeper into my heart. I love you Ally. So happy to see you joined the #powerhousecreatives family


You truly are Anam Cara 💯
Thank you for Being You Beautyfull😍

Posted using Partiko Android

Thanks so much . ♥︎♥︎⚖️♥︎♥︎


I adore those orchids! My potted orchids that my boyfriend gave me when we first started dating over 8 years ago are about to blossom again soon. I love that they come back around every year. I also really enjoy the panel design. I had my boyfriend do a painting on three panels to mimic a geisha scene that one of my great grandmothers had done in cross-stitch that has always hung in my grandmother's house. I was always enamored of it as a child, so it makes me happy to have a version of it to keep with me always! Can't wait to see what other work you have inside of you!

Thanks so much . ♥︎♥︎⚖️♥︎♥︎


Your paintings and photos are so beautiful and peaceful, I feel that you have found an inner peace within you.
It is wonderful to see ^_^.

I still don't know what the new paintings will actually look like @scrawly ~ But my aim in drawing and painting them is to be in the best inner state possible because I believe that whatever state we are in while working is transmitted into the artwork.

So it's wonderful that you feel a peacefulness in these paintings ~ Just you saying that now, brings back how I felt when I was painting them. They were very special at the time because I was making the lamp for my mother and of course I wanted her to really love it. We often do our best work when we have someone in mind like that. ♥︎♥︎⚖️♥︎♥︎


A very beautiful blog @allyinspirit I love how you have shown us the progress of your talented art work. I love orchids and with your use of water colours you have created an appealing softness and wistfulness to them. Well Done!

Thanks so much Trudee. So pleased you like the orchids. I'd love to have a whole glasshouse of orchids one day ~ Have fond memories of my grandfather's orchid house.

It's quite challenging when my natural bent is to see minute detail, to now paint more broadly with watery washes ~ But that's the challenge. I was hoping to start new work with the new year ~ But it's virtually impossible in the sultry heat, so making the paper baskets etc for the Homesteaders Coop instead at the moment. ♥︎♥︎⚖️♥︎♥︎


I've always wanted to try water colour painting but my love for fluid art takes up my spare time....as well as other commitments for now. So, I will admire yours and hope you will continue to get a lot of pleasure from creating such lovely art.

Your paintings are magical! Wonderful work!

Thanks so much @rwedegis. I'm looking forward to seeing what my brush wants to show me now, after not having painted for such a long time. ♥︎♥︎⚖️♥︎♥︎


Wow! I am sensing this wafting of creativity swirling around you as you observe, reflect and gently pluck from your inspiration and muses. How exciting! Thanks for sharing some of your process and thoughts as you put together your ideas and plans for upcoming projects :)

Your paintings are very beautiful and I am glad you shared them with us! I am enjoying the gentle warmth and friendly flowers :)

I really appreciated the quotes. They found me on a somewhat haggard feeling day and these quotes have given me some new refreshed inspiration and happiness!

Thanks ever so much @sagescrub.

I've often admired artists who through specializing in one or just a few art mediums become very accomplished in what they do. Looking back I can see that my 'temperament' and perhaps lifestyle to a degree has not allowed me to do this.

Where I was once extremely self-critical about being a 'Jill of all trades and master of none' I now feel perfectly fine about it. The challenge for me now is to bring the appropriate skills and techniques together to produce beautiful and unique eco products.

The plan includes painting some simple motifs on the paper baskets as well as create designs with the imprinted leaves and flowers. I've also just started to make the 'Magic Wands.'

I'm so happy to know that you appreciated the quotes by John O'Donohue. I bought the book 'Anum Cara' after seeing some of his writings. Highly recommended if you haven't read it. One of those books you can just open at any page and find an answer for something you may be needing. ♥︎♥︎⚖️♥︎♥︎


Very beautiful and delicate <3 The colours are so soft and gentle <3 I love these pieces so much, Ally !!!

And the photographs with the feathers and shell is also so beautiful <3

I'm looking forward to seeing what will appears on new watercolour paper now @veryspider.

I've bought my boards, cut and sanded and varnished them and they're all ready for me to stretch the paper on.

The morning that I found the feathers ~ Was such a creative day ~ Thought I would do a few simple flatlays, but ended up working with them all day. Will share them soon. ♥︎♥︎⚖️♥︎♥︎


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