
in #me5 years ago (edited)

To tell you the truth, with work and the 'pre-planned' posts I have each week at present, I've sort of forgot how to just write about nothing in particular. The weekly Engagement League Post, the blocktrades/actifit Steemfest ticket post, the (normally) 2 posts I write for the Fantasy League that are sent to chain by acidyo, they all take time, but you wouldn't really say they were creative.

Thank you @steemitri!

Most of my time away from the above on Steem is done curating content on a bunch of alts. By curating, I mean skim-reading and voting, sorry. The working week and time with friends/my daughter at the weekend have drastically reduced the 100+ hours a week I would normally spend at my laptop, mostly on Steem, and so I end up reading and voting in a rush, instead of writing.

If i do plan to write, it usually involves numbers, which also take time. I've spent numerous days and nights in the past, looking into things I thought could be interesting, and scrapped the lot.

I just want to say hi, to the people kicking about on this Saturday afternoon/evening, how are you doing?

For the past couple of months I've been staying with family and friends, but finally this week have sorted out a place to live. I needed a payday to be able to stick down a months rent and five weeks deposit and now that has arrived, I've spent most of that and will move in to a city centre apartment in 4 weeks time.

The place is small but enough for one, it's close to the (current) workplace and importantly, the transport links are ideal for getting out to see friends and my daughter - who is now old enough to catch the bus into the city. There is also a small gym on site, it's not much but at least there is treadmill, a rowing machine, and one of those all in one deals that are notoriously bad for isolating muscles and not working the surrounding area properly. Still, at least it is something.

Today on my travels around town, I had a look in the cheapo everything store for home goods. Moving back from Spain with 1 big suitcase, 1 small suitcase, and a laptop means I have pretty much zero essentials for everyday use. Duvet, Pillows, Towels, Toaster, Bottle opener, Can opener, and a number of other things I should probably write a list for - I got none of those. Shit...... spoons, and a tea cup. Maybe the last tenant has left the odd piece of cutlery and hopefully the kettle, but probably not.

I'm 6 weeks into the new job, and although I'm growing fond of the people I sit around, the work (when I get given some), is not that interesting. I'm not a high-flier, driven, or overly confident in my ability, but I think I'm worth more than the current position. And so I'm applying elsewhere and have an interview coming up soon. The company I'm interested in (lie - that are interested in me) are based just out of town - not Valencia or anywhere like that, and so I'll still be close to Daughter. It was nice seeing her reaction last week when I said I'd be around for at least a year - I should probably make it 5, until she heads off to University.

This afternoon I stood for 10 minutes or so and listened to a girl busking, she was well above the standard I'm used to hearing and I chucked 2 pounds in her guitar case when it was time to leave. I also had (another) quick go with this litter-picker that is directly on my route home, although the surrounding area was rather free of litter - not surprising I guess, they need to move it and chain it up elsewhere!

So that's me, not going to Thailand next month but planning to save hard for number 5.

How are you?




Wow @abh12345 ...

"... have drastically reduced the 100+ hours a week I would normally spend at my laptop, mostly on Steem, and so I end up reading and voting in a rush, instead of writing."

... while I don't have time to read every word of the many posts I try to (at least somewhat ...) stay on top of, I don't recall any previous reference to the number of hours you have invested. I guess I am not surprised though. I wonder what the hours would be for @tarazkp. Hard to imagine it wouldn't also be in this range, if not more ...

"The place is small but enough for one, it's close to the (current) workplace and importantly, the transport links are ideal for getting out to see friends and my daughter ..."

Very good to see. The benefits of your new job starting to roll in ...

All the best to you in your new place of employment!

Hi Rob :)

Yes the 100+ hours were probably only 10% on writing posts - a lot is spent looking into data and reading around. Perhaps not the best use of time - now I have to be a bit more organised.

Thanks for the well-wishes, have a great week :)

Congrats on the apartment and the interview, Asher. Good to see you're settling in.
Time dor a housewarming party, then ?! :0)

Thank you :)

Slowly I am, and I think when I have this place i'll feel a little better too.

House-warming - that would require some friends - i'll see what I can do!

Loved reading this. (Didn’t skim 🙂) !SHADE 5

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@abh12345 you have received 5 SHADE from contrabourdon!
View and trade the tokens on Steem Engine.

This tip bot is powered by witness untersatz!

Ahh thanks :D It's nice to ramble a little, I feel better for it.

Hi Asher!
Everything ok here... just having a quiet evening at home ;-)
UK is not like Spain, but you are closer to your daughter :-) Nada sangria amigo!
Did you get the Steemitri-mask?
Have a nice weekend ;-)

Me too, and so I have time to write a little.

OH! I have received your gift! Totally forgot, and I have a photo too - it should have been my opening image - I will fix that!

Fixed! :D :D

Great photo, hahaha

My daughter begrudgingly took it a few weeks ago - said I looked 'scary', sorry! :D

a post about the normal crap, how nice!!!

I went to switzerland with a backpack and a carry on...filling a house is annoying, but I most honestly admit...I literally ordered a whole house online by ikea and they even delivered it (including cutlery, ovendishes, sheets everything and honestly....i didnt need to sell an organ even for it)

but yeah dude....a grind!

Game on for normal crap :D

Online would mean i had to wait, for a sheet, or a towel - that's not really an option!

Nice to see you, I hope your weekend is going good :)

Fair enough! I had some time to bridge that delivery gap but indeed...no towels is....yeah uhhh...less comfort I would say, british problems :D

Weekend is sweet! The sailboat was my friend today and checking this gods unchained stuff. Nothing bad to say..bummer we wont see us in Bangkok!

I mentioned that I would be drying myself with the days shirt/t-shirt at work yesterday and got a funny look :D I'm OK with being ghetto, but a towel is nice!

I'm on a boat bitches! I do like saying that for some reason :)

Yeah SF4, I would love to go to Thailand and see a bunch of familiar faces, but it is not to be this year - working on next year starting now!

Hey Asher!!! Nice to hear how you are doing. Your daughter must be pleased to have you sticking around! This weekend's my birthday wkd... caught up with my son and had a lovely lunch in Melbourne, today just gardening and planting a mulberry tree. Xxx

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Thank you :) Yes see was pleased to hear that, I even got a hug - from a Teenager, tough going!

Happy Birthday to you! Family, food, and gardening - what a lovely selection of Birthday activities :)

Aw.. now my son is 22 he hugs me again and its LOVELY. Xxx

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haha yeah, there is a drought (speaking as a son) during the teenage years but I remember it ending in the early 20's. Thanks Mums!

Never seen one of those litter jobs before. They should put more of them around.

I remember moving into my first place in Finland and I stole a plate and a knife and fork from the staff kitchen at work. Didn't stop me from throwing parties :)

Looking forward to more of these posts from you.

Yeah pretty cool I though - it's currently chained to the rail behind but I guess it's a good thing that 'everyone' so far has returned the picker thingy.

What a good idea - I should also see what there is to 'borrow' at work. I've recently found the free fruit draw in the canteen, that's a nice touch.

Looking forward to more of these posts from you.

Will try, I was sinking into the i must provide data to make the post original/have value - not good!

Will try, I was sinking into the i must provide data to make the post original/have value - not good!

I struggle to add value at the best of times. I think I should write about 60% less.

Your contributions are more coherent than most, and I appreciate that :)

I think I should write about 60% less.

Haha, 'at the moment' don't worry with all that yet @tarazkp.

Look at this, as the only 'narcotic' that will pay off and is worth to be a drugaddict so far. };)

Good to know that things are going well for you! How fun to have a new apartment and new neighbors!

Thank you Melinda :)

Oh no, what if my neighbors are a bunch of idiots? (I'm praying for a hottie :D )

I'll keep my fingers crossed that you find hot new neighbors who want to join Steem!

Well that would be just the perfect start to my new surroundings, I think?!

Well that would be just
The perfect start to my new
Surroundings, I think?!

                 - abh12345

I'm a bot. I detect haiku.

But hot comes first, right?

You have read my mind :D

I will be waiting to hear how it all works out! 😉

Hi. Life. And it doesn't sound all that bad. Sticking around for 5 sounds like a good idea for your quickly growing girl. These are the years mums and daughters tend to fight a lot!!

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Aha, my plan has been spotted :)

She will of course be very welcome to stay, and the bus to school is no problem where I'm staying.

Have a nice evening Paula :)

Have a lovely evening to Asher 😉

Posted using Partiko Android

Thank you :)

Gday matey. Its Saturday night, i have a St Bernard drooling everywhere, did a post, wife is away with her mate in Portugal. The little one is asleep and i'm struggling to watch Mindhunter while scouring steem for interesting things.

Good evening! Sounds like you are at a loose end somewhat, now the family are in there place and you presumably have a towel (I don't, did i mention that above) for the St Bernard.

I do remember seeing a couple of very humorous comments from you in the past hour or so on 'nonames' post - glad I visited over there :)

Yeah, the whole ET testicles thing was rather fun. To be honest, a towel doesn't work for St Bernard slobber. It just moves it around. Just gotta wash clothes a lot.

I had Space Hoppers and Buster Gonads in mind :)

Enjoy your evening of free washes then from perhaps the quietest member of the family.

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