🏆 The Curation and Engagement Leagues 🏆 - STEEM prizes available! 🎁

in #engagement6 years ago (edited)

Welcome to this weeks Curation and Engagement leagues, kindly sponsored by @curie!

To enter the leagues drop a comment below (Lifetime membership - unless you ask to be removed)

The leagues (tables) are reset each week and so any time is a good time to join!

On your marks, get set, curate!


Curation tips

My general views on curation rewards (to score highly in League 1) are:

  • Vote before the big hitters, but not too early!

  • Voting in the first minute will earn you a curation reward of almost 0.000

  • Voting between 1 and 29 minutes will earn an increasing % of the curation rewards split - This value peaking at 30 minutes and remaining the same from this point onwards

  • It is commonly suggested that 15-25 minutes is the best time to vote, especially on known 'power author' posts because they are likely to have more auto-votes coming in at these times - and you want to be ahead of these votes

  • Voting on good dtube/dlive/sndbox content, and utopian-io approved contributions (prior to the vote by @dtube / @utopian-io, etc) can earn some very good curation rewards

  • Voting on @ocd posts is likely to gain good curation rewards as founder @acidyo, and @anomadsoul support these posts after giving time for other accounts to vote - you will be in front of a couple of large votes here!

As you can see, a combination of many variables such as Steem Power, voting strength, voting weight, time of vote, and more, all play a part in the amount of rewards received.

My general opinion on maximizing engagement (to score highly in League 2) is to:

  • Spread your vote and write lots of engaging comments!

  • Use your vote on the comments of others to make yourself (vote) seen and provoke a reply with a well-written comment

The data for league 1

The raw data has been collected from SteemSQL - @arcange's MS SQL Server copy of the Steem Blockchain.

The formula used for 'quality of financial curation skill' is:

Curation Rewards DIVIDED BY Steem Power MULTIPLIED BY 1000

This will return the amount of Curation rewards gained per 1000 Steem Power held

The rules (which will cause auto-filtering of your account if not met so just enter anyway and see what happens!) to appear in this league:

  • No programmed voting! Following a trail is OK, using a script to vote for you is not (but well done if you have done that!)

  • Must have voted at least once on a piece of content in the past 7 days

  • Must not have leased or delegated Steem Power in the last 14 days

  • Must not have Started a Power Down (withdrawal of Steem Power) in the last 15 days

The 2nd and 3rd points above are not 'bad' actions, but are required to reduce distortion of the figures.

And, as curation rewards for the past week are actually taken from votes made up to 14 days ago, we need a two week 'window' as mentioned above.

Don't let this put you off entering though - you will be automatically be excluded/appear each week, depending on the criteria above.

League 1 - Curation / Rewards based

The end column is what I think is a genuine indicator of how well you are financially working the curation game with the tools, including vested Steem Power, that you have at your disposal.

League 2 - Engagement - Sponsored by @curie

This the newer league which is not based around financial rewards and relates to engagement.

Everyone currently on my master list has a chance here - including those powering down or dealing in delegations this past couple of weeks.

I've used some metrics (which is the fancy way of saying that made up some numbers) relating to:

  • Posts (P)
  • Comments - number of (C)
  • Comments - replies to replies - depth > 2 (C R)
  • Comments - length in characters (C L)
  • Witness votes (W) (for those proxying witness votes, your total is always 30)
  • Upvotes to others (V)
  • Upvotes to different authors (U V)
  • Self-votes - a (getting smaller each week) minus score for this one sorry! (S V)

Firstly, if you are placed in the table above then you among the top 20% of the league entrants!

Congratulations to this weeks Engagement League winner, @gillianpearce! 🏆

3rd last week, Gillian has upped her comments, comment text, and votes to leapfrog @eaglespirit who takes 2nd prize this week as @glenalbrethsen has graciously opted out of the prizes for the time being.

@janton or 'Jonboy' is a new entry this week and takes the 3rd prize.

Excellent engagement levels also from @mad-runner, @lynncoyle1, @themanwithnoname, @bashadow, @funbobby51, @leeart, and @fullcoverbetting who will all be receiving some STEEM this week.

Those without a self-vote (from their main account at least 😱) and placed in the top 30 odd will also receive a little STEEM.

Do you want to be a part of the leagues? Let me know below!

Prizes 🎁

League 2

0 votes to self - Spot Prizes

Lucky number 25 in League 2

A @steembasicincome share, courtesy of @fullcoverbetting goes to @simplymike - Nice !


  • If you have spotted any glaring errors in my post, please let me know so I can fix them

  • If you would like to be added or removed from my personal curation league, let me know

  • If you have any other comments or suggestions, please enter them into the box below

Thank you everyone, have an awesome Sunday!

Asher @abh12345


If you feel that the Curation Leagues are a worthwhile addition to the Steem Blockchain, please consider a vote for our witness - @steemcommunity - https://steemit.com/~witnesses

Find out more about our project here


Thank you @abh12345 and @curie :) It was a slower week for me; my brother and family from Texas were here for a visit, so spending time with Brian and my family was way more important...as it should be :)

I'll be back full force this week though!

Congratulations to @gillianpearce, @glenalbrethsen, @eaglespirit, @janton, @mad-runner,@themanwithnoname, @bashadow, @funbobby51, @leeart, and @fullcoverbetting. It's great seeing so many new names in here too!!

thank you for the grats and yay familia!

You did excellent! Congratulations. Sorry I didn't have a chance to chat with you much during the raffle yesterday. Things got hectic there, and in real life. I was trying to balance a lot of things and still pay attention.

You're doing really well recently. You may have been before too, but I didn't know you then. Keep up the good work!

thank you so much! i was hovering below top 10, then i stopped upvoting my posts and thats what did it. ive always engaged from getting on this platform. its how ive met many people and made many friends. it is really the way of steemit. minus the bullys 😆😆 i try to avoid those. no worries during the raffle, honestly i happened to just catch it! :)

Good on you for figuring out what you needed to do and then doing it. I remember at first it was difficult to stop self-voting, even though I would only do it on posts, not any comments. After I joined the league, I didn't want to miss out on any points, so I stopped. I've been happy about the result since then.

Yeah, stay away from those bullies. That's a quick way to get discouraged.

Glad you could catch the raffle. It was a fun time!

well, my first guesses were a dud ... then i tried different things but Thanks for the encouragement! :)
yeah i didn't want to give up self voting, especially after I saw some folks still self upvoting and hitting the top. LOL
i'm not sure how i got here really ... i was just working with one aspect of things and vroom.... anyhoo, i'm not hating it. :)
yeah, the bullies kind of messed up my vibe ... :(
yay raffle, it would be nice for me to win at least one some day. the same people seem to win over and over. i don't get it.

Way more important.

You still managed enough time to sneak into the top 10 though :)

A mixed list of 'old' and new this week, good to see!

Thank you for the compliments, dear @lynncoyle!!
Although it is difficult to repeat the top of this ranking, because I have to start a second job, but I'll try anyway!

"Trying" is all anyone can ask of us :)

Thanks for the shoutout, @lynncoyle1. I thought you were not appearing as much as you normally do. I'm glad you were able to spend time with your family. I hope you were able to recharge a bit with them there to pour out support and love on you.

My brother and his wife are awesome for that! You're a pretty sweet guy to even think of it :)

I know that I start to miss family, especially when I've been away from them for a while. I figured it might be the same for you. I'm glad their presence helped. :)

What?!? Family more important than the leagues?!?

Okay. Yes it is. :)

I'm glad you were able to see them and spend time with them.

I'm not so sure if I want to see full force, though. How about half-full force? Or maybe even three-quarters-full force? See, I don't think any of us have truly witnessed full force. That would be scary. Like hurricane scary. Has there ever been a Hurricane Lynn? Batten down the hatches! Stow the mizzen mast! :)

hahaha @glenalbrethsen, don't worry, the road is paved with good intentions. We'll see how the week transpires 😂

I do like the sound of Hurricane Lynn, but only if it's a awe-inspiring storm with no bad side effects...not likely right? 😂

I think you pretty much take the bad with any good when it comes to hurricanes or tornadoes or any other nature related disaster in the making. So maybe Hurricane Lynn isn't quite what we're going for. At any rate, full force Lynn will be a force to be reckoned with. :)

Mmh, missed the part that @lynncoyle1 was going full force. Maybe I have to change my expectations then. Second will be like winning the league :)
The game is on Lynn let it be hard but fair :)

Don't you got some world cup to be watching? That starts this week finally, right? I think you're going to be way too busy glued to a TV screen or however you consume it to be worrying about Lynn or anything else any of us are doing. :)

And it will be okay, too. You can come back to it in a couple of weeks when the world cup is over. :)

I will watch most games of the world cup without a doubt. But believe it or not, while being a guy, I can multi task 😁
And let’s be honest what is a competition without some friendly banter!
3 weeks before my holiday. Then you all won’t see me much for 2 weeks 😎

I guess it's a good idea to go full force while you can then.

Where you going? Can't remember if you've mentioned that before or not.

Well, I readily admit that I can't. I can get some machines do some laundry and dishes while I'm doing what I want to do, but can't hold a baby, wash dishes, talk on the telephone and keep track of what's on tv. So, those who can, more power to them.

Oh, friendly banter is fine. I think part of this is being able to joke around with one another, and it wouldn't be as fun if we didn't, would it. All game and no trash? :)

I haven’t mentioned it so you couldn’t know. But after 3 years in a row going to Mallorca, it will be Kos in Greece this year.
We had 2 options Cyprus or Greece. The guys wanted Cyprus the wifes Kos, so like in every family Kos it is!
Next year it will probbly the States again. The wife wants to go back to Hilton Head Island in North-Carolina.
Fine by me as long as we can get a GMC Yukon as rental!

She wants a road trip from New York to Miami!

You could have crashed with Asher if you made it four. But Kos sounds nice, too. One of these days, I'll make it to the Mediterranean. It says Kos is a Greek island, but it's really close to Turkey, if I've got the right place on Google Maps.

Road trip from New York to Miami. That would be a good one. Sounds like you're going for roominess with the Yukon. I guess 20-ish mpg on the freeway isn't bad for that size of a vehicle. I have an Altima that gets up into the 35 mpg range, so I'm kind of partial to fuel economy right now. :)

My wife is going to visit her sisters and aunts for a couple weeks down near Mexico City, and then we may be heading over to Eastern Idaho in early December. That's about it for us this year.

Firm but fair has been my motto buddy :) Let's see what the week brings me, but I have to admit, as much as enjoyed my family and more time with Brian, I did not like seeing my name "so far" down the list. Yes, yes I know, it's not far down at all, but you know what I mean haha

I know. I would be a blast for me, standing just behind you in the league! This week I will go full force just like you and from then on we will see.
Curious if I can get into the top 5. Highest ranking at this moment was 6th.
That week I did wrote 334 comment. The highest comments week was around 6 weeks ago with 383 comments. So, I do write enough comments but they are just not long enough! I do want to change this, but I just can't. When you ran out of words, you ran out of words!

Well I would be honored to have you anywhere near me buddy! And there's a lot of bravado talk on here haha, but in all seriousness, there is nothing worse than a wordy comment that says nothing :)


It is true. I do try to comment only on the posts, which I did read fully and to write a genuine comment. The world cup is just making it easier for me!

OMG! @abh1245 You've done it again. I swear you make these Leagues up so every time I get to the point of considering pulling out of them you do something that makes me want to stay in.

Thank you for the prize and for your all your work and for the massive learning experience the leagues provide. 😂

These last three days have been a new experience in that I've been away from home, supposedly on a break, AND kept up with the level of commenting I normally do at home. I now feel totally burned out by it.

It was driven by the fact that I have a delegation, and as long as I do I feel the need to make the most of the delegator's generosity, in this case that of @danielsaori.

However, it means I've been up to the early hours every day. First up and last to bed. Not great! In fact, I'm the only one up so far this morning too.

I'm on retreat next week so I'm going to take the week off from The Leagues. Please could you take me out for the week Asher? Ta!

This will be the first time since I joined the Leagues that I've taken a break. When I've been away before, my follower numbers were lower so it was easier to keep up.

So this will be another new experience for me. I'm curious to see what it feels like!

So . . . all you up and comers and regulars too, you'll have one less person to compete with for the top ten positions. Now's your chance so make the most of it! 😁

And . . .

Congratulations to @eaglespirit for remaining in the top three and to @glenalbrethsen for returning there.

Well done to everyone else in the top ten!

Have a wonder full week. 💜

ha :)

Self-vote or collect 5 STEEM, decisions, decisions :D

Yes I will remove you for next week, you'll have to remind me to add you back in though!

Well done for regaining top spot, enjoy your rest :)

Thank you Asher.

I won't self-vote yet. Not while I have a delegation.

But later in the week I might have a bit of a dabble. 😂

But I'm pretty sure that self-voting won't earn me 5 Steem. But then, as we know, I'm prone to get these sorts of calculations wrong.

Hope you're having fun in the sun and thanks again, for your support. 😊

Why not have a dabble :D

A few people have commented to me outside of the league regarding self-voting. One of these people would have scored a prize much more than their vote had they not done this week.

Sun? That lasted 2 days, we have rain until Friday and I'm hoping by then the Spanish summer will finally have started.

Enjoy your break :)

I did hear that the Spanish summer will move to Greece for the first 2 weeks of July.
Sorry for that!

I've changed my mind @abh12345. Can you leave me in please. 😂

I'm interested to see what happens if I dabble and try and take a holiday!

What do you reckon. Is that OK?

Unless he changed the rules, you don't have to tell him if you're taking a break. You can just get a really, really low score. He won't get upset. Then when you come back, you'll still be entered and can go about your business of dominating the field. :D

My main reason for dropping out completely @themanwithnoname was to have a complete break. But so far, that ain't happening! 😂

I'm off to the retreat soon so we'll see what happens then.

I really need a break so it will be good not to be able to hop and off the computer whenever I have a spare minute.

Have a great week! 😊

Ha ha, I understand. Sorry to help you stay in the League. Sorry, not sorry. Although, seriously you should enjoy your retreat. Leave the computer at home. Ha ha.

Is this your final answer? :P

Personally I think everyone should stay in, you might fall to 25th and still pick up a prize!

Not really since I thought I deleted the last comment @abh12345 but obviously it didn't delete! 😂 😂 😂

I thought If I dropped out of the League completely it would be easier to log on less but, so far, that's not the case, at least when the computer is in front of me.

Bloody hell this is a difficult thing to stop doing.

Yep. Keep me in then.

I'm off to the retreat in a couple of hours. Let's see what happens then. 😊

@gillianpearce You will just have to admit that you cannot miss us, euhm I do mean the interaction :)

Enjoy your retreat, try not to stress over no connect time, unwind and enjoy, we will see you when you return. After all if the Boss can take a week, you certainly can.

Thanks @bashadow.

Good point regarding the boss taking a week off! 😁

Congrats Gillian. Well deserved. Thank you for your engagement!
It doesn’t matter why you did, it matters that you did it!
Enjoy your week off! We will be waiting on your return!

Thank you Peter.
It's good to see you back at the top too.
Well done!
Have a great week. 😊

You too!
Still aiming on a spot in the top 3. Maybe next week! Will be a lot at home so I can comment via the laptop.

aha! i see what you did ... that qurator contest was ALL a ploy!! hahahaha

Oh that it were so @eaglespirit! What an emotional ride that was. No-one warned me about that when I signed up. 😂

Hey, well done this last week. You squeaked out a legit win against Glen! That's impressive.

Enjoy your week off and we'll be expecting even more from you the following week. :)

Ha, ha, ha. No pressure then @themanwithnoname but thanks for the vote of confidence! 😁

Congratulations to you! Woohoo! I'm glad the win made a difference, especially if you were thinking about opting out. Where would be the fun in that? Anyway, well done. I'm just continually amazed here. The more you take off to do things, the more you go up in rank. It's just the inverse of what happens to me. So, whatever works, keep doing it. :)

Ha, ha, ha. Thanks @glenalbrethsen. I think it was the delegation that really made the difference.

But look at me. I'm waiting for the other people to arrive before our cream tea ehich will open the retreat and I've already sneaked off to answer some comments! 😂

Well, I suppose people could call that an obsession, or even an addiction. However, I will simply refer to it as getting things done.

All of this engagement, all of the curation, is for a good and meaningful purpose. Enriching our lives, and that of others, through adding value and receiving rewards. Can't consider it a bad thing, even when you're on vacation.

Besides, you off a lot compared to me. :) Just need to toddle off to sleep sooner.

You're right about needing to toddle off to sleep sooner @glenalbrethsen.

And I was only saying to someone today, this Steemit lark is probably the closest I've ever come to an addiction.

I keep seeing photo opportunities everywhere.

And I can't resist saying "thank you" and/or answering questions.

Early days yet though. 😁

Congratulations @gillianpearce, welcome to the top of the hay pile, you're queen of the week. Will we be crowning a king next week, will the ladies be dethroned? How long can glen drive 55? that's all the speed he needed. Last week 15 points this week 55 points, So very very close at the top.

@urbangladiator and @janton have their feet wet now, they have a taste, will they continue to rise to the top like the cream of the crop, will @eaglespirit come soaring back to swoop in to the top next week, will @lynncoyle1 come back from the beach in time to move back up, tune in next week same steem time, same steem channel, for the exciting continuation of Ashers League of Curation.

I was pretty excited this week, had a lot going on, I did a song for the IFC, and then @edprivat made it a real song, then @charisma777 made a video, then @soundlegion had a post for volume five of their Steemit Music CD, I asked and they said yes I could enter I did, and wow, still pretty hyped about that whole process.

And then on top of all that going on, I found @steemmonsters, and well I had to have some cards after spending a lot of time looking at it all.

I am surprised that I still managed to stay in the top ten, not by much, but enough. My votes actually increased over last week, so that is good, means I am back to finding good content that needs votes, and most of the time if I vote I comment, I just need to make a few more moderate length comments, I had a lot of short ones this week, some epic ones, but a lot of short ones, It was all the distractors, that and well the weather has been beautiful in Alaska this week, so have been out on several drives this week, so not online as much, so real surprised I was still up there.

Once again congratulations to everyone, it is so nice to see new names, old names and people still trying to engage the people, and each other.

Thank you @bashadow.

Sounds like you've had a lovely week. Glad to hear you've been making the most of the weather too. That's what it's all about as far as I'm concerned. Enjoying yourself I mean, not making the most of the weather! 😂

And you're in the top ten. Perfect!

Hope you have another wonderful week. 😍

hahaha thank you @bashadow, it's a real soap opera here, isn't it!? :) Congratulations to you as well!

damn, that is some good writing right there ... it brought me a little anxiety ... buahahah
either way .. i will still fly. :)

I don't think you have anything to worry about. You, Lynn, and Gillian, are always going to be in the top few spots, thats when your not all being on vacation or away, or, well whatever gets in the way. In fact I think the three of you should have a get together for a whole week in an IFZ (internet Free Zone), meaning no access not free access. I mean really you ladies need to give us guys a break. ;-}

no worries, i swear i was never hitting for the top anyways. i was truly just trying to figure out the numbers and was amazed when i got #1. :)
oh snapp .. well this is only my 2nd week of being on top so not sure i really count. its been gill, lyn and glen the entire time. do you know how long this list has existed for?

I'm not sure, I joined on 3/25/18, when dave mentioned it. I like to vote and comment so have been using Ashers league as a consistency tracker.

My Peak Performance score was 22424.80 on 4/15/18, and that netted me a tenth place(really eleventh place) finish. But that was a great week for a lot of people. Must have been a lot happening that had the keyboards flying that week.

Lowest performance was this week with a ninth place finish 14018.00 6/10/18, so even though my slowest week, it was a lot of peoples slowest week also, so nice weather ruled for most of the people and trips and visits and what nots that meant less time for everyone on line, or so it seems.

what the cheese, you remember the date and number? hehe
well, i joined a while ago after i finally found out how to do it but i forgot when and i have no idea as i was below 10 for quite awhile because i was self voting. em wow ... i'm impressed with your dates and amounts. wow

I copy the table stuff down and put it in a notepad note. Trying to remember all that in my head would not work for me, so a month ago, and went and back tracked through all of Ashers sunday post until I could scroll back no more, then copied all the info. I may have been around longer, but the 3/25 one was as far back as I could scroll, and I have not tried to use steemd yet to check for sundays before that.

oh wow! maybe if you enter your steemit name and ashers name together in a search. you crack me up being so serious about the numbers. do you want to be number 1?

Didn't see where anyone answered your question about when the leagues started, but It's been around since last year. In fact, it might be coming up on a year now. I don't know for sure because my involvement is limited to just the last few months. Obviously, @abh12345 would know. :)

Congratulations for No. 2! This is kind of what we were talking about last week. Your score went up from the week before when you were No. 1, but so did a lot of other peoples' scores.

And while this might be only your second time in the top part of the chart, that doesn't mean you're leaving it anytime soon. You've got the output, and everyone else would have to step up their game, now that you've got all the ingredients working together.

The Engagement league is this year but the initial postb with league one is around 10 months old.

Whoops, okay. So the engagement league has only been around since the beginning of the year? Then, I guess I wasn't missing out that much for that long, then. I thought it all started together.

So, just out of curiosity, what made you decide to start out with the curation leagues, and then add the engagement league after that. My guess is you saw more value in curation, then wondered if maybe engagement might be just a valuable?

When I saw this comment I though, it's a bit early in the day for Glen to be replying :D

Sounds like you've had a busy week both on and off Steemit, but still managed to score a prize. Thanks for taking part!

I like to think I bring out the best in people. :)

Nah, @bashadow is very capable of doing that without any involvement from me. Everyone here is. (Ya'll just need to do it). That's supposed to be an aside, you know, kind of whispered. Between you and me. On the blockchain where anyone can see it. Great. :)

Just made one of those 'aside' comments myself 😎

Okay, so I guess I've got to scroll through all your comments to find it? Or is it on one of mine somewhere? :) Am I in trouble now. :)

Congratulations to you for your league placement and for your song—that really sounds like awesome fun!

Of late, I've had this knack for photo finishes. :) What's really funny about this week is that I was looking around for about twenty minutes Saturday night wanting just a couple more comments and ended up shutting it down because I hit a wall. So, my guess is, it wasn't meant to be. :)

It's good to see the new people showing up on the list, and hopefully we can retain all of the rest of us in the process, so we give each other a good run.

It is nice to see so many new people and new names, and how close certain groupings are. I still like having a place to check myself against myself and others, to see if I am falling, or if the trend was just a slow week for everyone. (seemed so this last week).

I think we've had two or three weeks now of slow weeks. That's what it's seemed like to me. I'm sure the lower prices aren't helping, nor the better weather for most of the northern hemisphere. Getting on to Wednesday and it feels like people took off again. :)

It's great, as you say, to be able to see how everyone compares and what you did from week to week. It makes keeping up with all that needs to be done easier. Whether or not keeping up is possible when you get to it is a good question, but at least you know what you need to do. :)

3 weeks ago was a pretty big week, but yes the last two weeks, well start of summer, and nice weather up north here, and the south getting out to enjoy their last few days of nice weather, so it seems a pretty happy group of active people. That's good. Lots of spring garden pics, and fall die off pics, and people having those last/first grasp of nice weather.

thank you so much for the contest and prize @abh12345 it was a big surprise for me because I joined late and can't do much voting because of my plankton status and almost no sp but I'll keep cruising along and maybe someday I can vote like I want. thanks to @headchange who told me about your league and @eaglespirit and @wolfhart who gave me a warm welcome to the group!

Congratulation to you for your showing . It just goes to show you a little effort pays off no matter what level you are at . again nice job

thank you sir @wolfhart you're the best!

youre welcome, looks like you are getting up there!

just starting, I don't think you leaders have much to worry about from me for awhile! lol ya'll are great role models @eaglespirit!

like i said ive only been in the top 3 the last 2 times so ya never know. good luck!

thank you @eaglespirit you're very cool!

thank you kindly sir

yes Ma'am you're welcome.
are you winning the contest this week?

i got second place by default. glen gave up his spot so he would have won second. but i have a secret weapon this week, we shall see how it turns out.

You are welcome!

The scoring appreciates voting, but also takes into account that smaller fish cannot vote 100s of times each week, and that written interaction is more important. Well done!

oh thank you for explaining that @abh12345 that makes me feel more encouraged..ok I'll keep trucking then. God bless you for helping so many... my gosh you're doing great work!

Well, well, well. Look who we have in third place! I guess you never know who's going to show up in the leagues next. :)

Congratulations. Debuting anywhere on the list (Top 20%) is good—reaching the Top 3 your first time out is exceptional. Well done.

Things tend to change every week, so now that you know what it took to get to No. 3 this time, see what you can do to take it up a notch. If you can't, no problem—the leagues are here to keep our interest in the main purpose for them—engagement. I'm just trying to say that the numbers change from week to week and what was good for one place one week may not be for the next. Okay. There. I think I said it that time. :)

thank you sir!
so you are saying that I might not even be in the top ten next week right? lol. Just let me know when you get back in and I'll take that week off!

Hey I see that votes for witnesses are on there, I don't even know anyone who is wanting to be one. I nominate you! I don't even know what they do or why people want it!
what's that all about?

There's a chance you could be in the Top 10 with the same numbers—you could even land in No. 1—and there's also a chance you could end up outside the Top 10. That's where I was going with that. The only thing to do is try to improve on the numbers, but most people don't keep track and are pleasantly surprised when they end up in the prize money. :)

I'll probably need several folks who have the time I do to dedicate to Steemit and thus the leagues before I come back in for the prizes. It's not like I'm trying to take off any time, or not end up number one. It's just been harder and harder for me to find stuff to comment on over the last couple of weeks.

What Witnesses Do

Witnesses are the ones who run the STEEM blockchain on witness servers. The computers have to meet certain specs in order to keep things running smoothly. They're all over the world and don't really get nominated by anyone. They kind of just decide it's something they want to do, announce that they're becoming a witness, and try to rally support so they can move up the ranks. The top 20 witnesses are actually compensated for running their servers (they're called nodes), and so are the rest, just not as much. It depends on how many blocks of the block chain they get assigned (in a random fashion) to verify or authenticate, since every block that is created needs to be signed off on as valid. It's what protects the integrity of the blockchain since there's no one central server or servers running things.

If people are voting for witnesses, it's because they believe they provide some value to the blockchain. It used to be that they only had to keep up with the blocks that they're assigned, but since most of that is automated now, it's a little different than it was. So most in the top 20 are also devs or app developers or marketers or something that they do which they believe brings value. So, if you've used any of the third party apps that connect to STEEM and let you see information about your own account or others, there's probably a witness behind that (a few of them aren't, however).

Which could also mean they're running bid bots (some do that), or involved with other cryptos (like EOS), or doing other things that people might not like or are perfectly fine with. It's not supposed to be political, but it is anyway.

I'm Not Looking To Be A Witness

At this point, I'm not interested in being a witness, and I'm not sure what scenario it would take for me to be one. I'm really just trying to use the Steemit site to post, comment and curate.

Engagement League Witness Votes

I believe the witness votes are a part of the engagement league because it's part of the overall awareness of STEEM that we all should have. It's really left up to each one of us to decide if we're going to vote, and then who to vote for. We have 30 we can vote for, and so far, I've managed to get up to 23, I think, and I've already changed some votes, too.

Finding Witness Information

The hard part is finding out who does what and what they stand for. They've all made witness announcements, which you can generally find, but a lot of those are months old and might not even tell you what they think about things that are pretty serious issues now. So, you end up taking in their comments (if they do that) or checking out their posts (if they do that) to see what they have to say about certain subjects.

thank you sir for all the information and education, I sincerely appreciate it and have a much better understanding of the witness definition and purpose. thank you thank you thank you!
did you say that you also work in the real world outside of Steemit?

Not right now I don't. My last gainful employment was owning and publishing two small weekly newspapers. They went out of business due to a change in state law on how to process bankruptcies—we published the sale notices.

Since then I had a janitorial job for a little over a year, but that was it, as I've been trying to get some other form of business up, be it on Social Media, my books, some other creations or now here on Steemit. So far Steemit's the best thing I've done by far, but not anywhere near something to live off of.

So, my wife is still working and we've been able to pay down debt and things prior to her working that has pretty much kept us ahead of the collectors while I'm trying to do something else. Not sure how much longer that will last, though, so my time here could be curtailed at some point.

oh my, there's alot to comment on here. First of all it would be a huge loss for you to have to leave, I mean I doubt if there is anyone on the entire platform who contributes as much material as you do, it's stunning.

as far as income here, isn't just a matter of time to grow big enough?

Regarding the newspapers, you aren't saying that the bankruptcy notices is what kept you in business are you?

and one more thing that I forgot to ask from your previous post: you said that you can't find things to comment on lately? why is that I mean what kind of topics are you looking for that aren't here anymore?


Steem Prizes giveaways is amazing and entertaining activity you started @abh12345 for "The Curation and Engagement Leagues." I am thankful to you for giving guide line for these reward and manage such a helpful activity.

Thanks for the appreciation @rabeel :)

always welcome Asher.

Can you do me a favour and please let me know, either way...thanks

this is hilarious (i'm really laughing), you all bring happiness to the start of my week! i think @gillianpearce distracted me by DMng me all week regarding her qurator contest, meanwhile aiming for first place hehe ... thank you kind sir @glenalbrethsen for opting out of the contest winning and allowing me the 2nd place spot. thank you all including @abh12345 for having this awesome engagement every single week and @curie for sponsoring this beautiful initiative for the weeks you have allocated.
congrats to all the top 5 and anyone who made this list, according to everyone on this list it is apparently not an easy thing to do, so pat yourself on the back.

its been a fun couple of weeks! blessings to all and have a wonderful week everybody.

Haha 😁

Anything to top the table!

It sounds like this week will be quieter for Gillian and so with Glen still opting out, the door is wide open again.

Thank for your kind words, let's see what this week brings!

who's toppin' the table? you gettin up there and dancin again?? woo hoo
can you take some photos please ... considering this is all online and you know in this comment thing ... :)

Same to you @eaglespirit and thank you for your moral support last week. What a bloody roller coaster ride that was. I was so glad when it was over.

I wasn't aiming for first place but . . . I was wanting to make the most out of the delegation I'd won so was upvoting like mad. And where I upvote I comment. that, I think, is what probably made the difference. 😁

Now the delegation has gone again I won't feel I need to work so hard at spreading my vote and, I'm off on retreat in a couple of hours. I will have enforced leave from hopping onto the computer at every spare moment but I've packed plenty of chocolate to compensate. 😁

Have a fab week. I'm looking forward to looking up the League to you next weekend!

And, thanks again, for your support last week. 💙 💛 💜 💚

I appreciate the kind words as always, @eaglespirit, but you earned your place, and you did it with the time you have, so congratulations to you.

I would say it's not the easiest of things to do, but it can become easier the more you do it and the more you see what it takes, right?

I agree that the leagues are awesome and they do bring a lot of fun and satisfaction to me and everyone else who is trying to do something here.

Yay. I made the table for the first time. I had to step it up to get there so who knows how much time the league leaders are dedicating to steemit. Congratulations and much respect to them and well done to @gillianpearce . That is a huge achievement and commitment.

Thanks for your hard work to produce this @abh12345


Thank you @cheese4ead. Congratulations on making it onto the table.

Keep going. It can take a while to find your rhythm.

Have a great week! 😊

Thanks @gillianpearce

I will keep working hard and see where it takes me.

Your stats for the week are pretty amazing. You must have been continuously typing!!

Enjoy your break.


Thanks very much Gaz. I will. 😊

Thanks very much Gaz. I will. 😊

Thank you @cheese4ead. Congratulations on making it onto the table.

Keep going. It can take a while to find your rhythm.

Have a great week! 😊

Congratulations for making the Top 20%!

You're experience making the list and mine are pretty similar. I found out the first week that what I was doing wasn't nearly enough to get to the top.

I have no idea how much anyone else is spending each week. Most are spending less than me, though, because of a whole host of reasons—work and family responsibilities being chief among them. My guess would be the majority of those in the Top 25 are at it between 3-6 hours a day. In my case, I'm on probably 12-14 hours a day, six days a week, because I have the time right now to dedicate that much.

Hey @glenalbrethsen

12 to 14! Wow, that's impressive. I use my PC and my phone so I'm always checking in but I'm not on that long on a consistent basis. 8 to 10 for me but work fluctuates, so sometimes less.

I also find that I get in to a grove with checking out others work and making comments and then not spending so much time creating my own stuff, or vise versa. It would be good to figure out a balance.

The top 20 still feels a world away but just getting on the table in the first place is a start.

I'm sure our efforts will be worth it.


I'd say that's true. I've already seen an uptick in activity on my own posts and this is like week No. 12 for me? Something like that.

It's hard. I'm still working on the balance. In fact, I've got two posts I was planning to put out today, but might only get to one. That's kind of the way it goes. The good thing is, there's generally lulls where you can find time to fit some of your own work in.

Well, I would say with the time you have, you should be able to get up higher. No pressure, right, but time spent each day is one big factor and then what's being done during that time.

I thought I was doing as much as I could before I started the leagues, then saw what everyone else was doing and realized that I needed to do more. So, I worked on that. I'm taking breaks, eating, running errands and so on throughout the day, but otherwise, there's a lot of running down other people's stuff to read and potentially upvote or comment on. And a lot of that doesn't show up in the numbers because I either don't upvote or I don't comment for one reason or another. I try to keep those instances down to a minimum, but it's not always easy to. :)

That's the thing I'm an English second language tutor and a football coach and most of my work is late afternoon, early evening. I do have the time to commit to it and I'm willing to increase that if need be.

Trawling through posts can get a bit laborious. There is a lot of content that doesn't interest me. I'm also aware of giving new stuff a chance as well though.

How many times do you vote per day? I'm sticking with 10 at the moment so they recharge but I'm not using the slider yet. This feels limiting because I only comment on posts I upvote. So when my voting power goes that's my new comments done for the day. How can I get around this?

It varies from day to day. I'm probably where I should stop voting now, but will probably try to continue. :) Like today I'm around 60 upvotes, but tomorrow, it will probably be more like 40, depending on what there is to read. I have the same problem. Not a lot interests me. :)

With the price of STEEM lower, it's tough, because that decreases what you might have otherwise to try and spread around. And at the lower SP, there's only so much you can do.

You could use busy.org if you wanted to. It does have a slider available from the very beginning. I used it for a period of time until I got the Steemit slider. The problem, though, is there's only so many ways to split the vote and then you're out.

It looks like, though, based on your SP that you could probably leave $0.01 at 30-50% voting power if you used the busy slider and then be able to upvote 2-3 times more.

Otherwise, the only way I know to make votes last longer is have higher SP, and the only way to get it quickly that I know of, is through an investment, which most people can't do.

I'm tempted to add more Steem so that I have more options. I've noticed that my vote has slipped under the .02 threshold so if I upvote comments individually it gets wasted which is really frustrating. I'm getting so many one cent votes coming my way which are useless unless I vote them too, which I try to avoid. Do you know what the cut off is for the threshold? I've read somewhere it is .022 or something. I guess adding a little bit more Steem will at least give me some voting power on comments.

Are you recovering daily from those votes? 40 -60 is a lot but I guess you're using the slider. I have just noticed that Steem is at $1.87 on Bittrex. It might be time for me to get the wallet out!! 😁

I am using the slider, and so it depends on the size of the votes. I usually upvote most comments (a practice I may change, but haven't yet), along with all the posts that I comment on or feel should get my upvote. So, it depends on how high the percentage is. When STEEM is low like this, it gets harder to do. When STEEM was up around $3, I had $0.30 as a maximum vote. Now, it's down to $0.17. So I've lost nearly half with STEEM dropping a little over a $1.

Now would be a pretty good time to buy. I've been thinking about it. It was down to $1.70 something yesterday, but I thought, nah, I'll wait to see if it goes down anymore. Then it rebounded. :)

Well, the threshold has a variance, I believe, and it depends on what STEEM is doing. I've read that it could be as low as .012-0.19, but as I said, I think that's depending on the price of STEEM. $0.022 would be a safer bet. I've been dropping at least $0.03 as much as I can just to avoid any more potential variance.

It's obvious that there's a lot of new folks that aren't aware there is a threshold, even though there was a big deal made of it about three or four weeks ago now. That's probably when you heard about it. I know it made the circles I run in quite a bit. But anyone coming in after that, plus those who didn't catch it the first go around are out there leaving $0.01 or less.

I'm on the fence about it still, but there is something called dustsweeper that you might want to check out. It would be good to learn more about it at the very least. It's a bot that's set up to raise upvotes above the threshold on the last day of voting. That way, the votes aren't wasted. It has its own account, so you'd just need to throw the @ sign in front of the name.

Thanks again for this amazing league @abh12345. Week after week!
Just sneaked in into the prizes! Very happy with that!
Second time that a participant ended for a second time on the lucky number 25! @crypto-econom1st did it back to back, now @simplemike scored her second SBI share! Whom of the 2 of you can score the hat trick?
@glenalbrethsen again a very decent performance. And this after stepping away from his prize. A real gentlemen he is!
To bad I did have to use a self vote on a comment 😔 I knew the consequences but it had to be done!
@gillianpierce my prophecy came true. Congrats and well done!
It is strange to see that @lynncoyle1 outside the top 3!
@janton what an entry you made. Just amazing!
Let me warn you all, won’t be going out a lot this week. So next week will be mine or ... not!

Yep, just enough to take a prize :D

I forgot Mike finished 25th previously - interesting that we have 2 now who've landed the prize twice.

Sometimes a self-voted comment is important for the state of someones blog. I used to do it on introduction posts to get myself above all the spam.

World cup starts this week, will engagement fall across the globe? :) Cheers!

Or just increase? I will have enough posts to comment on. At least that where I am hoping on! Activity will be a lot less due to price of Steem falling!
Indeed curious to see who will make the hat trick first.
Do you have a record how many weeks I did sponsor it already?
Lost the count!

This is the 8th week.

Activity will be a lot less due to price of Steem falling!

Probably. A good chance to keep at it and get noticed :)

We will do our utmost best.
Registration for the world cup contest has been closed so I do have a lot of spare time at hands 😂

It feels strange to be out of it, but I decided to spend more time with Brian and I had family visit from out of town this week, so real life prevailed :)

Real life should always come first! And for sure in your life. Still amazed how positive you can be! Deep respect for this!

awww thank you @fullcoverbetting! I appreciate it :)

Well, I've intended to be a the top of the list the last two weeks after stepping away, but it's just not been happening. Haven't been doing anything differently. It seems like there's just not been as much to comment on lately, and people haven't been replying to my comments as much. Not the leaguers, though. The rest of Steemit that was engaging to a degree. Maybe it's just us, the newbies who are still figuring it out, and the bots. :)

I am sure that the current value of Steem has something to do with it. We do see it each time, than when the value drops the activity drops. O boy, what are those people thinking? they couldn't be more wrong.
They do only look at the value of their content in USD, which is so wrong! Okay the upvotes have less value, but it is also cheaper to power up! So, if we look at steem it makes no difference! When the votes have more value the price of steem is also higher, so they do think that they earn more, but if they do power up, it is just the same!
Really short sighted.
Also for newcomers, golden opportunities arise! Lets activity makes it easier to stand out of the crowd and be noticed!
I am going full throttle this week, or at least I will try! Already have a head start compared to the other weeks. But yeah you are correct it is much harder to find content to comment on!
But I will try.
Keep it going @glenalbrethsen (woow, typing your name out of my head correctly) it is worth it!


I think you're right in that we should keep going when prices are lower just like we should when prices are higher. The problem is, when people aren't doing that, too, there's fewer posts to curate and also fewer people to see your stuff. So, if the curators would hang around, or at least set up autovote, that would be better than disappearing all together, if they don't feel like they can spend the time posting, too.

Oh, well. We can tell people what they should be doing until we're blue in the face, I guess. Doesn't mean they're going to do it, or have time to do it, so I guess we make do with whoever there is and move on. :)

We can show how it could be done, but they will have to draw their conclusions. In the mean time we can keep this conversation going on forever because it is still better than reading the posts in trending :)
Already asked @abh12345 if he could dig up, how much percentage of the comments are written as a comment on these posts. For sure for the character length we could be surprised!

I am going to guess that the percentage of these comments on this page is going to vary greatly from person to person (no big observation there), but in my case, I'd be surprised if it's any more than 10-15% of the total, which is pretty significant, but meaning the other 85-90% is coming from other posts, which I think is pretty good. There's a bunch of engagers here, so it's only natural we're going to do that. :)

Yee-haw!! Tripled my score and back into the top 25 again. :0)
Perfect timing, I was in need of some good news.

Thanks, @fullcoverbetting for your 25th place prize. Second time I win it :0)

@abh12345: I did self-vote on my last post, but my self-vote score is 0....

Well done @simplymike, good to see you back near the top.

I've just re-ran the query for you and it's showing as 1 selfie; never mind, lets leave it as a welcome back present :)

Thanks for the present, Asher ;0)

Glad to have you back @simplymike and even more happier to see that you took the prize!

Thanks, Peter.
It’s good to see you are still doing this.
And it was fun to see I landed on the exact spot :0)

Curious who will make the hattrick. You or crypto-econom1st?
It looks to become a battle between Belgium and the Netherlands
Make it a hard but fair battle!

Your balance is below $0.25. This is your first notification that your account is running low and should be replenished.

Nice job @simplymike! I love the new happy dance too :

Lol. I searched for the old one, but couldn’t find it anymore.
By the look of it one should start thinking I feel 50 years younger...
Hahaha, I wish... ;0)

haha yes, but I bet it's been a long haul!!

Uh, are you sure you should be up and dancing around like that?

I don't have to be your conscience, do I? Nah, that probably wouldn't be a good idea. I scare myself sometimes. :)

Congratulations on the Lucky 25 prize. That's cool that you managed it for the second time and that you're score is going back up. I saw you pumping out more stuff last week, which is why I wondered if you were on the laptop. Keep going, and keep recuperating. :)

Thank you so very much!! Every steem and SBD helps to spread more joy around :) I am going to do an SBI drawing on Tuesday and am going to add one more winner now :)
Thank you!!!

My pleasure @mariaannewest, it sounds like you are putting your prize to use generously, well done and thank you for taking part :)

Congratulations on the spot prize. I'm guessing you've been pretty busy the last week with all you've got going, but there you are in the Top 30 still.

By the way, I did manage to finish the positivity challenge, finally. It only took three weeks. :)

Good for you!!!! Well done! Are you doing the dragosours - not sure how to spell his name - challenge again? I didn't even try :) Partly because I did all of them and only caught his vote once - and that not at full power.
If an incentive is tangled in front of my nose, I like to get rewarded. If I am doing a challenge for the heck of it - that is a different story for me. Oh well. such is life.

Well, thank you. I liked how things turned out, but I am glad to think about some other kinds of posts now. Unfortunately, I have someone else trying to pull me into another challenge. I don't think I'm going to do it, though. :)

I actually did okay with dragosroua's challenge last month, but he stopped upvoting and resteeming as much around the third week (never said anything about it and it was his prerogative). This time around, I've only entered once, and it was more of an exercise at creative writing which I don't think he saw. I may do it again.

I'm not a life hacks kind of guy. I'm sure there are things I do that maybe others could benefit from but for me they're just common sense. Plus there will be things I do that don't benefit anyone. We kind of have to figure things out on our own.

I look at challenges from the standpoint of whether I like the subject matter or not—is it something I'm interested in and is it something I can do—and then I look at the potential exposure that might bring. In reality, a lot just don't have any of that for me. I guess I'm not their demographic, but that happens to me a lot. I'm picky! Or something.

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.18
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