Increase Atomy Online Sales Amid Outbreaks

in #zzan4 years ago

WHO announced the Covid-19 or Corona virus has infected more than 90 countries, including Indonesia which already has six cases. It seems that there is no country that is really safe from Covid-19, so everyone must be vigilant and work hard to avoid the adverse effects of the virus on health, economy, social, culture, and so on.

Trade and economy are among the areas directly affected by the virus. Many economic agendas have been postponed, canceled, or even if held, there were fewer participants due to fears of transmission of the Covid-19 virus. There are also those who move activities from direct meetings to online ones.

Investors have also postponed investment activities because they are still seeing further developments. The Indonesian Minister of Finance, Sri Mulyani Indrawati, said that the Covid-19 blow was worse than the 2008 financial crisis. At that time, economic turbulence did not hit the real sector, this time it all had an impact.

And the severity, it cannot be predicted until when so that economic growth is expected to slow down. Singapore as one of the economic powers of Asia, even last year recorded negative growth. With the Corona threat as it is now, the tourism sector and Singapore's economy will certainly remain minus, unless extraordinary positive changes occur in the months ahead.

But life must go on. The show must go on. Both the virus is expanding or decreasing. Humans still need clothing, food, shelter, and various other needs. This condition should be utilized to optimize opportunities, including the sale of Atomy's products, which are carried out online.

One of the advantages of Atomy's online sales system is that it allows sales to increase because consumers don't need to go to shopping centers. Physical contact with other people is not in the online sales system so the risk of contracting the virus can be reduced.

This condition must be utilized by members of the Steemzzang Indonesia Community, most of whom also sell or buy Atomy's beauty and health products. Concerns about Covid-19 should not be lethargic to expand the network and increase sales. On the contrary, all the convenience, practicality, and quality possessed by Atomy with an online system must be a strength in expanding the network.

As Warrant Buffet suggested in the area of ​​buying and selling shares, we must be "greedy" when others are silent, and we must refrain when others are "greedy". This principle can be applied by community members. Good luck in the future.


Betul bang, sepertinya tidak ada satu pun daerah yang terbebas dari Corona. Kita tidak tau pasti sampai kapan bencana ini berakhir. Banyak sekali dampak negatif yang kita rasa, mulai lesunya ekonomi, meningkatnya jumlah pengangguran. Mungkin hanya lewat bisnis online solusi menekan jumlah pengangguran. Dan Steemit adalah salah satu tempat saya mengatasi masalah itu. 😊

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