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RE: I fucking hate you and I want you to die

in #zerokun6 years ago

Alright brotha listen, after reading your message my heart goes out to you. I am a special education teacher who works with children on the autism spectrum. I have students who have struggles adapting to life changes, socializing, and maintains steady employment after graduation. I am more aware then most of some of the issues you’re struggling with.

Please know that there are resources available to you that are a part of your States battle towards mental health. Please contact your cities representatives and ask for assistance. Tell them your concerns and they will guide you toward the resources to best help you. The amount of work you have to do is sizable and stressful. Gaining your independence is a primary importance and there are people who can help.

I wish you luck my friend and hope you seek this advice in stride and understand that I have students that are just graduating from my school in very similar circumstances. Please my dude take charge and seek help. I am here to support you the best way I can.


I am very thankful for your caring response. Getting those feelings out of my system through this post made me sleep like a baby. I try my best against my struggles but sometimes they get the best out of me. Unfortunately there's pretty much zero public health care in my country, and it's even worse when it comes to psychiatry.

Since you are a special education teacher, I suggest you watch Atypical if you haven't. It's uh, it's really accurate. I do not believe it represents autism in general, just aspies. Aspies and autists are somewhat alike and that's why we were put under the same category, but while autism "affects" people differently, what makes aspies an aspie is exactly the same, and it can be seen extremely well represented in the Atypical show.

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