PortmanTuesdays #5

in #zappl7 years ago (edited)


[e-per-ves-uh nt]


1: a vivacious inversion of morals.
2: to issue forth in bubbles frothing at the mouth when peeping.

Let's keep @lukestokes.mhth as a Top 20 STEEM witness, shall we? :D

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that is one of the creepiest gifs I have ever seen....thanks for giving me nightmares tonight...

I was supposed to use a different one but when I saw this, I just had to use it haha! I'm sure that it would give chickens nightmares as well haha!

Not just any inversion of morals but a vivacious one!

LoL haven't seen that egg gif for a while XD


I haven't seen that egg GIF ever! Haha! I didn't know it was a well known one haha! If the inversion of morals isn't vivacious, then it's not something people will pay any attention to. This is serious business after all, so we need to make it stick in their minds haha!

Did it work then? Was this a zapp. Did you even zappl bro? :0D

This was! Oh, it truly was! When I tried to edit it, it became removed as a Zap though. I don't know why. I just wanted to adjust all of the styling that was screwed up, but it disqualified this from being a zap. I might have to rethink future zaps haha! It was discoverable on @zappl for a few minutes though so yay! Pew! Pew!

Ah that's right. You can't touch it essentially. If you tinker in any way it becomes invisible on zappl. Bizarre, but there you go! Well done for those few brief moments!

It was nice to finally get it out of the way. I mean, they have said that it's cathartic when you finally get through with. Admittedly, I felt a bit dirty when I was doing it. All the smells and the feels. I soldiered on, and I tried to hold on as long as I could. What a relief to finally--

Oh huh, we're still talking about Zappl, huh?

The words stands true and relates to you when you are addicted to fried eggs and you are peeping at someone's eggs!

I just made two fried eggs at once today morning after months and I had the same feeling. 😂

Wayhay! 'Tis true indeed! A real double entendre if there ever was one. I'm glad to hear of a live testimonial on this very post haha! As long as it makes you happy, then I don't see anything wrong with it. Feel free to froth from the mouth, brother! Froth to your heart's content.

Wayhay! 'Tis true indeed! A real double entendre if there ever was one.

Yes exactly. 😁

I'm glad to hear of a live testimonial on this very post haha!

Hehe it was, I was craving so bad for fried eggs that day so I decided to make them and later that day saw your post.

Yeah do what makes you HAPPY, maybe I was killing the chickens, 😂 but if it's like that then I don't take all the responsibility alone! 😂
Yes I'll make sure that I froth the next time I make something delicious for someone. 😂😂

What great timing then! There are way too many chickens in the world, so it's good for everyone if they get reduced once in a while ;)

Aha I didn't know that! Well there are also lots of people around the world who are at Chicken crisis lol!

I love chickens, would love to reduce them and turn them into energy if I could get them for free. 😂

Well roasted pork makes me feel effervesce. 😂

I don't eat pork, so we're at an impasse there, bud haha!

Yeah I get that lots of people are not into pork but that makes me curious about what are your favorite meats?

I eat every other meat haha! Cow, goat, sheep, you name it haha!

Grouse! As far as I understand nowadays technology those who are claiming to be God have such technology that they are able to watch their cattle through the walls. Maybe they can even record the entire night dreams people sometimes have and I guess thoughts, as well. They execute this God sees everything with their technology, Deux ex machina, so to speak. So, this well prepared inversion of morals that is starting to engulf the planet's crown of the creation might be recorded, as well - for AI to munch upon maybe? It looks like humans have short periods of kindness and generosity, more benevolent behavior and sometimes even respect, but then as though such a state would be a thorn in someone's heel everything crumbles in disarray, chaos and degrading morals or better, those ethical standards by which the society is less violent and filthy. See, three years ago I stumbled upon a video that depicted one beautiful white woman after he other and the subtitles read: "Oh, you beautiful white women who are not going to be so beautiful so soon." And, I asked myself what are we here in Europe up to now and by whom?

This is a good interpretation of this. I didn't intend for this to be deeper than what I had scripted, but I like where you went with it. I agree with a lot of things you said, of course. Thanks for sharing it here!

EGGS traordinary


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