Fuck you YouTube.

in #youtube7 years ago

I'm so annoyed with YouTube right now.
They did this nonsense where you had to get 10 thousand views on your channel before they would remonetize your account and since I'm a small channel that took me a while.
When I finally get there, somewhere around like 2 freaking months ago... They tell me my channel will be reviewed within a week.

About a month goes by and we're around Christmas sometime and they update it and say.. Oh we're overwhelmed it'll be done in late January.. Now I just check and.. It says this.

"Get reviewed after reaching 4,000 watch hours in the previous 12 months and 1,000 subscribers
Upon reaching this threshold, your channel is automatically reviewed to make sure it complies with the YouTube Partner Program terms and our Community Guidelines. We'll email you a decision, usually within a week."

I still have less than 200 subscribers on my channel.. And now I have to get over 1000 and 4000 watch hours over 12 months before they'll even review my fucking channel? Seriously.. What the fuck.

This might not piss me off nearly as much if I wasn't waiting on them to verify my channel so I knew if it's going to be deleted or not cause I have documentaries with graphic footage and they're going hardcore Nazi lately deleting channels with questionable content.. So.. Now I won't even know for like another year or longer who fucking knows if my channel will even get deleted or not.. Jesus fucking fuck.

Sorry.. I've been trying to be more peaceful with my language.. But this is just stupid shit. So incredibly ridiculous.

I'm about done with YouTube.. I'm ready to just upload all my stuff to Dtube and be like FUCK YOU.
Yet.. One reason I haven't is because my following on steemit is still kind of small and I'd rather upload videos when I have more of an audience to check them out.. Don't want them to get lost in my currently small reach.

I have a whole movie that's been waiting on this YouTube shit to get solved, my Are You Out There part 2 has been waiting on this.. And now I guess I know what I need to do at least, but.. After I finish the final edits and upload it and everything, they still might just delete my fucking account in like a year when I get enough subscribers and viewtime for them to look at my page.. Wow.. Such a clustfucker of stupid. So sick of YouTube shit.

I used to wanna be a YouTuber.. Now I hate YouTube with a passion. I still wanna make movies but I hope YouTube dies soon and things like Dtube and other social media take over.. These mega rich assholes at YouTube and Facebook and other centralized social media are a virus and a fucking plague on humanity.

It seems like they are SOOOOOO desperate to try to crush the little guys and prop up their chosen shallow lazy intellectually retarded entertainment to the masses. Yeah.. Let's prop up morons and censor the people who are trying to awaken the people. Awesome. Hope your shit show is coming to an end soon.

PS.. IN all reality the fact that I'm a small YouTuber I'm not really losing a lot of money, probably like.. I dunno.. $20.. Maybe more from this, but that $20 means something to me and what's worse is all the time I'm losing not even knowing if they're going to delete my channel. It's just fucking stupid.
These motherfuckers who think they can or need to control the flow of information in the world need to die off. Fuck them. Seriously. Stop trying to control what people see you pieces of shit.

You are not God, you are not authority.. You may not know it yet.. But.. You are obsolete.



I have a YouTube channel and I stopped uploading there! Actually they are loosing the market and bro better you try DTube! WTF they are talking about and to get that small $$$ we have to be slaves of them! A shit, so batter you try alts!


Understand your frustration here. Bastards!

I never posted on Youtube but have posted a few short videos on DTube recently with I think good results. One upvote from the DTube account is worth 20-40 SBD and they have upvoted almost every one of my videos. I don't think there's anything against cross-posting either unless you are shooting for SEO, etc.

Thanks for the feedback.. And oh? Hmm.. I've seen a lot of other people getting good payouts for Dtube videos as well, even people with less followers than me, but for some reason feel like mine are going to get missed.
But.. Based on what you said maybe I should try it out sooner rather than later, especially also with YouTube being dicks like they are.

I know where you are coming from. I was getting views, then thay instigated the 10,000 view stuff and because I am only a third there and posted 'truther' stuff, the views just dropped away for some reason (algorithm). I'm dammed if I am going to plug away only to find out down the path its all demonetized anyway.

The fact that after the last update I get NO views anymore is laughable. So I've made a decision, just upload to youtube as a 'storage bin' for now where people can view my stuff if I embed it or when Dtube is having a spaz, other than that I feel sorry for my subscribers.... I cant put all that effort in without even a remote possibility it will get monetized in the future.

Yes indeed....goodbye youtube.......

It's a shame what Youtube is doing, they are really ruining it. I am thinking about uploading all my videos to D tube also. But Like you said, I just don't want to upload them all too early. Youtube has been making bad moves all year long.

Sayonara youtube

I really agree of with you @apolymask .Same problem.I worked and get 10k view of my channel and now youtube chenge her rule.So did not on my monmonetize. Now i hate youtube.

@apolymask....bro i am also felt sad about that ..i am recently create a youtube chanel and the present youtube conditions causes i am not able to get a adds on my videos..they said must have a 10k views and after that only they will give a monitisation option to the videos..this a bad news to all the new youtubers...i hate youtube from now..i will go to dtube...

I am glad that steemit has got dtube also and this will challenge youtube massively.


I still have a slow load thing with d-tube, but the other day I went to d-live, and it started up pretty quick. That may be one option to try. The one thing for videos on steemit and dtube and dlive, payout time frame is rather short. Right now there really is no rules against re-submitting videos, (at least I don't think there are), to extend the payouts. It would be nice if steemit could come up with an algorithm that would allow people to vote a reward for older information/content. Perhaps one that examines and then correlates the day a piece was posted, and when a person actually joined. But then you'd have shit posters building bots left and right to upvote their own older content. No win win solutions, just you lose, I lose, and the whales win, and FB wins.

I understand your annoyance perfectly. We hope that the people in charge of You Tube receive this direct and clear message and can give you a credible answer. Greetings.

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