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RE: Giving more than 70 dishes of rice with chicken in the Central Hospital of my city

in #youarehope6 years ago (edited)

Man your arguing is based on things i did when i wast just 3 weeks old on steemit. yes, i did copied these articles but guess what. I learned from it and I stoped of doing it 9 months ago. invite to check all my profile and send me something plagarized recently.

I learned. i moved forward.

when i started helping people on the streets i started because it was borned on my heart, and what, i started with the help of only 1 person, not scamming anybody, i havent done that so far, i will not do that never.

Do you know what I did?

To distribute food in the street, to people who really do not know if they eat in the day or not, that only depend on the donations of people of good heart.

I have donated more than 400 kg of food so far, clothes and shoes and I do not intend to stop!

The actions, the photos and the videos have spoken for me, and I have gained the trust of the community, so that you come to say that I want to cheat someone.

yes, i took photos of all the work, all the donations because i need that to prove that i'm not scamming nobody, that the work was done successfully!


"Man your arguing is based on things i did when i wast just 3 weeks old on steemit. yes, i did copied these articles but guess what. I learned from it and I stoped of doing it 9 months ago. invite to check all my profile and send me something plagarized recently.
I learned. i moved forward."

Thank you for the invitation, I did and I found this:

where you are posting this picture in a photo contest 2 months ago:

I found the same picture here:

https: //

which is a picture posted in instagram.

Is that your instagram account?
No, this is your instagram account
And that picture is not there, you stole that picture from another instagram account
and tried to pass it as your own photograph in a photo contest after 7 months of being in steemit.

So you see? you lied 4 days ago when you said that you stopped doing it 9 months ago.

@sircork please take note of the above


You have gained the trust of the community because until now they didnt know you were a serial plagiarist, and apparently you didnt learn nothing from being caught by Lince the first time, evidence of this is that you continued plagiarizing, as is clearly shown above.
You were caught, said you would not do it again and turned around and kept plagiarizing, that is called Serial Plagiarism.

In addition, you have not donated anything, its the steemit community that donated that food, not you. Also, if the community would know the actual price of the food you "donated" they would realize that you are keeping most of the money they support you with.

You are not doing this "humanitarian aid" because you care about the people in need,
you are just using these people to appeal to pity and make money yourself.

Serial plagiarism is one of the most rejected behaviours in our community, because it shows a will to deceive and nobody who incurs in such behaviour can possibly be trusted again, much less with "humanitarian aid" work.

I repeat, you are just using these poor people to make money yourself
and I find it disgusting.

Welcome to my blacklist for serial plagiarism.
May God help you.


Bringing up the past accomplishes nothing. Hell, I used to shit in my diapers. Don't do that anymore (at least not intentionally). I know, a strange metaphor, but germane to this topic.

Like many that began here on STEEM @malos10 made mistakes for lack of knowledge. He has learned and @malos10 has evolved in his posts. As far as his contributions, he is on the ground helping his Countrymen.

I would fair to say this young man does more than those of us that send him small amounts of SBD/STEEM to feed his people. Please leave this young man alone. Why not take your delegation and hunt out the true reward pool rapists on this platform?

You are wrong in this old son, very wrong. I respect this young man greatly and the work he, his father, and many others have set their hand to doing. As far as a scam? Accusations require evidence. You have provided none.

"Like many that began here on STEEM @malos10 made mistakes for lack of knowledge. He has learned and @malos10 has evolved in his posts"

Well, wrong again, look above, he was plagiarizing 2 months ago too, and this time you cant say that it was for lack of knowledge after being in steemit for 7 months cant you?


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