Spiritual Satanism Pt. 04 Satanism and Yoga Part 1.. an introductory to YogasteemCreated with Sketch.

in #yoga7 years ago

I quit my job at Sam's club... I will not go into pure detail as to why I walked off the job.. but not even a week into my job and I already hated it.. not good.. not good at all.. good news is the costume shop might like to hire me instead for the Halloween season. I find myself struggling with motivation to do much of anything today.. idk if I will even make it through my work day because of my feelings towards it.. I applied at Sam's club because I thought it would be like Walmart, which I did enjoy working there.. this job is utter bullshit to me. I cannot handle that stress.. 30 customers in line with only one cashier and one pizza maker is NOT enough..


Please read these articles first so you can understand how this all ties together:

Spiritual Satanism and Yoga

In addition to needing to keep your spiritual body healthy, daily aura cleaning and breathing exercises to aid in meditation, you also need to keep the physical body strong. Yoga is essential because it brings both the physical and spiritual in the same few motions. this ups your vibrational frequency and your Bioelectricity. This helps you overcome things like fibromialgia (sp) and arthritis pains. it helps strengthen your physical body and keeps you young and limber. It is important to stretch frequently throughout the day. ESPECIALLY AFTER SITTING OR STANDING FOR LONG PERIODS. 

 "..It doesn't matter, especially once you are proficient in these exercises, whether you have the TV, your radio or stereo blasting or whatever, as long as it doesn't interfere with your movements or your ability to raise your witchpower. I have often had my ear-buds in my ears with my CD player blasting when I was doing yoga asanas. Afterwards, I still continued to listen to music- even metal at times, when I sat still for my energy buzz. The only thing that is important is that you sit still for a while following any of these exercises in order for your energy buzz to get going, then focus on it..."

As long as you can keep moving at all times background noise is acceptable. Seriously. watch your favorite show while doing seated yoga or thai chi, do dishes even and turn your movements into yoga stretches. I REALLY DO NOT CARE HOW YOU DO IT, just do it. 

By the way.. Pregnancy is no excuse for not doing yoga. In fact most prenatal doctors will advise you to continue doing yoga during your pregnancy.. Just do prenatal yoga instead of an intense pretzel type yoga and be very careful with your movements and watch your breaths. If you get light headed when you are doing yoga, take a small break and breathe slowly at a consistent and normal rate. 

"... It is important to never force yourself in any of the stretches. Yoga is very different from athletic stretching. It should be done in a relaxed state and never forced. It is right-brained and the goal is to empower ourselves. Anyone can learn on physical yoga their own, contrary to the popular notion of having a teacher. I taught myself from Richard Hittlemen's book "Yoga 28 Day Exercise Plan" when I was 13. The most important thing in yoga is to go by *feel.*Physical yoga should also be done while in a meditative state, for maximum power. If you feel a sense of lightness, increased bioelectricity and power, you are performing the asanas correctly. Yoga is also best done alone, as others or a class can be a distraction. Yoga should be done in a sequence- either standing to sitting to lying to inverted OR inverted to lying to sitting to standing. Each asana should be held for one minute, or with more difficult asanas, hold for a count of 10, 20 or 30 and do them twice or three times. Go as to how you feel. As you progress, you can hold for longer periods. Some adepts hold the handstand and other asanas for 10 minutes or more. Remember, we are all individuals. For timing yourself, for example when holding a minute, just count to 60, like "one thousand one, one thousand two, one thousand three, one thousand four... You should relax and remain perfectly still when in each asana. Never jerk, tug, strain or pull and remember- only go as far as you are comfortable...." 

As mentioned in this quote, Yoga needs to be done in a relaxing  environment and in a trance like state. It is very important to remember to use the yogic breath exercise (follow this link to refresh:  http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Complete_Breath.html) one can cause damage to their physical as well as their spiritual bodies if breathing exercises are not utilized in yoga. One can also cause extreme physical as well a spiritual damage to themselves preforming yogic exercises improperly. please follow all instructions given on yoga in any of my future posts. I will be giving small article tips on Yoga for those of you who are beginning and advanced.

See the end of this article for the complete list of breathing exercises: https://steemit.com/satanism/@ladyreijya/spiritual-satanism-pt-3-khundalini-and-bioelectricity-pt-1

PRO TIP Y'ALL: Tai Chi is a very very powerful tool when used along side Yoga. I suggest you start with basic Seated Tai Chi and then do your yoga with some Tai chi to  wind down and ground yourself. 

( video on seated Tai Chi below for beginners pregnant women and seniors)

(below is a seated yoga video for beginners, pregnant women, and seniors)

Practicing Yoga can be a very good way to open your Chakras and keep them spinning at their highest vibrational frequency. There is at least one pose for every Human Chakra, Below are some examples of what I mean... 

So, Not only are you doing yoga to keep your body limber, relaxed and youthful.... you are also increasing your bioelectricity in each Chakra with each yogic pose and breath. I will confess, I am not really able to practice a full yoga session each day due to having my daughter and  being super busy with hobbies and my tarot readings... it is actually okay to do 1 pose every few hours so long as you can achieve that meditation state each and every time you do a pose. 

DO NOT RUSH YOURSELF!! Rushing yourself is a way to self destruct and never want to do it again. You can cause muscular spasms, torn or pulled muscles, joint pain or dislocation and worse if you rush or overextend!! 

"..  ALWAYS compliment a front bend with a back bend. There always has to be an opposite move in yoga. If you twist to the left side, you must also twist to the right side.Every yoga program should include:

  • Standing asanas
  • Sitting asanas
  • Forward bending asanas
  • Backward bending asanas
  • Side to side bending asanas
  • Twisting asanas
  • Inverted asanas (these can be left out for those who have medical problems as I mentioned in the above).
  • Lying asanas"

Wonderful advice that I could not have said better myself!! Seriously. Make sure to follow these steps! If you do not follow these steps in order and heed this advice you could actually also regress

For more on Yoga or to view the full context from where I got my quotes for this article follow this link: http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Yoga2.html

I am not a doctor. I am a tarot card reader/rune reader.. please consult your doctor if you have a medical condition that limits your movement. If you are physically disabled and cannot do yoga on your own, see if you can attend physical therapy and ask for assistance with seated yoga poses. I have heard stories about people gaining mobility after being paralyzed from the neck down after having assisted yoga and meditation practicing.  

This concludes my introductory on Yoga. I will be hosting Seated Yoga Videos on DTUBE once I figure out how to use it and once I get a good webcam. See you there!! 

I also got a new tarot deck today and am giving away free readings all this week.. follow this link to find out more!: https://steemit.com/freetarotreadings/@ladyreijya/are-you-ready-for-a-free-tarot-reading


Much Love To All My Followers


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We may never be strong enough to be entirely nonviolent in thought, word and deed. But we must keep nonviolence as our goal and make strong progress towards it.

- Mahatma Gandhi

"True wisdom does not come in the form of a Gandhi quote"


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