The Hero's Journey- Framework for an Epic Steemit Post

in #writing7 years ago

There’s a post that I’ve been meaning to write for a while, and I’m not sure why it keeps getting delayed.

In the first paragraph of the epic post, I would provide a thesis of what the post would include, and I would even describe a formula for the composition of a classical myth; ‘The Hero’s Journey’, wherein a character leaves the comforts of the world that they were born into, embarking on a dangerous quest for a particular item or bit of knowledge into distant and unfamiliar lands. After meeting companions and fearsome adversaries, the hero within this story structure usually returns home as a better person, and the tale often will end there.

My post would therefore attempt to mimic this formula from beginning to end, with the intro being home, then the body of the text would represent the exotic places that are visited, while the conclusion would suggest being ‘home’ again.


The Middle Parts

Whether it be strenuous physical hardships like typing the letters and words, or be it the intellectual, spiritual and moral challenges that might arise during the venture into the body of the text, the middle part of the post might be the hardest part of the whole thing, presenting tests and trials well beyond the comforts of the opening paragraph.


Just as a hobbit might find fierce dragons and heavy, soul-challenging magic during his trek, and much like a simple soul who may discover The Force and subsequently become a powerful Jedi warrior, the post that I’d planned would probably touch on the idea that the English language is itself a type of sorcerous device, and my words might even attempt to give examples of such magic, but in doing so I would ultimately face a moral dilemma: if I use the power and magic of words to fight the evil in the world, would that power ultimately consume me, making me no better than those that I’ve deemed to be the evil ones?

There would be a pivotal point during the middle part of the essay where I, as the author, would be forced to answer that question, as I would realize-- practically in mid-sentence-- that the English language which I had been prepared to face as my foe in the text was the very language that I had been practicing since the opening paragraph, and that we were already inseparable and familiar. At that point, I would look down at my keyboard in horror, being struck by the power that I now wielded with increasing skill and surety, and I would then quickly make my way to the conclusion of the piece.


How it Would End

When beings who are made of consciousness find themselves born into a dense physical world, there are certain transformations that occur which will bring that being to certain conclusions as they look back over their work. Born as a simple post, the intro sentences of my epic post would be arranged to be comfortable and nourishing, only to be left behind as the essay then plunges into strange new places, opening dusty eyes and bringing startling realizations, until finally reaching the conclusion, which is often just a matter of rephrasing the intro, but also would include the lessons that were gained in the middle parts.

That is the basis for the post that I intend to write, where I will aim to benefit the evolution of consciousness with my carefully chosen words, and while getting started by choosing the right words is almost as difficult as writing the closing sentence in such a post, it is worth the journey in the end.

thanks as always for reading along, all images in this post are produced and directed by me with my daughter working as photographer with the Canon Rebel, and are exclusive to Steemit. Thanks to Joseph Campbell for explaining the mythical hero's journey so well, and thanks to Tolkien who ultimately made it ok for grown men to dress like hobbits if they like



Simply brilliant! You're really hitting everything out of the park, Paul! Truly a gem!

Who would've thought to make a draft of a story the story itself? I guess you would, and you did haha! This draft is even longer than most of the posts here on Steemit haha! And, it's accentuated by shots of you in full costume. I, for one, think that the post would be incomplete without them. Magnificent stuff, brother! :D

I can't quit writing stories about stories! It's addictive, and much quicker than trying to compose all that stuff, who's got time?

I'm glad you liked the pictures- I imagined a character with sword, probably because I wanted to dress up and play with a sword!

Haha! It's refreshing, man! We were all expecting a sketch or a doodle, but then we saw you yourself starring in them, it was great!

That was a fun read. Haha. Very unique. Was this an outline for a future post or the story in itself? I love the shot with the sword in the sun. Very magical, this quest.

The post was trying to be about itself, I was looking for a way to mirror the hero's journey with the composition of a short essay with thesis sentence, then I forget what the middle part is called so I called it the middle part, and then a conclusion, rewording the thesis intro with new insights.

We had some fun shooting those pics, I was being told what angles to hold the sword for that reflection and magic by my astute photographer!

I love it when you do a photo shoot to go with your post. I scroll down expecting to see a random image from the Internet like most people use, and instead I'm laughing at a brilliant bit of photographic playfulness. I've got a big smile imagining the fun you must have had putting this together.

I'm glad you liked it, and it was fun to do- I had about six different pictures that I wanted to use, but could only use three of them, six was too much!

That epic post sounds like an incredibly difficult post to write. No wonder you've been delaying it. The hero of a thousand faces is an easy formula but something difficult to execute properly.
Sounds like a video game would be an easier yet far more complex task to accomplish.

It is difficult-- I tried describing that hero in this intro paragraph, but it demanded further study, and became a deeper post, much longer than I'd envisioned it to be.

Beautiful introduction of the post, I like your picture in a hero like mood. Final destination of the hero is home sweet home, it's very good advice. Thanks for the sharing, by the way how are you doing, have not hear from you. Wish you good luck and good health.

This is one where the introduction is the whole thing, and it becomes a reflection of itself. I attempted to write so that it would describe itself in each section, showing how this is actually it.

Thanks for reading and for commenting, it's always good to hear from you!

Most welcome dear, it's my pleasure. Stay blessed.

Friend did you see my video?please communicate how it was and please, advise
me. I know you're my welwisher, so please.

what a moment!!!...............

Yes, and still is!

You are very inspired recently, pass some of that to me :)

Haha I some how missed this comment earlier, ok I pass it to you, but now you may find yourself writing previews of stories instead of actually writing stories-- skits instead of screenplays. You'll write book reports that make us want to read the book, to experience it with you, and as a result we'll then demand that you actually write it. ;)

It's almost like there could be a message hidden in this outline. :)

Almost like this outline is the story... lol :)

Hey @clayboyn- I guess I do try to be Steemit's Nasruden, or the wise fool, pretending to accidentally send messages in the stories, and there have been times when I make posts about themselves, and their hidden message might be trying to show how this is it and all that. This one was a post about how I would write such a post about itself, but it was actually a reflection of itself, once again suggesting that this is it. So I guess life is just a post about a post about itself? Anyway, it's a work in progress!

LOL, levels on levels on levels.

Yes exactly, maybe a translucent sort of onion.

I think some of my posts are like that.

That's good! It's a solid structure to work with.

Thanks for your kind words. How do you think the pyramid principle fits into all this?

This is the first time I have seen any super hero here on steemit, for your pics and sword I have only one word. KILLER.

haha thanks, I'm not really a superhero, but sometimes I play one on Steemit-- for these photos, every other hero that I knew was busy that day.

I can turn you into a superhero like I do photo manipulations, have you seen my work there.

I have seen some of your photo manipulations, like the red chairs from various angles, which was interesting to me how that might have been done.

I am intrigued that you believe that I have the potential for superhero art, very intrigued. ;)

Those are great, I hadn't seen those before-- now I see the similarities in my photos too, using the actor or model image but then changing lighting and backgrounds- very good skills you have there! Is that you modeling for the shots in your art?

No dear it is not me.

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