What is one of the most profound spiritual experiences of your life? @ecoTrain - Question of the weeksteemCreated with Sketch.

in #writing7 years ago

This is a very difficult question and having read the accounts that other ecotrain passengers have written, I feel so humbled and in awe that my own response feels inadequate. I can think of a few 'profound spiritual experiences', but I don't know if I want to write about them here, or if I'm even able. These things are very personal, a few of them drug induced, and mostly impossible to adquately describe.

When I think about profound spiritual experiences in my life, what is the unifying factor that they all have in common?

It is the feeling of wonder and awe. The realisation of the connectedness of everything and my part in it. The feeling of being tiny and insignificant, yet at the same time infinite and eternal...

What is a profound spiritual experience?

I'm sure everyone has had a few. You don't need to be a yogi or a priest to have one - although I expect those people may have them more often than the rest of us. But maybe not. I've had a few of my most profound spiritual experiences staggering home from the pub after a few too many pints, and that's a fact - although I'd be hard pressed to remember them in any great detail.

Probably the most profound spiritual experience of my life so far is the one I have absolutely no memory of.. being born.

It seems like a lot of people, maybe all of us, spend much time and energy trying to get back to that feeling. You often hear of people being 'born again' or 'reborn' as being their most profound spiritual experience - whether it comes from a discovery of religious truth, or from some kind of a new age, healing ceremony - or whether it comes from a profound and significant ending, marking a new beginning.

At the same time, it's worth preparing for the next equally profound spiritual experience at the other end of life - the one that will surely come to all of us at some point or other, whether we're ready or not - Death.

The time I was wandering in the woods and came across a patch of wild fly agaric mushrooms (the archetypal huge toadstools with the red cap with white spots) and decided to eat some, led to a profound spiritual experience for me - though not one I'd recommend as those mushrooms are reputedly poisonous if you eat the wrong part, even though they're very tasty.

I found myself lying face down, alone on the forest floor. I was myself, I knew that, but I was experiencing dying in the trenches of the first world war. Like I say, these kind of experiences are hard to describe. Maybe it was some kind of past life regression. Maybe it was just my active imagination. Either way, I think in that moment (maybe it was a moment, maybe a few hours) I experienced the pain, the loneliness, the tragedy of death, yet also the release and the wonder of returning to the 'one and all'. At first I was scared, then I was not scared...

Obviously I didn't actually die. I'm still here, but it left quite an impression on me.

There was another time - also after eating magic mushrooms, wandering around the forest at night - that I saw every path clearly illuminated before me. It was only up to me to choose which way to go. At the time an old old man was talking to me. His voice was deep and wise and with a strong Jamaican accent and we had a very long and interesting conversation. I can't remember about what exactly, but he was very lyrical. In reality, I was by myself and talking to myself - I knew it then and know it now - but it didn't make it any the less real. When we came to a castle, all dark with the windows all lit up in firelight, I knew we had arrived at the gates of Hades, the Underworld, Hell - whatever you might call it - (though I don't really go in for biblical imagery or really believe in heaven and hell) and I had to make the choice there and then - whether to go inside and get all the rewards the man was offering - fame, fortune, great earthly power, unlimited creative talent - of course, at the expense of my soul - that was the deal, as I understood it... or whether to keep walking. So we stood at the crossroads for a while - maybe a moment, maybe a few hours - before I made up my mind to say goodbye to my friend and carry on my way alone, following the illuminated path away from the castle and back towards my friends. What does it profit a man who gains the world only to lose his soul, after all...

I don't know if either of those count as spiritual experiences because they didn't actually happen, strictly speaking - but they left an impression on me.

One aspect of 'profound spiritual experiences' that springs to mind, for me, when I think about moments where I've really felt a oneness and contentedness - is the the feeling of deep peace, love, acceptance and gratitude that comes with them. These are by nature fleeting and transitory glimpses into the 'heavenly realm' - for want of a better description.

These can happen at any time any place - sometimes completely unexpectedly, sometimes with the intention of reaching a higher state.

Places I've had 'profound spiritual experiences' :

On the London Underground, both at off peak times and at rush hour. Also walking along Oxford Street, packed with people.

Sitting by a fire. Anywhere. Somehow it always brings me back to the same place.

Sitting by the sea. Likewise. It's always the same sea, though always changing.

Being in the sea. Especially underwater.

Being in a forest. Trees just do it for me.

Beneath the stars, when I can really see them beyond light pollution. Doesn't happen so often these days.

In the arms of a woman, I've known very deep peace. Not very often, or very lasting, but very deep nonetheless, so worth mentioning along with other 'profound spiritual experiences'.

In sickness, in pain, in a fever. Not the most pleasant way to reach a higher state, but I've had some profound moments, verging on out-of-body experiences while sick with a fever or in pain. Which leads me to consider another aspect of 'profound spiritual experiences' - that being that they are always life affirming.

One of the most 'profound spiritual experiences' I had came about from crashing the motorbike I was riding into the side of a car that pulled out in front of me. After I realised that I was still alive and wasn't paralysed, I was so profoundly relieved and grateful and also filled with wonder and awe, that I would count it as a 'profound spiritual experience'. I damaged one leg quite badly, so had to walk around slowly on crutches for a couple of months, but even that was a spiritual experience as it gave me a deeper insight and respect for old people who I started to notice more, now that I was moving at their pace.

Oddly enough, now that I think about it, the last places that spring to mind for any of my 'most profound spiritual experiences' are churches, synagogues, temples, or any kind of religious buildings. I always like wandering round old cathedrals when I get the chance, to marvel at the incredible craftsmanship of the building, but my actual memorable 'profound spiritual experiences' in such places are very few.

Saying that, on the hill where I live, there is a monastery nearby. It's basically a cave which was carved out by a solitary monk who lived alone up there for many years. You go down some narrow stone stairs to get into it and down there are a couple of rows of chairs - one or two pictures of Jesus and Mary and a cross or two. It is the most profoundly silent place I know, and I must admit I've spent a few moments (or maybe hours) down there in something quite close to a 'profound spiritual experience'.

At the opposite end of the spectrum from silence and stillness, there is music and movement - and of all the most profound spiritual experiences I may have had - I would say that at least half of them have involved music. I don't know what it is about music, but it has this power - to connect worlds, to take you directly to another, deeper, higher place. Sometimes it can happen with full intention, with participation of lots of people, combining energy to reach a higher state. Other times, it can happen quite by surprise. A song might start playing on the radio that will instantly transport you to another time and place, that you'd completely forgotten, but suddenly remember in perfect clarity.

Like music, I think 'profound spiritual experiences' are by nature fleeting. You can't hold on to them, but somehow they get deep inside, become part of who you are and you carry them with you.

Click on the picture at the top to hear Crossroad Blues by Robert Johnson.

Legend has it that Johnson sold his soul to the devil at a crossroads in Mississippi in exchange for supernatural guitar playing ability. He is still widely credited as being the father of Rock n Roll and died at the age of 27, reputedly after drinking poisoned whiskey the jealous husband of the woman Johnson was flirting with had given him. I don't know if it's significant that Jimi Hendrix, Janis Joplin and Jim Morrison also died at the age of 27 in circumstances not entirely different. This world is full of mystery and wonder.

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Man will occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of the time he will pick himself up and continue on.

- Winston Churchill

Thank you wise old man. Your wise comments are always welcome.

What a terrific quote @wise-old-man
I have never heard that one before. I will think about it next time I stumble. That won't be too long from now most likely.

I almost posted about some drug experiences in depth. ALD 52 being the big one. It was a struggle to pick, I decided to go the other route because im saving that story, but I love your post. I agree with it too. I ate that mushroom too when I was younger! We knew what parts to eat and were OK but yeah I don't recommend it. I also love all the musicians you listed.

I also find music very spiritual in a deep way. And I believe you can have profound spiritual moments walking home from the pub after a few pints! I love the way you talked about silence and stillness and then sound and music. This is great and glad you posted it. As I am writing this i'm thinking of such moments I had ... many hard to remember but just as valid. peace!!

I've never heard of ALD52.. I guess it must have passed me by in my sheltered life... those days are behind me now anyway.. at least for the moment, I need to keep my feet on the ground.

Your post was incredible. What an experience. I love the way you write too. I'll get round to commenting there, hopefully.. so much good stuff going on at the moment on steemit and ecotrain, it's hard to keep up.
But yes, it was a good question this week.. really got us reconnected with the spirit element of life in a very interesting and surprising way.

yes ALD52 is rare. The story of how i came to find it is sort of funny. I never saw it again. Someday soon I will be writing a post about this experience. Thanks so much for the compliments I am glad you enjoyed reading it. Yes so many posts its a lot to keep up with in one siting. Im saving a few for later this afternoon. Thanks my friend.

really glad you posted in the end.. so MANY examples you have.. and so varied.. and all so valid and real for you.. at the end of the day that is what makes things spiritual for us.. is how we perceive it and what it means to us..

Very true. Now that I think about it, one of the most profound spiritual experiences I ever had was eating a bowl of soup. It was completely transcendental

ooh Ramen! YES! exactly! it matter not what happens within the dream. only that one day we may awaken .. and if it takes a bowl of soup, or a bowl of lentils to do that, then so be it!

Not a bowl of lentils
But a bowl of rice
Yummy yummy

oh the things that sticks in our minds for 3 decades ! yes my friend.. 😜

Right?! This question really brought back all sorts of memories. Thanks for inventing Question Of The Week and also EcoTrain, @eco-alex. You are as full of bright ideas now as ever you were. Steem on brother, Steem on!

This reminds me that every time I go camping it feels like a spiritual experience as well. Last time the stars almost knocked me over! How could I have forgotten that?

I think next weeks qotw will have to be.. what is a spiritual experience!!!!

That's a tough one!

I don't know how you felt at 27 but it is a very strange age, definitely the age i was closest to dark ideas. I would summarize after reading your post that every single moment is a spiritual experience with the addendum "if you want to". Opening to the mystery of life makes the whole life experience spiritual. So maybe the big highlight or most profound one wasn't there but i like your contribution a lot as you opened my eyes to the everything-is-spiritual idea. Ok, maybe 2hr/day on Steemit not really, i have to think about that :-)

Thanks @bubke. Your post was awesome. I wasn't going to post this, but then changed my mind after reading your story. Yes, I think spiritual experiences can and do happen all the time in all sorts of places and circumstances. Sometimes a subtle feeling of oneness and being connected to something bigger and deeper. .. Sometimes massive and life changing, like the one you described, when the whole fabric of reality is torn apart.
Yes, 27 is a very significant age. I think it has a lot to do with the Saturn return. Saturn has an orbit of 29.5 years, and during the time it returns toward where it was when we were born, can be a period of big changes and upheaval.

As always @stillgideon, your post is so you, so beautiful, and anyone who reads it will be enriched. I need a chance to listen to the song, but just the name reminds me of a powerful photo taken by a guy I had a huge crush on a while back. I might try that copy and paste thing to get it into a comment. Have to hunt it down first.

Thanks . That's really kind and encouraging of you to say so.
Yes, I also have problems with copy and pasting photos. Here's a nice song though.. Crossroads by Tracy Chapman

I think the words of this song were included in one of my undergraduate English classes. Tracy Chapman fan anyway. Edden plays one of her songs :)

Some say the devil is a mystical thing
But I say the devil is a walking man...

@stillgideon Awesome posts sir... I thoroughly concur along with you. Adore it. Upvoted.
Superb Tale. Astounding that you choose to were being ready to hustle your way out within your problem.

Thanks june. I'm glad to hear it resonated with you. I guess I just knew I didn't want to end up like Jimi Hendrix

They asked for one spiritual experience and you gave a whole bunch!

But when you say those things never "happened" , I'd have to disagree, things can happen on many levels, how do you think Robert Johnson "sold his soul to the devil"? I think you must have gone where he had, only to turn back. And don't think mushrooms are the only way to get there, they just make it easier. That's just my take though ;-)

Thanks @whatamidoing . Yes, these question of the week posts are a good opportunity to explore ideas. It got me thinking about spiritual experiences - which is probably something we all have quite often without actually stopping to say 'wow! I just had a spiritual experience!'
Yes, it was an interesting and significant moment for me - real or imagined. You may have heard of me sooner if I'd taken up the offer, but then I probably would have been dead at 27 of an overdose, so it's probably a good thing I said no. We don't often get to hear of the ones who turned it down.

That part of the story immediately made me think of a song called The Gates of Delirium by Yes. Yes may or may not be your thing but the half an album long song is sort of a journey through the gates of delirium and Hell and Heaven. ( in that order) It is an experience in sound. And I have had many profound spiritual moments listening to it. idk why but i was imagining that as the soundtrack to your experience.

@stillgideon Amazing job! Followed.
I like your post. I have followed you.

Thanks ella. Glad you like it

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Thank you @minnowsupport . Abundance, Liberty and Peace be with you .

This post has received a 0.45 % upvote from @drotto thanks to: @banjo.

Thanks @banjo . Good to see you again. How are you?

Good!! Hbu??

Much better thanks

is your goddess.

Maybe she had something to do with it. Well intuited.

Did he vote in the most recent federal election?

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