Creative Writing Challenge - Task #4

in #writing7 years ago (edited)

I really enjoyed reading your stories guys!

The stories are like windows. I was allowed to see through these windows and learn more about each of you (or at least the ones who already submitted their entries for Task #3).

Besides the prodigious stories of @kubbyelizabeth, @flemingfarm, @morodiene and @alemars16 we've also seen the new star @tegoshei and her remarkable post about a boy who has changed his decision to commit a suicide.

And for the ones who still haven't done it - there are still few hours to submit the URL of your post as a comment under Creative Writing Challenge - Task #3. Of course, we'll be tolerant enough for those of you who miss the last second of the actual deadline.

Because every story counts and we'll see that even more evidently in the next task. Did I just said 'next task'? :)

It's time for Task #4! :)


Creative Writing Challenge

Develop a story contrasting the way people spend their money.

  • Example 1: rich kids/poor kids
  • Example 2: people spending $50,000 for a night in Las Vegas and African families who can't afford spending money on a mosquito net they desperately need (because the lack of that item is one of the main reasons for malaria epidemics).

Please use your imagination, because this task has no boundaries and you can let your imagination go wild. Think of your task as a mission. Your mission is to inspire thousands of people to take a look around, start thinking more about their spending habits and actually open their eyes for other people's pains.

There are thousands of options again and this is another opportunity for you to show the best of yourself.

Additional details:

  • Titles:Be creative and write an authentic title for your post.

  • Use of images: optional (the general rule we are following is including at least one image, but for this one you don't need to focus too much on things different than writing). Of course, being able to include a relevant image at the beginning of the story could contribute for more views and impact overall.

  • Deadline: The deadline for this task is Friday, Aug 11 by Midnight.

  • Price pool: 10 SBD and looking for sponsors. It would be nice award for sharing between the ones who participated from the beginning to the last Task #9. Of course, you are not here for that, but we still have it.

To keep the conversation going, I would ask you to share a story that has recently inspired you and has changed your mood, thoughts or plans for the future.

Enjoy writing,

Image source


Honestly, these challenges have helped to change my thoughts. I have a 85-90% finished novel that has been sitting untouched for 10 years and I am finally gaining the ambition and creative desire to finish it. Summer is my busy time with the farm, but once the freeze hits I can devote much more time to finishing it.

Steemit and writing for these has got my head back into a creative state which I have been seriously lacking for too many years.

I love to hear that you're picking up an old novel. I have a half-finished novel from 25 years ago that I really want to finish, and I'm gaining some confidence to possibly pick that up again too. If I can dedicate time to write these crazy Tasks, I can certainly dedicate time to my own novel. Right?

Just having the creative juices flowing again gives me an eagerness to get back at it.

25 years. Imagine how would you feel when you finally finish it.

It's true. It's an odd time capsule into how my mind worked back then and what my priorities were (and were not). I'd definitely like to 'get it done' so I can move on to something fully fresh and new.

That's precious indeed. Sometimes I find old notebooks with my thoughts from the old days. Well this is your window to the past.. Readers who know you might enjoy an additional experience while reading.

When I started the whole thing, I've never imagined comments like this one. I'll put more efforts to make it more useful for writers.

you seem to be doing a great job, that's why I glommed on.

so thanks and keep up the good work

Thanks @spaingaroo! Expect a new surprise this night with Task #5 :)

no bounadies

at all?
how brave, almost foolhardy

big hugs

Ah, I've missed that one.. :D

I'm a bit stumped to tell the truth.

I sort of already did number three, but not really. So I didn't call it that

But I think I might take the idea in it and run it into the story.

And meanwhile hope this one presents it's secrets to me during.

now that was the most twisted sentence since twisty the twisty sentence got sucked up by a twister, and sentenced to do the twist

here goes nothing

will do four later in the early morning session, just posted three

cheers @steemfluencer

looks like it took me 45 minutes to write, edit and publish!

and I spent most of that time trying to get the image to play right

Does that count for extra points?

extra peachy fringeness

Cool! Yes, it counts :)

Here's my entry --> :) I hope you guys enjoy reading it... Constructive criticisms are much appreciated.. hihi~ ^^

I like it at a lot, and thought it was very uplifting and positive. It's a great snapshot of how people can be both good and cruel, but everyone can still be saved, and everyone is worth saving. Great story!

Thank you so much for your feedback. I'm so glad you like it. :)

Interesting concept and made me think for a while in how to approach this challenge. In the end I had to step into another set of shoes and try to feel the idea out as it progressed. Quite fun and made me work.

Thanks @flemingfarm! Always delivered on time : )

This one was tricky merely by how open-ended it was (I guess every challenge is tricky in some way, or else it would not be a challenge).

Here is mine:

Well done @negativer! This time you did it quicker .

Thank you so much. :) Will have fun doing the fourth task later... after work, of course! hahaha ^_^ but ideas are floating in now.... <3

@tegoshei, I'm happy to see you love the next task. Enjoy the whole process! :)

I'm on it... :) Will be posting as soon as I'm done.. Thanks a lot! :D

Great @alemars16! Well done :) I'll soon update the table with your submission!

Well done! Congrats for finally finishing it! :)

Thank you...sorry to keep you waiting :)

It was worth the wait :)

I have posted response number four and I hope I surprise you again with my tack.


and ducking and weaving

dodging like a dodgy brother.

I am enjoying this very much, although sleep is also cool.


thanks for putting up with the extra lungs.

Thank you @spaingaroo. Quite interesting entry again : )

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