How to Become a Famous Writer in Steemit / 스팀잇에서 유명작가 되는 방법steemCreated with Sketch.

in #writing7 years ago (edited)

어줍잖게 작성한 글에 외국친구들이 영어로 작성하라고 하여

번역기와 저의 못난 영어실력으로 영어권 국가에도 제 글을 전파하려 고군분투 하여 봅니다. 

Today, I will find out what criteria the writer who raises high rewards is selected. 

I'm posting to Newbie that I want to show you the criteria I think.   

I hope you do not misunderstand from the first passage. 

I certainly do not post in the sense that the artists mentioned here are highly rewarded and blindly follow them. 

It is also about trying to let you know that you can go to the top ranks as much as you can. 

I hope you will read this article and find your style and become a writer who reaches your goal higher than you are now.  

 The categories below are only my criteria for convenience, In order to present the criteria, I have classified the following characteristics into consideration.   

ㅇ Legend writer 

This is frankly the area where newbie now can not reach with short term effort. 

However, there is no law that can not be reached if we make continuous efforts. Dreams should always be set high.   

There is @clayop as the author of this. The artist already has a reputation of 70.7 with 1,122 followers. 

Of course, he is the only one in Korea who is trying to be a regular witness to Steemit and who is leading the kr community so far.   

ㅇ A reliable writer who can read 

The beta version, steemit, consists of rewards from the current article (of course, voting is also profitable, but I'll exclude that part from this posting) 

If the official version is released in the future, I think it will be possible to make a profit in various other ways, but writing is the only one now. 

Therefore, this article is sure to be worthy to read as a writer is sure to vote. 

However, due to the current inconveniences associated with crypto currency, it is true that most of these articles are biased towards a limited topic. 

For example, @leesunmoo and @maa are examples of current artists. 

In the case of these two writers, the posted posting shows that they are excited to read.

It is a wonderful thing. Before I knew it was a crypto currency, I had never been interested in these articles, but I became interested.   

ㅇ Many friends writer 

The power of the follower can be seen as an absolute power in steemit. 

When I was a newbie, there was a time when I did bad voting with only the economic part of steemit. 

The action is my black history, which I had voting on unconditional trending. 

It was an act of light thought that something would benefit me if I was in the so-called trending artist. But true rich writers are writers with many friends (followers). 

For example, @abdullar is the current writer. 

Currently, my reputation for writing this article also has 925 followers in 68.5.

 In spite of the fact that he do not use kr tag at present, 202 followers have increased in May alone. 

But the most important thing is that he really worked hard to extend his followers.   

ㅇ Faithful writer

The perfection of the work is also very important, but there is a writer who gives faith with only the name of the artist.

Most of them are artists who have built solid trust due to steady activities and activities for public interest. 

An example of this is @gotoperson, @ yoonjang0707. 

@gotoperson gives a solid faith in the artist because he is making great efforts in various genres such as economy, literature, recommendation of undervalued kr articles. 

On the other hand, @ yoonjang0707 does not post many articles on kr, but I am also impressed with your efforts as a person who is continuously making steemit development efforts in countries other than Korea.

These writers give me faith in behaving for the public good rather than just for himself   

ㅇ writer who writes a lot 

Good and disliking can be an obvious example.

 There is no limit to the number of articles posted in steemit per day. However, posting a lot of work in compensation can have a negative impact on others. 

Of course, if the quality of the work is very high, you can think of it differently, but the fact that many articles are posted first is always a subject of controversy. 

Currently, there is @sochul (OMG why me?). 

Currently writing this article is ranked 16th in Authors ( 7 days. 

But for my excuse, I would like you to forgive me because I think that my writing ability is low because it is similar to the top artists and I still can postpone one post for about 8 ~ 12 hours.   

My short-term goal is to achieve '70's of prestige and 1,000 followers'. My posting told my short-term dream at

Simply put, I have reducing the number of articles I write and contributing to the whole of steemit rather than myself.   

It is simply classified and the records related to all the writers mentioned above can be found at

Steemit is so transparent that you can see all the information.

You can not process the information or provide it as false.   

Most of the articles that have been rewarded by steemit at present are mostly related to crypto currency. 

These are the currents that most people are interested in. 

I also can not post on crypto currency because of lack of ability 

Steemit is a land of opportunity for ordinary people like me because you can get rewarded in your own style.   

But as time goes by and information about the crypto currency becomes popular, I think that various articles will be spotlighted at that time. 

At that time, indispensable articles will compete with various tags I think a great artist will come to steemit and come to the day when he wants to compete in his writing. I am neither a great person nor a person with special abilities.

I am just writing the story of my life and RC, a unique hobby. 

I did not know that steemit, which started because of writing mining, would develop like this now in such a short time. It's not a joke At present, STEEM has the highest technical value of crypto currecy. (Not an ad to buy STEEM)   

Please start now.

You would be really lucky if you read this article now and put your writing into action. 

How many of the 7.49 billion people in the world know this?    

I'm a Korean. English is not my native language. Fortunately, with the help of Google Translator and my lack of English language skills, I think it will not be enough for you to post correctly. So I'm sorry.


great work! The majority of people on Steemit are foreigners so don't apologize about it. I am italian and I am doing so many mistyping what you can understand!

@webdeals nim
Hahaha I can laugh thanks to you.
I am very glad that my level of English is not good, but you can understand it.
You also said that your mother tongue is often Italian,
English is so much different from Korean that I am very struggling to use English.

I feel like I am able to get a valuable bond like you through steemit.
I pray that you have given me a valuable comment and that it will be your day.

Ehheheh sometimes is not easy understand eachother but we need to understand the contest not compulsory every single word. And english is different from italian too...

yes, you write a lot -
hahaha - but that makes you more visible
you wrote a lot that I wasn't able to come back and forgot the rest hahah
easy on it @sochul nim and remember - quality vs quantity in consistency
or just do what works - don't mind me :D

구글이가 더 내용전달을 잘할때도 있습니다 :) 응원합니다
그나저나 가베트라는 스티머고래께서 economyit의 봇 설정이 취소되어 글에대한 보상이 줄어 버렸네요 ㅋ 그래도 열심히 글은 포스팅하고 있으니 더 노력해보야 겠습니다 그리고 확실히 있고 없고 차이가 많이 나는것 같습니다 조만간에 슈퍼울트라급으로 파워업좀 준비해야겠습니다 :)

아~ 가베트 생각납니다. 계정에 v자가 두 개 들어가던 그 고래 맞죠 고토님?
그나저나 분명히 있고없고 차이는 크죠 ㅜㅜ
특히나 하포 19부터는 확연한 차이를 보이지 않을까 생각도 됩니다.
하지만 하포 19부터 일반 유져들의 영향력도 오르지 않겠습니까?
경제를 사랑하는 유져들은 고토님의 마음을 알고 올거라고 생각합니다.
구글이가 오늘은 일을 잘 해 주어서 이것저것 고칠 부분을 많이 덜어주어 좋았습니다.
감사합니다 고토님! ^^

:) 정말 대단하십니다 존경해도 되죠? 그렇다면 정확히 보팅 보상이 어떻게 바뀐다는 건가요? 봐도 봐도 이해가 안됩니다 ㅋㅋ

Thank you very much for the english translation, @sochul

Now I can become successful on Steemit as well! :D

Since I got some good results with articles that I put much work into, I started posting much less and tried make my articles more valuable. Its good to have some categories and examples of good 'writing styles'.

I can understand your English. Sometimes I have to think a little, but because english is also not my native language, I can see where some your mistakes are coming from. Please continue posting in English.

@thatgermandude nim
I was impressed by your true comments.
I think my English skills were not enough and I would have had a lot of trouble reading my articles.
Nevertheless, you gave me a great comment.
I sincerely thank you.

Oh! And as your advice, I began categorizing my articles a while ago when I wrote.
Your advice is really like gold.
I hope to be your day.

Thanks for sharing.
It's good to know that most of the people cross for the same path —some of us make it better than others— but that is possible to reach our own goals and improve as writers/creators.
I'll try to become a regular writer on Steemit —I'm pretty much a newcomer— and then who knows.
Greetings from Mexico.

@neuerko nim
(Nim is a Korean word that uses the same meaning as sir in English)
You gave me a sincere comment on the article written in my poor English language skills.
First of all, I would like to thank you for this part.

Oh! And are you a Mexican person?
I've seen Mexico on a world map. I've never been to Mexico, and I do not know anyone in Mexico.

When I think of Mexico, I feel the rhythmical music and the people enjoy life easily with wild wilderness for some reason.
I think Mexico may not be like this at all, but my feeling is like this.

In your kind reply, I followed you right now.
I think this phenomenon through steemit is very cool.

I hope to have a good friendship with steemit in the future.
I wish you could make your day today.


라멘걸님처럼 영어 공부 좀 해 놓을걸 ㅠㅠ
써 놓고도 혼자서 올릴까 말까 고민하다 올렸습니다.

@ramengirl@sochul 님 두분다 부럽습니다.~~~ 제가 내용을 잘 이해했는지는 모르겠는데^^;..... 영작실력이 훌륭하십니다.. 두분다요..

요즘 번역기가 훌륭한거죠 ^^
라멘걸님은 훌륭한 게 맞고요.

Are you SKT1 Huni? 1v1 me! :D

요즘 번역기의 능력이 대단합니다만.
원문이 잘 쓰여져 있기에 그렇지요^^
영어는 해도 해도 어려운것이 사실이네요.
특히 저처럼 독해의 시대를 살아온 사람으로서는^^

@neojew님께서 돌려서 칭찬해 주시는 것이 은근히 기쁩니다. 사실은 ^^
아무쪼록 외국 친구들이 아까 한글로 쓴 제 글의 목적을 이해해주기를 바라면서 다시 올렸습니다.
이게 재탕하는 것 같아 죄송합니다.

외국인들에게 좋은 글을 제공해 주셨으니
잘 된 일입니다.
글의 내용도 잘 전달될것으로 믿습니다.
평안한 밤 보내세요~

감사합니다 neojew님.
덕분에 오늘은 좋은 꿈을 꿀 수 있을 것 같습니다. ^^
neojew님도 평안한 밤 보내시기를 기도드립니다.

sochul nim
Steemit gives me the opportunity to write my best stories now. I had so many of them, but I never started to write them down properly. And now each post is getting better and reaches more people, that is a great change for all newbies to not give up, just write what you like the most.

@schamangerbert nim
I feel great in your wonderful comments.
I am also striving to see great possibilities through steemit.
I think more people will be able to discover their potential through steemit.
I hope you have a wonderful day.

Thank you for your answer, my friend!
I wish you a wonderful day too.

Resteem This Post

@ Mars9 my buddy!
I thank you for resteem my writing.
I believe that with steemit anyone can write to succeed in what they want.
And I wanted everyone to know the secret.
So I posted this.
My friend is glad to know my heart.

Saludos estimado @sochul. Este post es muy inspirador y realmente lo que espera cada usuario de steemit es transmitir su conocimiento y si es bien recompensado, pues mejor!
Admiro tu esfuerzo por usar Google Translator para dar a conocer tus opiniones.

Por encima de todo, gracias por sus lindos comentarios sobre mi artículo.
Sabiendo que sé que el Traductor de Google para traducir al español es difícil.
Así que trato de escribir lo más simple posible

Tengo un montón de gateumyeon steemian conseguir un mejor brillo más compensación.
Creo steemit la oportunidad.
Pero entonces también voy a hacer eso a otras personas.

Me gustaría si todo el mundo sabía este secreto.

Lo siento por el incumplimiento de español.

[KR] 완벽한, 나는 이해합니다. 진행 할 수있는 좋은 기회를 steemit 만들어 주셔서 감사합니다.
[EN] Perfect, I understand. Thank you for making steemit a great opportunity to progress.
[SP] Perfecto, te entiendo. Gracias por hacer ver a steemit una gran oportunidad para progresar.

Wow @sochul, that was full of some great information. I agree that people need to come to Steemit and start writing or posting up things that interest them and they will be highlighted more and more as the community grows bigger.

Yes. that's my posting's meaning.
Thanks my buddy. ^^

Your welcome man! Encouraging all new users and old users to post what they have a passion for and this platform will be great.

My friend! Thanks for your think highly of my intention and I really appreciate it.

You are very welcome my friend! :)

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