You cannot create something that you can’t envision.

in #writing6 years ago (edited)

I am working on a novel called “The Edgar Allan Poe Simulator” that is about Edgar Allan Poe, video games, simulations, magic, love and grief. I have not finished a novel since the last time I wrote a memoir, but I published a short story called Ecstatic Inferno and several short stories. I was in an anthology with some famous horror writers including Stephen King. I went to writing conventions and attended a signing party where I actually got to sign my own story in an anthology. Robert makes enough money now that I no longer have to work, so I quit my job and spend most of my time writing and/or trying to learn how to be human.

I’d say it’s the most frustrating and difficult thing I’ve ever done, but that’s a lie, because I’ve been a video game tester.
I am working toward the life that I envisioned for myself and in many ways I have already achieved what I wanted - to be able to write and to write as much as I want.
If only that was all I needed to fix my problems.
If only I could feel like I am free to envision a future for myself but after all that time chained to the dogwood tree I am still unsure of how to live my life.
The Poe Simulator is about love, yes, but it’s also about a love that I have trouble envisioning. One which is free of drama and heart-ache. One which doesn’t end in an inevitable falling out. I wanted to write a story about characters who were more than smoke-filled caricatures that crawled out of a dream. I wanted to write a novel that was about the nostalgia of playing videogames in my father’s studio at the young age of 6 and a way to transfer magic to a subject that was usually ignored, had all the magic sucked out of it.
The Edgar Allan Poe Simulator is supposed to get me closer to making my dreams come true.
But sometimes I can’t even imagine the way dreams are supposed to change me.
And if I can’t even imagine a new life, one in which I do not wake up every day having to reassemble myself, than how am I supposed to create it?

You can’t. That is the truth.
You cannot create something that you can’t envision.
So I work to envision it.
I work carefully, moment by moment.
I work purposefully, moment by moment.
Sometimes I fall asleep at the keyboard because I want to deny myself the truth.
It’s difficult to look right into the heart and center of everything that you’ve been doing wrong.
Being wrong is painful, and I’ve read before that our brains sometimes equate being wrong with physical pain. Because wrongness means death, we cling to the idea that we aren’t.
Even by ignoring everything.

Sometimes for me it’s even difficult to look into the heart and center of life, because I want to deny life itself.
I am on the third draft of EAPS (I use acronyms for all my novel titles.) but I don’t know when I’ll feel truly finished.
When I’ve accomplished the ending that I want.
I wake sometimes in a panic because I fear that I will never finished it. I try to remind myself in those moments, to soothe myself, that it’s okay, because we’re all going to die anyway. It doesn’t comfort me, because I’ve used that excuse too many times, and I still care, but it doesn’t stop me from trying.


You’re awesome beautiful, keep pushing forward only. Recognize moments like that as a door to great opportunities and ideas. You only have to go a bit deeper


With all of the beautiful stuff coming out of you lately, it sounds like in a big way it's already bringing about some of those heart dreams. Super edifying for me and I'm sure others on here. Rooting for you for both for the book and the real thing. I love your unabashed, unguarded desire for innocence and beauty - most people just get proud (I'm not excluded from this) and hide behind feigned sophistication when all anyone actually wants under all of the layers is beauty and real, uncomplicated, joyful love. In a real sense, we are all just the children we always were.

I often feel like I didn't have a proper childhood, but that child is still inside me - finding unbridled joy is easier when I tap into that child in my pysche. I don't let her run amok - I give her proper guidance as a child needs from a parent, but also after our work we go out for ice-cream or to the park. Sometimes we have a free day. I try to teach her that love is real in this world and that we can have a good life together. In that way I start to grow all aspects of myself.

Very cool. Ever read Aristotle's Ethics? His prescription for virtuous living is a little like that--coaxing ourselves gently into seeing and living as we ought. I think you'd enjoy it/find it rich and worth reading.

I haven't! I will check it out.

I'm working on novel too, and also book of short stories..... though I must admit I have never actually published anything. I definitely know what it feels like though to write, write, and rewrite only to feel that you're getting ever farther from the end.

I'd be interested in reading that short story anthology. Being included next to the Great Master Stephen King is an incredible honor but having read your last story I know that it is well deserved.

My father also had a studio in which he and I played video games when I was a young child though it wasn't very often. I tend to really enjoy books about video games. I really liked Ready Player One I'm not sure if your novel will be along a similar line, although I'm quite certain that it will include some psychological aspects..... possibly being a character study of sorts.

I have a friend that's been working on his novel for about 5 years but it is still not published. I'm honestly starting to doubt that he will ever publish it, because he can never seem to be satisfied.

I do think you've got an interesting premise here. I'll be keeping my eyes open for the Edgar Allan Poe Simulator.

Have you any finished stories? I'd encourage you to at least start sending them out to publications.

I think it will be a little less nostalgic than Ready Player One, and more future facing. I am really interested in augmented reality.

Here's the anthology, it's called You Human:

I have a ton of finished stories. Most of them have been published here on Steemit so they need a bit of editing since they are in "speed voice". Most of my stories are a few pages long, some are only one page. Do you mean like The New Yorker and The Atlantic or something like that? How do you know that they won't steal your work? I'm planning to publish under a pen name.

The anthology is kind of expensive since it doesn't have an e-book version available but I'll probably try to check it out pretty soon.

Augmented reality is definitely a cool concept. I look forward to your future posts.

How do you know that they won't steal your work?

The chances of that happening are extremely rare and serve no benefit to the publisher. I'd suggest looking on Duotrope or google "short story markets" or similar to find anthologies. Steemit is good for making money but it's a lot easier to find connections in the traditional publishing world for greater opportunities.

And I can send you my story in that anthology for free if you give me your email address and agree to not distribute it to anyone else. If you want.

Okay then I'm going to check out a few different magazines that accept submissions.

I'd love to read your story. You can send it to [email protected]. That's a secondary account that I don't use much but I'll make sure to check it.

I won't distribute it to anyone else.

I appreciate all of your advice and I look forward to your next post.

Also, never submit to any anthology that has a reading fee. Money should flow toward you. Not the other way around. Anyone who asks for money to publish your work is a scam.

But we can have "augmented reality" already - just need to switch on those "extra sensory" parts of our mind already there.

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Sounds like hard work. I have start a few books haha well the first page and the general concept of the story. I can envision it and agree this is so important problem is I can see the story but not the individual words. I guess thats why I not an author really. BE goo to read it when its out looking forward to that day 💯🐒

I am an older man and here is one thing I’ve concluded, it’s ok to be wrong as long as you don’t dwell on the mistake but instead use it to move forward. Mistakes make us wiser, without them we would just be putty.

You hit the nail on the head - if we can't envision what we want - we can't create it. The hard part is always to be clear what it is we are striving for...
visiting you from MAP

Hmm... When you had difficulty getting your inspiration and envision, it may be a good time to take a break. Have a stroll in the park and clear our minds. As we are calming or unknowingly, best ideas sometimes can flow suddenly!

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