War Stories~ Weekend Freewrite

in #writing6 years ago (edited)

Charlotte ate green peppers all day long, in a song, that was a sung by young and old alike. It had a catchy melody, once heard, would stick right in your head.

Nasty things peppers were, to ruin food like it does, but that song, now that was a very different thing, even with the word peppers in it. The beat of that song did make one happy. Darn catchy little toon...going over and over in my head.

Last Saturday a group came to the park. It turned into a festival with the pepper song playing and all the great food being left. I turned to my friend Clyde while we both were rolling over on our bellies, that pepper song was once again popping in our heads. He started to giggle but then both our stomach's started gurgling so both of us giggled some more.

Being unable to turn our heads we both tried to roll into each other. Hoping that bumping together would send us rolling the other way. It did send us face to face where we both got stuck once again and I'm here to say that Clyde, after eating everything in sight, had the breath of a bat.

"If you don't take chances," said the man in striped pajamas, "you might as well not be alive." was heard by Clyde and me.

Rolling our eyes, we once again tried to roll onto our backs, to have a talk with Mr. PJ man, as he was the expert now, it seemed.

We, of course, explained that we took chances all the time. How did he think we had gotten into the mess he now saw us in.

Well, let me tell you Mr. PJ man was very impressed with the size we had become. His answer didn't come right away as he leaned down and poked us!

Clyde and I both groaned as we felt all the food, once again, moving around in our overfull bellies.

We both took deep breaths and let them out slowly almost passing out at the smell of each other's breaths.......

Back to the man with his stripes. He still did not quite get the fact, that we had taken the chance, while eating as much as we did, that the thought of being stranded, did really cross our minds, but it is late at night, when most normal people should be in bed, so felt that we were safe.

Safer than the time Berny invited his mother to dinner that's for sure! That day she was hungry so early in the day. So many people were still out with children no less, on that sunny, sunny day.

We told her that it wasn't safe, going around looking for food, but she was a mean and hungry caterpillar, so off she went, in search of food, from the daily picnickers.

A scary tiny boy and girl, with pink ribbons in her hair, saw Clyde's Mom and plucked her off the branch. Before you knew it, they had her in a mayonnaise jar, never to be seen again.

Now the fate of Clyde and me was now in Mr. PJ man's hands. Did he know that caterpillars were the best fishing bait around or not? was the question of the day.

Both Clyde and I were hoping for the latter .......

Once again we tried to roll to get back on our 16 feet to waddle off before the light came back, the children woke up to play, alongside Mothers, that had too hard of a day, and didn't care that they poked caterpillars.

But the PJ man was a very smart man and bottle us right up, to be taken to his fine house, and put in a cage, on a diet, of just plain salad.

"Oh, the horror of those hungry days!", said Marv the caterpillar when telling his war stories to his grandchildren that night.

Hi Everyone!!

This is my Weekend Freewrite which you all know I love and look forward to doing!!

I loved how this story came out and hope you do too!!

Image Source

The Freewrite moto is ever changing and always open to interpretation but the main concept that has always been the core is to be FREE.

Free to take a story where ever it may go and share the love along the way. To treat ALL writers and non-writers as equals while playing along.


Please take the time to vote for @enginewitty as a Witness.
He is a man that believes we all should be just who we are.
He goes out of his way to support others that stay true to themselves.
That kind of man I will stand beside any day of the week.



Ha ha that was such a cute story!!! I hope they will be okay!

I LOVE that bitmji you crack me up with those :D
and yes, they lost weight but were find after he let them go loll

Brilliant, until part three I was picturing two rotund revellers rolling raucously around.
Here's today's challenge for you:

Thank you!!!!!! and Thank YOU for the prompt this morning!!! I know it's a pain to do but it's always nice to know someone reads your story :D

I loved this!! Great job! I loved how you connected all the prompts! :) Such talent!!

Thanks :D this one was fun :D

Haha they were caterpillers! I love your freewrites!

Also, I'm nominating you for another challenge, this time it's hosted by @freedompoint! Here is the link! https://steemit.com/barefootandgrounded/@freedomtowrite/freedompoint-s-barefoot-grounded-challenge-my-entry

Thank you :D and yes, tomorrow the cold feet test is on my list lolll

I'm trying to wait patiently, but I can't!

sorry, really not feeling well today........so it's on my list tomorrow.I didn't forget and I'm excited to do it too but going out in the cold with bare feet was just not happening today :(

Oh no! I hope you feel better!

Thanks for the morning smile. Now I can get through the day. I also love that you included the gif of the corn guy

you are very welcome :D and I'm very happy to make you smile today!!

Beautiful colour and such a nice use of light and shadow.. Keep sharing Snook :)

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