in #writing6 years ago


They had been together almost daily for almost a month now. As so many other days the enigmatic vampire arrived again in the bookstore. This time they talked a bit about generalities, about books, he still dared to recommend someone. After a brief silence, Zahidy asked him:

  • What happened with Cain?

-He was hanging around the Hebrew town. In fact, there in the Bible is a chapter where it is narrated that the Hebrews were advised to leave to the forest to relieve themselves by carrying a stake to nail it to the ground ... (to nail it to Cain) if it dared getting closer... And there is another amount of allusions about it ... like the fact that even today the Israelites are forbidden to eat blood (even animals) to avoid being "attracted" by the sin of Cain.: .. the intake of human blood. They are still told;
"... flesh with its blood that is your life you will not eat --- well no
anyone who falls into such ... aberration will be considered innocent
... "That is why the Orthodox Jew does not eat black pudding, and they sacrifice birds not strangling them but decapitating them, then they let it hang with the neck down until all its blood runs off ...

-I'm leaving, this conversation has made me thirsty.

Zahidy had learned many things in a short time, not only in the Sacred Book. She had read (with different eyes) the
Universal History , finding (guided by him) details that made her discover what important personages had belonged to that "old line"of vampires -...

Suddenly she realized that he did not know his name ... she never asked him it. She didn't know what exactly it was
the evaluation of what she would be (or was being subject to).
They had not talked about the medallion or the reconversion ritual ...
In the evening she closed the doors of the bookstore, again followed the daily route: go up three blocks
by Baralt Avenue, get to Metro Center, board the Metro, get off at the Black Cat Station and take the bus that went up to Los Frailes de Catia. But nevertheless, the previously routine road was enlivened by new thoughts every time, every day a new topic, a new learning...
The days he did not come he was necessary for her, as if he was ... a friend. Yes, that was, between them a kind of friendship was being born. Until ... they laughed together ...sometimes ... And also sometimes they shared together long periods of silence ... they were like ... another form of communication.
Without talking ... it was like ... analyzed well ... well, at least in his case, it was like ... just enjoy their both company ... without need to talk, just ... something like ... "thanks for be here. " After analyzing it she understood it less and preferred don't think about it else.

She arrived her house, she went down to the basement ... the girl was dead. She had endured a lot, rather. That night ... she would disappear the corpse ... then ... she would find her replacement ... now it was easier achieve appointments through the web. She already had some candidates ... using basic hacker techniques (She was amazing what
easy that she had been getting through Google a "Manual of the Hacker ") entered their emails and managed to corroborate or complete the information provided. With a little follow-up she could find out who were really alone, they did not have family, they did not value their lives ... those who were almost asking to be taken out of this world ... the rest was ... as easy like to sew and to sing. And so the remorse was less. (Occasionally still assaulted).
She searched for the quote he had given her in the book of Deuteronomy.
Chapter 23, verse 13. It said verbatim: "You will also have between your weapons a stake, and when you are out there,
you will dig with it, and then when you return you will cover your excrement "

She listened to jazz ... well ... nothing like that ... relaxing ... sweet ... almost cloying ... someone knocked the door ... and she had that strange sensation ... that perception that was repeated when he was near. She opened the door and found him in front of her door, with that enigmatic expression in his eyes..

  • Wow, How did you get here?

  • I didn't flying, surely, I have so much ability to turn into a bat like you to become a stilt

  • Come in

They both smiled at the same time, like old friends, with that camaraderie that had emerged over the course of the days.
He came in and was "sniffing" almost for her little house ... He read the titles of the books, revised the CDs, the DVD movies, the paintings that adorned the walls, every detail, every adornment.
He looked like a detective. She noticed the book he had opened,

-Ah, well, you found the appointment. What did you read between the lines?

  • Actually what I noticed is that it refers to the stake as a weapon, and if its use was to bury excrement I do not see why the define like a weapon.
    He smiled pleased:
    -You learn fast. Yes, that's where it goes. Now when the translator puts "you dig with hit" in the original Aramaic said
    "you will drive it to the dust" and the word for dust was ...
    -But then it says "when you return you will cover your excrement"
    -Always the translations. I said you will cover "the excrement"
    In fact, if Mr. Casiodoro de Reina had been Venezuelan, maybe he would not have written "excrement" and now we would read something like this: "you will have a stake among your weapons and when you're out there you'll nail it to Cain and then to come back you'll bury that shit "This because I guess you know that if the stake is unearthed the vampire comes alive again.
    -Then the children of Cain ...
  • His father could never find them. The Israelites followed the instructions and made the trace disappear in such a way that it was impossible to find them.

There was a long silence. He started spinning around room, reached the basement door, placed his hand on the knob
of it, but he did not open it, he turned to her:

  • Your human ... died.
  • Humana.-corrected-.
  • Well, it's the same. Take her out of here.
  • I'm waiting for it later.
  • Yes, but ... pollutes the environment ... for what we are going to to do today...

She stiffened ... What did he mean? She did not want to conceive false hopes. She continued in silence, waiting for his explanation.
Explanation that did not come. He ...- heavens, what was his name?
He leaned out the window and stood there in silence, looking towards the distance. Zahidy stood by his side, and waited until the darkness enveloped them and the noise of the traffic became more tenuous.
-What is your name?
-You can call me ... Walker.

  • Walker? But ... it's ... surname ... I imagine.
    -I change it every ... century ... for the moment I like that ... could
    be ... Dust ... or ... Terra ... or ... Kane ... or Cain.

He looked at her again, she shuddered ... that was ... he was.
That's why ... that's why he knew ... that's why he could ... that's why ...
Walker ... it meant ... walker ... like the errant jew... condemned ... to walk the world ... with a signal about him so that no one could kill him ... immortal ... suffering in life ... In... life? Purging in life ... In life? Living with the stolen life "Flesh with its blood THAT IS ITS LIFE not you will eat "

"The curse of immortality," he continued, "the generality he experiences the death of his grandparents, after his uncles and parents, then everyone of his family.

The immortal ... survives ... experiences, suffers, the death of all his loved ones ... mother, father ... (- his voice was almost inaudible
when he said "brother",) then continued: ... "children, grandchildren ... all ... friends ... "
-But ... I do not understand ... Do you...?... Originals not are they immortal ... everyone?
-No, just me, that's my pain, that's my punishment, my infinite punishment. Conviction for life ... and a life that does not end. I have told you many truths but I lied to you when I told you that with the passage of time ... I was too hardened to feel remorse and that I only cared to quench my thirst. It is not like this. And, I think it never will be.
You, you already occupy a place in my remorse, it was not necessary meet you to hurt you ... damage that is not so easy to hut you.

  • Prepare as you may think. The medallion ... is nothing ... the ritual ... it's nothing ... this deceptive power ... it's nothing ...It's the consequences ... what ...

He remained silent ... he did not want to or could not keep talking or both.
Zahidy did not have the courage to talk either. She was silent, without asking.
After an hour she heard his husky voice

-Go to get rid of the human. I will wait for you here.


Here you can read the previous chapters:

I want to share you the tale that gives name to a book of stories that I published with the editorial Proyecto Expresiones (Expressions Project) of @joseph1956 a few years ago. I shared it in six chapters, I hope you like it.


Hello @sayury, thank you for sharing this creative work! We just stopped by to say that you've been upvoted by the @creativecrypto magazine. The Creative Crypto is all about art on the blockchain and learning from creatives like you. Looking forward to crossing paths again soon. Steem on!

Hi @creativecrypto, thanks a lot for your support.

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