in #writing6 years ago (edited)


It had already been fifteen days, suddenly, one morning when there was less movement than usual (the world economic crisis was beginning to reverberate in Venezuela too, first timidly, but purchases were now less frequent: people came in, saw the covers, leafed through the books and went out again without buying) someone put three books in front of her:
-I'm taking these ... check them, please.
She recognized the voice immediately. Strange. She was not characterized by having a good memory, but this time ...
She wrapped the books, charged, delivered the bill. This time it was he who started:

  • A few communicative today?
    She shrugged in silence. She had nothing to say ... He could go somewhere else ... There were so many bookstores in Caracas ...
  • How was it
    She looked him, she knew what he was referring to-
    -One ... curse ... for someone else's fault. A family affair when I was not even born.
    -And at what age ... happened?
    -At fourteen, when ... I developed. And nobody had told me what would happen to me ... it was ... terrible. A long time ago, and ... why remember what I can not change? -In the end her voice broke. She tried to think of something else. He looked at her closely.
    -Okay, maybe ... I can do something.
  • Maybe? - She got upset again - we know you can do it, what should I do? Fill out a form? Go to contest? Queue? To be up to date with my taxes?
    -That don't come easy. It is not so easy. I must be careful. Sometimes ... we think we do good ... and we make things worse. I ... I must be sure ...
  • Sure of what? Which life is the best? Please ... How would my situation worsen?
    He looked at her in silence and then asked in turn:


-It don't come easy. It is not so easy. I must be careful. Sometimes ... we think we do good ... and we make bad things or worse things . I ... I must be sure ...

  • Sure of what? Which life is the best? Please ... How would my situation worsen?
    He looked at her in silence and then asked in turn:

  • Have not you read about Peter's laws? What about "Everything that can get worse ... gets worse"?

Wow, only that was missing, now he was trying to be funny. It was such a ridiculous situation that she began to laugh nervously. Suddenly she realized that he thought he had succeeded with his appointment of Peter's laws, this caused more hilarity. He smiled at her and ... strangely they felt the ice had broken.

She thought for a while, then asked:
-How did it all begin? For you, I mean, for everyone, who was the first...the first vampire?

He suddenly became very serious, and shying away from his eyes, he whispered:



-All started with Cain. Search in the Holy Book

He took his package of books and left.

Zahidy counted the hours to leave work, inside her purse a copy of the Holy Bible, a book almost unknown to her. She longed to get home ("Look in the Sacred Book" he had said) It was such a thick book.

How to search? Where to look?
She left at six. Peak time on the Metro, pushing at Capitolio Metro Station, a pickpocket who snatched a chain from a lady and started running with the usual noise (Why are you still using chains?) Routine. She arrived at her house, went down to the basement. The girl was sleeping. She did not want to bother her, totally, she could wait another week to feed himself, now she had something more important to do.

She sat down at the table and, almost with fear, he took the book in her hands. She opened it on the first page:
(Version of Casiodoro de Reina)
Reviewed by Cipriano de Valera in 1960.
Wow, what strange names. Followed the index. Then page 1:
First Book of Moses

First came a creation narrative, the story of Adam and Eve and chapter 4 entitled


Wow, what luck, I did not have to review much. Right there he was. She read carefully ...

She analyzed the chapter three times in a row, but found nothing that would make her even suspect that Cain was a vampire. Yes there was an allusion to blood, because the Creator claimed to Cain the fratricidal crime, telling him that his brother's blood was crying from the earth. She did not find anything mysterious. And it was the only allusion that there was about blood.

The next day he appeared. She was almost glad to see him, maybe (or surely) he would clarify the dark details (Would he really?)

He approached:
-And good?
Go, like he did not know that first greeted and then the conversation was started.
-Good afternoon-she answered-
Ignoring the greeting he insisted.
-You read what I send you
("What I sent you ( Wow, what would you believe.) However, she nodded.
-Yes, but I did not understand ... that is, I understood the story, but I do not know where the connection with ...
-Listen, that book was written in Aramaic, the language from which the Hebrew language then originated. It comes being like Latin to Spanish, our language originated from Latin, in the same way Hebrew is a ... derivation of Aramaic. In these languages ​​there are no punctuation marks. You know how you can totally change the meaning of a phrase by simply changing the signs by replacing them with others. Imagine a language where such signs do not exist ... In verses 10 and 11 it says verbatim: "And He said to him: What have you done? The voice of your brother's blood cries out to Me from the earth. Now, cursed be you of the earth, who opened its mouth to receive from your hand the blood of your brother " I imagine you don't know that the word" Cain "means" land "in Aramaic. The text says: "And He said to him -" What have you done? The voice of your brother's blood cries out to me from you, Cain. Now, you are cursed, Cain, who opened your mouth to receive the blood of your brother from his hand "Cain had bitten him on the wrist. And, when he repented, he expected to atone for his guilt, being himself a victim of violent death on the part of another, he was given immortality as PUNISHMENT: IT SAID in verse 15: "

Then God put a mark on Cain so that no one could kill him. "There are other things there, such as the fact that Cain was devoted to agriculture keeping away from the animals trying to dominate or keep under control his hematophagous instinct. In verse 7 he is warned: "Sin is at the door, yet it depends on your desire to be able to control it" But Cain became angry with Abel and the desire for revenge made him lose control. From there he began his life wandering and without hope, adding more and more guilt to his previous sins and hardening himself so much in time until he is no longer able to feel repentance, only ... desires to have his thirst always satiated. AND WITHOUT HOPES. Your case is different ... and you still complain.

Zahidy did not find what to answer. He smiled sadly and added:

-As that phrase of Og Mandino: "I was sad because I did not have shoes, until I went out and saw a man who had no feet"
Read that chapter 4 again today, read it between the lines, then I will come to clarify your doubts. I'm ... Evaluating you?
He turned around and left without saying goodbye before, he had become used to this. That night she would read it again ... A glimmer of hope showed in her feelings, but ... she did not dare to smile.


Here you can read the previous chapters:

I want to share you the tale that gives name to a book of stories that I published with the editorial "Project Expressions" of @joseph1956 a few years ago. I shared it in six chapters, I hope you like it.

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