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RE: Thought Bubble Thursdays #3 - The One Where We Talk About Legacy

in #writing7 years ago

I got to the bit where you were talking about how they were swapping gender/race/etc for characters and my immediate thought was wtf no just make more bloody characters (well that was the distilled societally friendly version, what went on in my head was slightly more violent and crass than that XD) oh well that's probably Jed's point that was on thatpiece of paper that was lost.

What if the films followed the comics' example and just created new characters?

Oh look! XD

I haven't really watched any movies recently, in the last few...damn it's over a deacade I got bored after a while, everything was pretty samey as the movie industry (at least the stuff out of Hollywood) seemed firmly ensconsed in a delusion of security and were only determinedly making things that had done well before to guarantee a good return. I guess it's working out for them as a lot of people seem to like knowing how the movie is going to go, so it will just have to be outliers like me that get bored ;D

In truth that was a lot of what put me off the Marvel/DC comics as well (I did use to read them once upon a time before I suddenly stopped liking superheroes), I'm a really character driven kinda person XD



I really wanted to get to that point from the very beginning. I feel like we were syncing again in terms of the profanities when I was writing the whole piece. Haha! I couldn't keep it straight, I just wanted to get to the point quickly. I feel like this is the weakest TBT so far though, especially when I re-read my previous piece. I don't know why it is, but I always feel the ones I've written before are far superior than the newer ones haha!

What pop culture are you and JJ showing the children then? Many of the movies do feel formulaic, and I'm not talking about the purported Marvel Formula. Just the movies in general, I feel like they're playing it safe and just rehashing whatever worked for the more succesful movies. It sucks because it stalls growth and it feels like they're just milking people's money by presenting the same thing wrapped in different packages. Which is ironic, because this feels like a rehash of your sentiment wrapped in different wordings hahahaha!!

I do get bored, even though I still mostly consume it. The thing is, I keep saying that I'm doing research as an excuse, because I really am. While most people are rehashing stuff, I'm listing down stuff that hasn't been done and try to incorporate those in my stories. I guess that's why they aren't as popular as others haha!

There are a lot of pretty standard stuff nowadays, but there are still gems that are worth a look. I feel like we're pretty much in agreement in terms of what stories we like, yeah? Matt Fraction's work comes into mind when I think of character-driven stuff. His recent Hawkeye run is by far one of my favorite comic runs ever. He also has this graphic novel called "Sex Criminals" which is super R Rated, but at its core is a deep character study.

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