The Fat Boy from Tbilisi! Chapter 3 - Friday evening fiction

in #writing7 years ago

Third chapter of the story.
Audio at the bottom.

First Chapter

Second Chapter

Chapter {3}
{The fat boy from Tbilisi}

How did it all begin for the fat Mafioso. Actually, he made himself an Oligarch out of nothing. Practically out of thin air, he became the king on the hill. The richest, meanest, baddest guy in town. This guy’s got balls let me tell you that, he was brave enough to get what he wanted.
Many people actually cannot say that about themselves.
We just sit idle, in front of the computer. Posting funny comments on social media about how cute the fluffy pink cat is. While the world and our sad reality just slip by our fingers like melting chocolate.
It slowly flows and drips until there is nothing, just like our lives. We are all meant to die, eventually. Without ever achieving greatness, or anything at all. Just us in the black void. This is the sad reality for most.
But not for him, he’s different, he’s something else.
He’s the Fatso from Tbilisi.
Many years ago in a faraway land, there was a fat Jewish boy that lived in the capital of Georgia. He woke up every day at 9 AM, always being late for school. He had to run as fast as his fat tiny little legs allowed him to, in order to be in time for the second bell. His favorite lunch was, “Khachapuri,” a traditional pastry full of soft fresh cheese and herbs.
He could easily eat two or three of these majestic delicacies. His grandmother would always insist that the boy was too thin, and that if he expected to be a real Georgian man he’d better start eating like one.
“Have another portion of meat.” Was her favorite phrase.
Little Abram had no choice but to accept grandma’s tempting offer. His whole life was centered on eating, in order to someday grow to be a real Georgian “Mushik.”
So much responsibility on his little shoulders.
“One day I’ll make mother really proud.” He used to tell grandma every day. “I’m sure you will.” She replied while gazing at him with her caring and tender eyes.
In reality, Abram had a difficult life outside the comfort of his home. In school, other children bullied him for being a fat momma’s boy. The teachers used to tell him every day how stupid he was and the he would never make anything out of his sorry fat ass. The majority of his peers would antagonize him most of the time. Poor Abram had a very steep mountain to climb from such a young age.
He once tried to get a girlfriend. He thoughtfully prepared himself for the special occasion, he dressed himself as best as he could and gathered all his courage to ask a girl out. He bought her a box of chocolates and some flowers.
All his wishful dreams and goodwill desires are placed inside this little chocolate box. Innocent still at this age.
At first sight, the little fat boy is as awkward looking as a panda bear dressed up in a suit, ready to perform at the circus. His clothes are just too damn tight. His flabby skin mischievously comes out from all corners in his clothes, creating an awkward and unpleasant looking flaccid figure.
Painful reality is about to punch him in the face.
Maybe this is how it all started, a seed of hatred placed inside the boy’s heart. Perhaps this is how tyrants are created.
By absolute public humiliation.
The time finally came, he walked up to the girl and confessed his eternal love. The boy’s eyes glitter with hope and innocence. Too bad for you Romeo, the girl feels complete abhorrence towards you. She just abruptly grabbed the flowers, tossed them to the floor and stepped on them.
She jumped, and jumped on them.
“Never talk to me again.” She said.
The girl and her group of friends started laughing and pointing at poor little Abram. While singing to the tune of…
“Fatso, Fatso, Fatso.”
His heart is now completely shattered and broken, a harsh lesson in this cruel life. Though he now knows something clearly. If you’re going to try and buy someone, it better be a really big box of chocolates.
Next time, he’ll try harder.
That was lesson number one in his book of rules. Abram would never repeat the same mistake again. To fall in love and to not bribe generously enough. He’s actually not stupid just a bit slow, fortunately for him he learns from his mistakes.
To Abram life is like learning to drive a car. You crash a few times then eventually you don’t, and if you’re lucky enough you might just not kill yourself while driving.
Such wise words of wisdom for all of us.
In high school it was a whole different story, Abram had learned a couple lessons from childhood and now he was an experienced man. He ran a small underground marketplace where he sold and traded much desirable party goods. Basic things like alcohol, cigarettes, and porn magazines were the main revenue makers. To a much smaller scale he also traded some drugs like pot, mushrooms and ecstasy.
At that age he was already a businessman in the making. He understood the basic concept of risk versus reward and how to apply it. He would also learn the basics of creating a racketing system that would prove very useful later in life. Bribing security guards at the school and some teachers to look the other way, was also just another part of his business. Here we have, an oligarch in the making. Sadly, still no loving girlfriend, but who needs one when you can buy prostitutes for cheap.
Money can indeed buy it all.
Little Abram would eventually become a man, he’s even got hair on his chest. One day the moment came, when he finally had to leave his beloved city. He got an all-inclusive scholarship in Moscow, no by merit but by bribes. The little Fatso sure learned his lesson and applied it every step on his way to the top. He would probably try to buy his way in to heaven, if he could.
Can you imagine a conversation between him and god?
“Hello Abram, you’ve been a bad boy and I’m sending you to hell.” God tells him.
“Perhaps those are very drastic measures? I believe that we can come to a better agreement. How does million dollar sound dear God? Abram says with a smile on his face.
Impudent little Fatso.
“It’s actually all in the face, when you try to buy people.” That’s his very own personal advice on bribes. He’s about ready to start writing his own instructions manual.
The how to bribe 101, by Abram the Fatso.
Despite how pathetic he might actually look, he’s got some balls. He created himself out of nothing. All by his own desire, by his own ambition and very own megalomaniac intent to conquer.
After graduating from University, now with a fancy Bachelor and Master degree in Business and Finance. He’s ready to conquer the world, or more like buying it.
This is just the gist of it.
Nobody knows how it all really happened. Mostly it’s all rumors and speculation. Perhaps after he publishes is very own authorized biography. We’ll finally be enlightened with the real story behind this most notorious and noble person.
Mr. Abram the fat Jew.
Or in short, Fatso.


I am from Tbilisi. Never heard of him. When did he leave to Moscow?

I really enjoyed this - is that you in the photo reading the book?
Following for more

Hi! Happy that you liked it. The Audiobook is narrated by an actor, all writing done by me :D

Abram, and your story, made me think about how innocent people sometimes turn into resented, evil people... Just wish he hadnt gone to Moscow!

This is such a rich and beautiful picture! I likes how

Ill be reading you from now. If you have time you should check out my content, you might like it. @ralph.clayton

Sure indeed! Russia is a very fun place to be. A country of contrast, like the locals say. :D
You're from Venezuela right? Look I got this one in Spanish, it's fun! I'll post the rest from Monday.

Hi! I am realy enjoying your literature)) Waiting for more ...

Sure more to come! I also enjoy your blog, cool paintings. :D

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