"The Garden Kingdom" - Chapter 03 - Choose Your Own Adventure on Steemit!

in #writing6 years ago (edited)

Welcome to Chapter 3 of the round-robin Choose Your Own Adventure!: "The Garden Kingdom" series. If you're new, confused, and don't want to spoil the story for yourself, stop right here and go to the first chapter where all is explained!

We hope you participate and enjoy the journey!

@mandelsage --- @anyaehrim --- @poeticsnake

Dipity and Ticklish Fungi

Source: maxpixel.net

"I want to go to the pixies..." Sarah whispered after she tapped her chin twice and finally was able to make up her mind!

Pixies might be a tad naughtier but in her mind, she was thinking about the fact that it was pixie magic that turned her this small and it would probably be best to try and reverse it with the same kind of magic.

"Yes, I want to go to the Pixies! I hope that they will be able to make me big again!"

This time she said it with more excitement in her voice and it made Dip perk up her ears.

"GREAT! Let's go right away! It was actually fairy magic that I was using, but that's okay! I'm sure my uncle will know some way to help you!"

"Wait, it was Fairy ma-..?"

"Too late now!" Dip said, laughing, as she grabbed Sarah by the hand and started to pull her onto a small path between the towering blades of grass that would lead them to the lake.

Source: wallup.net

Right away Sarah was stunned with everything that she saw. She had seen all the flowers, trees, the different kinds of grass and mushrooms, but right now, at this tiny size, it felt as if she was seeing a whole new world. It was breathtakingly beautiful and scary at the same time. She had no idea where to look first or second and when she finally made a choice something huge and amazing popped up at the other side of the path.

After a short while, Sarah heard some urgent rustling from behind them. It seemed to make Dip nervous, because she started walking faster.

Sarah briefly looked up at the sky while they were passing some giant dandelions. While she always thought there could never be enough dandelions in the garden, now she wished there were less. Their seeds were everywhere, often blocking the path and making progress difficult, and Dip kept speeding up. Sarah's mind was spinning fast and she started having trouble keeping up.

"Please slow down, Dip!" Sarah said, almost out of breath as she stopped walking, forcing Dip to stop as well.

"What's the matter? We need to keep moving if you want to see the Pixies by morning! It's a long walk and there is even a small mountain we need to climb!"

Sarah turned her head to look at Dip and inhaled deeply while she leaned her hand against the white trunk of what seemed to be a huge mushroom.

"I am so small, my feet already hurt and you are walking as if you are on fire! What's the rush for, anyway?"

"I didn't want to worry you, but something might be cha-" Dip was saying, and then stopped and just blinked a few times while scraping her teeth over her lower lip.

"UUhhhh no, no no, Oh, Oohhh! That tickles!"

A voice rumbled from above making Sarah look up with both fear and shock written on her face. The mushroom started to shake and the voice turned into a bouldering laughter so loud the ground was shaking under Sarah's feet. Without realizing it she moved her hand a bit lower to steady herself on the moving ground.

"Nooooo, stop iiittttt, you are ticklingggg meeee!"

The voice was even louder this time and it caused Sarah to step away and hide behind Dip. The big white mushroom could finally catch its breath
and slowly leaned a bit forward! Was she seeing this right? Did the mushroom just wink at her?

Dip turned around and eyed over Sarah while shaking her head. "For someone who is used to being like a giant you sure are spooked very fast! You are like an elephant who just spotted a mouse!"

Dip started to laugh and took Sarah's hand back in hers and pushed her closer to the mushroom.

"Come on, nothing be afraid of! Just a giant white fungus! See! Nothing scary at all!"

She pushed Sarah even closer towards the mushroom and just smirked like only a pixie could smirk.

"A fungus, you say? I hope you do realize that if this fungus sneezes you will be on the other side of the Kingdom, right? Always thinking you are the funny one, Dipity! And who is that cute little girl you have with you? I have never seen her before and that is weird!"

The mushroom spoke while bending its big white head lower to have a close up look at the stranger. Sarah tried to step away but Dip kept pushing her back.

"This is Sarah the Giant who normally runs through the garden, causing havoc! I was playing around with some magic and hit her straight in the face, I guess. Sarah, this is Harold! I like to call him Fungus King or spore sneezer! You see, he is allergic to grass!"

Sarah slowly stepped a bit closer and wrinkled her tiny nose before she held out her hand but pulled it back, realizing how stupid that was. Nervously she pushed a string of her hair behind her left ear.

"I am sorry I tickled you, Harold!"

She could not stop looking at Harold who now lifted his head back up.

"Don't worry little Giant! I'd rather have you tickle me than the tall grass! And you, Dipity, should know better than to throw magic around in the garden! Not that you ever listen to any of the rules here! Where are you two going?"

Dipity bashfully looked at her feet before looking up again with a naughty smirk.

"You know how I am, Harold! Nothing can ever stop me from trying new things! And I am taking Sarah to see my kind! She wanted to meet them because she is hoping they can turn her back to being a giant!"

Sarah looked from Dip to Harold and back again until she started to feel dizzy. With a deep sigh, she dropped down to the ground and hugged her own knees while she kept her eyes on Harold who started to look as if he was about to sneeze! One of the long strings of grass was hanging awfully close to what seemed to be his nose and with every breath he took, it came closer.

And then suddenly, a new voice. "Excuse me! Not to be rude or anything but I am going to the lake and I could give you guys a ride on my back? Hello Harold! Nice day for a walk in the park, right? Oh sorry, I keep forgetting that you are not able to move! Dude, you look like you are going to blow!"

The voice coming from behind Sarah and Dip was friendly and sounded almost like it was singing a song! They both turned around and saw the hummingbird swirling around in the air like a prima donna. Dip smiled her widest smile and lifted both her hands to wave. Sarah was in pure awe seeing the beautiful creature. The colors so bright it made her think about Summer itself. She had never seen a hummingbird so close. She always knew they were here in the garden but they never came really close to her.

"Belle!" Dip shouted from the top of her lungs.

"She wanna ride into the wild?" Belle winked and started to show off a bit more by spinning circles around them both.

"Haaaaa haaaaaaatsss..... Haaaaaaaaaa" Harold was forcing himself to keep the sneeze in but his normally white as snow face slowly started to become as red as a tomato. "Hhaaaaaaaaa............."

Sarah, Dip and Belle all turned around to look at Harold who was about to Sneeze all of them into a different part of the garden.

What to do?


Jump on Belle's back and
fly away!

Go back and choose
another path.

Be sneezed at by Harold
and hope for the best!

If the above links do not work, the next part of the story has not been written yet.
Patience, grasshopper!


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