in #writing6 years ago (edited)


Blogging on the Blockchain was pleasant, smooth and without hassles; only early adopters could attest to these words! Two years down the line, Steemit Blogging took a Bizarre turn. Turned for good to some and bad for several others, but to huge investors and to those lucky and smart enough to find and join early to get large chunck of the pre-mined SteemPower; this musing might be of less interest to them. To the new influx of users, minnows and newbies; this will interest you. A brief history into time of Blockchain Blogging on steemit is what i want to rant about.



Getting an encouraging upvote and visibilty on any fantastically drafted article wasn't a nightmare 8 to 10 months ago, approximately a year ago. Things just changed drastically and their seems to be an end to the endless spiral loop to spammers sucking the hell out of the Reward pool meant for thousands to themselves.

After one year on this platform, trust my rants. Have you ever wonder why people buy upvotes and use promotional services on their articles? It is simple, most people are exhausted spending days and hours on an article without nothing to show for it, seeing same sets of users on the trending page day in day out with large pending payouts; each users keep wondering what is so special about those blogs that drains the rewardpool leaving just crumbs to them. A perfect solution to these nightmares is to drain the rewardpool together more if nothing better comes out of it.

There is no moral debate on whether to use upvote services or not, these servcies actually ends some of users anxiety of spending a lot of times on an article and not getting anything in return, the low reward payout is solved irrespective of how much spent on those services.


Not every Whales and Dolphins are super kind and friendly, just a handful of them. But even the solo-Grumpy Whales do upvote good contents in the past, in the present day Steemit; things were not the same again. Whale summoning runied the show for good authors out there, take a wild guess and picture thousands of users memo-spamming this Whales and Dolphins to get their upvotes, i'll be overwhelmed if i were to be in their shoes too!


I and hundreds more people have earnestly waited for the next Hardfork to come, which up until now never came. The reason to a desire Harfork is that, to every upgrade there is a slight or big change to protocols and algorithm, these changes could restore some of the beautiful days of happy Blogging and not having to spend your tokens to get more rewards out by draining the vaults same time with thousands other users.

Until these changes comes, self sustainance is the key to survival on the present steemit, finding niches and being active in communities are like desert and toppings.

Do not spam, never plagiarize and do not join the bad gang of RewardPool Rapist!

How is the weekend going Friends? Check out some of my latest amateur writing below. I appreciate all the support I have gotten from you all!

THAT AWKWARD MOMENT #26- "Echoes of Eternity"


Costlier than life; Changing the Face of Humanity!(A short Narrative)



A Gun Menace- 7K pairs of shoes cover Capitol lawn to honor kids killed in shootings since Sandy Hook(Watch Video)

Steemitultimatechallenge 8weeks- How Steemit Magically Changed My Life #week 7

FOLLOW-UPVOTE-RESTEEM AND MAYBE DROP A SUPPORTING OR CONTRARY COMMENT.....It's your friendly Neighbor @oluwoleolaide for Steem-Lagos-Nigeria-Africa-World!

Badge courtesy of @jodi.pamungka Animated Footer by @rituparnaghos.


Actually where steemit is going presently, we aren't understanding especially with rewardpool raping. This people with high power aren't helping good content anymore but only helping themselves. It is only making authors feel disappointed and there by relaxed. How I wish something is been done towards it

Lets hope for a Hardfork my brother or better still SMT and see how the platform reacts to it...Happy Weekends bro

We are praying for a positive turnout, happy weekend too

I guess just like the early days of bitcoin it was easier to mine bitcoin. Nowadays to do the same requires more hardware. I think the difficulty level has increased in earning in steemit, though there are some privileged few who make enough to be on trending 24/7. I can relate to the feeling of getting no reward for hard work, let's hope the algorithm on HF20 could rein in the greed currently exhibited on the unbalanced system.

You said it well mate, eagerly waiting for Hardfork so bad...

I thought hardworking would come earlier Than now, however the trend these days seems too heartbreaking brother I hops things would take a new twist

It use to come brother, trust me; i have spent days writing for @technology-trail and myself...But now, i see newbies/minnows that writes superbly and i feel so bad i have just cents to encourage these ones...

What can I say, I do hope we witness a change

This is key...

Until these changes comes, self sustainance is the key to survival on the present steemit, finding niches and being active in communities are like desert and toppings.

Finding a way to sustain yourself no matter what is vital.

Thats the punchline my friend

I think a lot of people use steemit for their own personal benefit, but this gives us all the more reason to help other users by upvoting their content, to help them get influence. Not to mention, supporting your followers as well.

Well, that was the original design. But things changed down the line...

That the point @esecholo personal benefit is what is now reigning here on steemit. Am not saying personal benefit is bad but too much of everything is bad. Actually start from the head. Since the head is affected what do you expect the body to do

Well hearing your words I started kicking myself for not joining steemit earlier . Though we produce good quality content , getting rewards is the motivating factor for many . Wish we would get a hardfork soon and get the older days back . I really loved reading your article since you broke the idea into smaller bits and conveyed precisely !

Maybe, the solution to this problem is, we, minnows take a pro-active stand and form small communities and help each other, rather than waiting for the system change or big whales to come by for help:

Nice observations brother. True, lots of shits happen here and one begins to wonder how we got ourselves into this mess. I don't even look at trending page these days just to save myself the pain.

If steemit must survive, the wholes who invested thousands of dollars need to wake up. They must have to wake up if they really hope to make huge profits out of their investment. Steemit won't be fun without minnows and cannot survive without whales too. So the two must find way to coexist. Whale should adopt the strategy of @fulltimegeek, a whale with humane touch, for supporting active bloggers.

Well, we keep hoping for the best.

@eurogee, the founder of @euronation community

That our prayer, we keep hoping for the best, even though it is true that Whales are not the same and they can't behave the same way, but that doesn't means they should neglect good content. I believe joining of hands can make the community better

How I long for that hardfork. I wish we all could be given the opportunity to start all over again. I have asked myself many times, over and over again how I got to not discover this website on time. It would have made all the difference. I can only hope for that hardfork.


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