in #writing6 years ago


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Blogging on the Blockchain use to be fun and exciting, knowing that your skills and efforts would be appreciated a bit, unlike Facebook and other outlets where likes and follows are the only credits you get for a job well done in a post. Steemit made Blogging have a new sense of purpose, it compensates several hours, days, weeks, months and years of publishing articles for free. From different statistics, Registered users on steemit are way higher than active users, which really calls for attention.



What many users do not realize is that blogging could be much more than writing and publishing articles, Vlogging and Video documentaries could be done, Art is part of it, Gaming is another thing and so is Music making with Micro-Blogging are other features that could be considered. As soon as thousands of users realize this, they won't run out of ideas and bailing out off the Blockchain.


Lack of motivation is another factor to be considered as to why Blockchain Blogging may be dead. For as many who have high hopes for their respective articles and blogs, their hopes could be shattered after spending days and hours on articles that never get much publicity or likes/upvotes. Expecting so much in reward is good but how would you handle such disappointments when you have none of the rewards? The motivation to Blog goes away, some might even go and never return back which is clearly indicated in the ratio of users to active users. Nobody wishes to spend hours writing or drawing or making pieces of music that never gets listened to or watched, or an article that never gets read.


The rise of BOTs, another major catalyst to the dying Blockchain Blogging. A huge fraction of accounts are BOTs and these BOTs do not read or engage with humans but spam them over and over again. Once an account is created on the Blockchain, it is profiled as a user whether active or not, sadly, a real user could own hundreds of this BOTs account which just grows the userbase of the platform but contribute little to nothing to the Ecosystem. Can a BOT account relate or give feedback on an Article that was created under hours or even days? The answer is mostly NO, the feedbacks and comments could be some form of motivation to some Bloggers.


Buying supports(upvotes/likes), another factor killing Blogging on the Blockchain. Since hundreds of users are now doing it, outright authors get discouraged and no one would actually want to spend days or hours on articles that will get no upvotes or visibility and any form of support. Vote buying is not a question of either good or Bad, but the impact on the platform is really overwhelming as undeserved posts/authors get more likes/upvotes provided they could afford to get votes from upvote services, users don't care about the quality of what they publish anymore, but what they get in reward after 7days matters most!

Assuming all the factors I have stated is absent, Blockchain Blogging would revive and be back to the old glory days. Thanks for reading!

Happy Weekend Steemians, Greetings to you all. Check out some of my latest amateur writing below. I appreciate all the support I have gotten from you all!



$600 Million Pincoin, iFan ICO Scam- Be Vigilant, not every ICO have happy endings!


Blockchain Memory Project; Journal Entry (2)- Momma's Lil Marines!


FOLLOW-UPVOTE-RESTEEM AND MAYBE DROP A SUPPORTING OR CONTRARY COMMENT.....It's your friendly Neighbor @oluwoleolaide for Steem-Lagos-Nigeria-Africa-World!

Badge courtesy of @jodi.pamungka Animated Footer by @rituparnaghos.


the thing is most people who complain about motivation fail to remember the most important thing about gaining likes or upvotes on any social media platform is EXPOSURE. if you have over 10k followers like the girls on insta you will get 100 or more likes because you can normally expect about 1-10% of your followers to actually be engaging your posts.

you could create a regular blog right now and nobody will read it if you dont have any exposure thus you will be losing money. here if you invest in yourself you are practically gauranteed to earn. One only needs to surpass the greed and lust for instant gratification.

most people who use steem dont have a business mind and thus they are unsuccessful and blame the system. all the things you mentioned are helpful if you learn how to utilize them.

@wafrica and @accra are great examples of how one can earn by building a community around your work and adding value to the platform.

Wonderful feedback my friend, even though communities rarely helps these days unlike before, but its sure worth a trial for newbies. Many thanks mate.

you should look into joining @accra we upvote any good post using the #accra tag and if your join our curation trail on steem auto you will earn sbd everyday(more than just curation reward). and when you join us you get access to our voting bot for free.

try working with us and see how your income improves on this platform. we would love to welcome a new member who is as smart as you!

our upvote as a community is worth around $0.23

Smiles, such a Good Offer....I might consider delegating like 500SP to Accra

That would truly be a blessing! We would love to invite you to join our discord

Wao that wpuld bee awesome of you; we hope you join us in brimging up the community!

When you look at the trending page, you will see most of them are on trending section because of buying votes from bot.

You can literally makes anything hit the trending page if you can pay enough to bots. You accept it or not, but it's the truth. This is ONE of the reasons people are demotivated on steemit and leave this platform.

Yes, stated in the Blog(indirectly)

That was accurate, i emphasize on 0 motivation cuz upvotes and feedback are the things that keep you going

Affirmative bro

The biggest reason that people come and dont stay on Steemit is - it is hard work in the beginning! I think people expect results straight away and thats just not how it works here! Ive been here 2 months and I think alot of people stay alot less than this.....

Yes the bots dont help minnows (well they could if they werent abused, but thats another topic completly).

I would love to have more human interaction here and less of the bots it seems like they are taking over!

do you think bots help minnows by helping grow SP at a far faster rate than they could normally? If they make an investment in themselves they are more likly to succeed over those who take the time to build sp organically

Bots arent really profititable but they do bring your blogs more exposure which is great! I really dont know the answer but I dont think that using bots every now and again can be a bad thing

Organic or BOTs, something that keeps a user going is the key mate...The Old steemit requires no BOTS

Two months is still a great one, I was here for 5 months before things changed. Some were here for almost a year, but self-sustenance is actually key to survive on Steemit now.

Yeah I agree - things are changing on here so I guess you have to adapt with the times...

I agree with the points good points you've made here, especially your observations about bid bots. I just hope true blogging returns to Steemit.

Lets keep the faith bro...

I am with you on this bro, one has to have a never say die attitude to remain on Steemit in the light of little or no upvote. A reputable Steemian suggests newbies should focus on building real relationships alongside the hardwork to make it. What scares me though is the amount of bots, I have seen individuals exploiting this by promoting farcical blogs to the hot/trending page. May be putting some form of regulations guiding the use of bots would not be out of place.

Hopefully the Next Hardfork deals with that bro...

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