The Invisible Family (REAL HORROR BASED ON TRUE STORY) Part 3

in #writing8 years ago

Night is not too late, we were with a million perception of horror that had just crossed in front of each of us are still trying to guess what's really behind all of this. Clearly laughter was certainly haunt mind tonight.  It is impossible to return to of each house considering the condition of just moving, lights off, surely it is troubled to be left. So we pretend to forget what had happened.  We just can ask each other, what the building actually before? Mas Sukma as a supervisor was also not know anything about this building, because he only met the contractor at the time. "No matter anything, Only once was vacant for two years." Said Contractor.

Guess for the sake of guesses kept appearing in my heart, because from the beginning I assume the building is look a like hotel! If this is was A hotel,  What's wrong with this place before, until we experienced something creepy? Until now, I do not know what this building,. Alright,  I do not want to think too hard, hoping tomorrow will be better.  and after a few hours, the power is on,.  and we continued work

Mas Ompong still thinking about things that had just happened to him, Mas Ompong asking Mas Sukma to accompany him to work on deadlines that must be completed.  While Mas Bebek have given up and choose to join the others in the room of my division.  In my room, we seem to have not been a deterrent to the earlier incident, we tried to Watch Youtube about Japanese ghost sightings that time.  While sometimes there is a busy itself with his laptop to work on coursework.  And back to normal, fear has been slightly eased, including Yoga who had been silent when the incident "laughing Girl" in the living room.

And midnight came, although not sleepy yet we choose to relax in our room and chatting with other,. Usually we slept together, it more fun than sleeping alone,. We've all wants to sleep, except for two people who are still there in the middle of the room earlier. Maybe they're going to sleep on the living room couch later, 

We ask to Yoga, What Happend to him, Because He look  different from the usual, Maybe he was upset or is there something disturbing his mind? Finally Yoga tells what happened. When He was take a bath on the middle Bathroom, he feels "something" look at him, 


This story is based on a true story  

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Follow me if you do not want to miss the story : Ody Prabowo

Part :  1  2 

 sorry for bad english, i hope you understand with what I said   

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