The Invisible Family (REAL HORROR BASED ON TRUE STORY) Part 2

in #writing8 years ago (edited)

I do not care about the warehouse next door because I did not feel something strange in the room at that time,. I went into the bathroom while smoking + open facebook via phone,. Suddenly * peeett * bulb (light orange) bathroom to die. Because I did not care, I do not think it's an odd time, I think of my friends mischievous or maybe bulb is broken because  because the old building ,. and then I turned on my iphone flashlight to help light so I showered in the dark without any thought at all paranoid. But strangely when I take a bath, the air in the shower gets warm,.

 I try to think positive, perhaps because it has long been empty, so the weather being stuffy. after a bath,  im trying to stay cool, so i hope all my friends dissapointed because they fail to make me scared, but my division room has "empty'' nobody in this room, im alone in this room. So I called them to ask for their position, and they were outside looking for food. 

I was thinking maybe they were turning off lights and they run away, I catch up them,. And when i look at a bathroom, suddenly the light "turn on",.  Shit!! im the first who feel the strangeness of this place ,.  I finally decided to buy a food with my friends, because im hungry,.  after the meal, we went back to the office and we walked into our each room.

Intention to work but lazy, so we decided to watch a movie together. Usually when we see a movie, we attach LCD and watch together in the room of my division. That time Bebek & Mas Ompong still working in the middle of the room because there is a deadline that must be done,. We watch a horror movie together, titled woman in black. Suddenly * peeett * lights off, all the room becomes dark,. "Oh Shit! What happen again",.

 We ended up sitting in the living room all while lying on the couch," This does not make sense, Before the light off, the song that i play on my ipod has changing by it self to 'lingsir wengi'  and there was the sound of women laughing near my ear . Mas Sukma as a wise boss trying to make a good atmosphere,  Perhaps there is another figure who sat between us and listened joke Mas Sukma earlier. Laughter was heard again, this time all of us in this room heard clearly the voice.  Sounds like a short laugh repeatedly in front of each face as though laughing at a joke we had.  Suddenly we fell silent, looked at one another. Yoga expression suddenly changed as more thinking about something, Yoga is a jolly person and surely there was something to hide from him, after the incident just now. Maybe just me imagining how look like a person who laughs last and draw up a perception that ... THERE IS SOMETHING INVISIBLE HERE, SURE!

 "Just the first day and was at 9 pm, What Happened with Mas Yoga? the night is still long and work is still stacked,  I hope this night quickly passed"

About Lingsir Wengi


 This story is based on a true story 

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Follow me if you do not want to miss the story : Ody Prabowo

Part  :  1 3

 sorry for bad english, i hope you understand with what I said  

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