NaNoWriMo Begins Tomorrow and I Can't Wait

in #writing6 years ago

Over the last month, prepping for NaNoWriMo involved writing posts for @freewritehouse on It also meant some chit-chatting on their Discord server too. And even though writing 50,000 words in a month is an insane challenge, being part of that community energized me to jump right in. Often it's been hard to not start writing the novel immediately after a conversation or making a post-I've been that excited.

So now it's NaNoWriMo Eve (as their email today referred to it) and I'm ready to go. I had intended to finish off the first part of a Kindle Short Read series before November 1st, but I'm a bit behind on that. But it's ok, because I'm ready to do both. My NaNoWriMo writing comes first, then I'll work more on the short read. That's my plan, and I'm sticking to it.

More NaNoWriMo plans

Since we have 17 writers doing the challenge, I plan on posting daily to keep everyone informed and to cheer everyone on too. Some in the group plan on posting what they write. I can't do that. This year I'm giving myself permission to write total crap, just so I get the story onto the screen. I can't share that as it's way too raw. But I am completely in awe of those than can, and I look forward to reading and being inspired by their work.

But for me I will post a minimum of the following:

  • Total word count
  • Words written that day
  • A reflection on how I felt about what I wrote
  • Any issues I ran into and how I overcame them so others might have some ideas if they have similar issues (like focus, or silencing that critical voice!)
Though since I usually do my writing late at night, I will probably post the day after on some days. My "day" usually ends in the wee-hours when it is quiet and my muse is awake.

I'm grateful to have any readers follow my journey and hopefully others in our #freewritemadness group!

For a chance to WIN SteemBasicIncome just read and comment on my #freewritemadness posts

For more information visit the @freewritehouse

Posted from my blog with SteemPress :

Actually finished this one year. Learned a lot.

Sounds like a fantastic plan - but the autovote didn't come to you. Have to check the setting...

What an amazing challenge! I hope you enjoy the process and the travel with your muse by your side would be incredible.

Enjoy it!!


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